another version of the WPA

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
does the nation need another version of the WPA?

our infrastructure has been wasting away under bushco and needs to be rebuilt

this would produce jobs

money saved by stopping or greatly reducing the war in iraq would help

also, we should rebuild our military (including national guard and reserve material consumed or left in iraq) hardware capability

take care of health care reform

maybe even start working toward reducing our national debt

can bo get this started before he loses his majority in congress
does the nation need another version of the WPA?

our infrastructure has been wasting away under bushco and needs to be rebuilt

this would produce jobs

money saved by stopping or greatly reducing the war in iraq would help

also, we should rebuild our military (including national guard and reserve material consumed or left in iraq) hardware capability

take care of health care reform

maybe even start working toward reducing our national debt

can bo get this started before he loses his majority in congress

I think something along the lines of Eisenhower's interstate highway systems project. Infrastructure projects almost always pay off long term dividends.
I think we need to spend several hundred billion developing our infrastructure and putting us ahead in the green race. It would pay off massively long term and it would prime the pump significantly.