
New member
quote:For the record:

1) Talking is NOT appeasing. I know a lot of people think Chris Matthews is a clown, but the smackdown he put on that right-wing flunkie yesterday was pure gold. These fools don't know history, and don't understand what happened with Chamberlain & Nazi Germany, one iota.

2) American actions in the Middle East have motivated attacks against us. That is NOT justification. If you don't want to talk about that, if it makes you uncomfortable, if the truth is just too much for you to handle...excuse yourself from the conversation on national security. You don't belong in it, and your feeble attempts to say "they attack us for our freedoms" prevents a truly honest conversation on terrorism.

3) The options in both Iraq and the "WOT" (as you like to call it) are not Bush's bomb first & ask questions later, or surrendering. I'm so tired of apologists asking me "what were we supposed to do after 9/11?" when challenged about Iraq. It's embarassing.
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The only thing that's "embarrassing", is that I have to call you Liberals "fellow Americans", when you have neither the COURAGE or the RESPECT to call yourselves Americans. You SPIT on the Hundreds of THOUSANDS of Soldiers, Sailors, Air Force and Marines, who gave their LIVES so assholes like YOU could BASH this Graet Nation, and BLAME this country, when SCUM COWARDS, who SEND THEIR CHILDREN INTO CROWDED CIVILLIAN LOCATIONS, TO MURDER INNOCENTS. Just like they flew FOUR JUMBO JETS INTO THE TWIN TOWERS, THE PENTAGON, AND AIMED FOR THE WHITE HOUSE, BUT A HERO NAMED TODD BEAMER STOPPED THE FOURTH.

These SCUM, who go by a thousand year-old ORDER, TO KILL THE INFIDEL- They don't CARE about YOU, or your "Liberal Beliefs"! They see you ONLY as a weak, timid pussy! And if YOU were in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or ANYWHERE in the Muslim world, and one of them kidnapped YOU, or your sister, wife, daughter, or Mother, after they were finished RAPING you and your family, they would SLIT YOUR THROAT LIKE A PIG TO BE BUTCHERED!
"God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers." (Q 2:92-6)

"... Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage." (Q 2:190-3)

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them." (Q 9:5)

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate." (Q 9:73)
These are direct quotes from the Koran, translated but not "interpreted." No interpretation is necessary, as the meaning is clear.
Again, this repression is sanctioned by the Koran, which promises a garden of sexual delights to those who martyr themselves in the name of Islam
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Your no.2, above- Did Pres. Bush "Bomb first, and ask later", as you so didhonestly state our policy, Saddam Hussein, as soon as he got in, for trying to KILL his a United States PresidenT? NO. He didn't start "bombing", until the AMERICAN PEOPLE DEMANDED ACTION, AFTER THESE SCUM MURDERED 3,000 INNOCENT AMERICAN CIVILIANS, AND DESTROYED THE TWIN TOWERS, IDIOT!
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The gay butterfly is that Self-Important Lying Moran, "Bathtub Boy Olbermann! I have a REAL funny story about him, from a NEWS GROUPIE he picked up! ASfter having sex, which she said was "awful", HE QUOTED SHAKESPEARE, IN A PHONY ENGLISH ACCENT, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

Something like, "Oh, Madam, thank you so kindly for that sublime release."
What an ASSHOLE, Bwaaaaaahahahahahahaha!