Answer to Solitaire


New member
Jollie, lets look at a hypothetical situation.

Lets say we have an asshole out there who has committed a crime. We KNOW he has committed a crime and he has told us he will commit even more crimes.

Lets say he has said that his goal is to destroy our nation.

Without the proof normally required to convict him, what would you say we should do?
Sol- I did NOT see this yesterday, or I would have answered it right away. Tell Jared to clear his head of his Boy-Crush on Obama, and maybe he will think clearer. He's like a ScreamingTeenage Girl at a Jonas Brothers concert, haha!

To the point. I don't think the question makes sense, and I'll tell you why. You said "we have an asshole out there who has committed a crime. We KNOW he has committed a crime and he has told us he will commit even more crimes."
Then you said, "Without the proof normally required to convict him, what would you say we should do?

Well, how do we KNOW he committed this crime, if you THEN say "we don't have the proof reqired to convict him"? Either we HAVE the neccesary proof, or we don't. If we HAVE the proof, we convict him, give him the death penalty, if he has killed thousands of civillians. If we DON'T have proof, we have to accquit him, turn him loose. Then deport him.
But you can't say "we KNOW he did it", if you don't have proof. Even a confession is not always a guarantee of guilt, especially with nutjobs who want to "take credit" for damaging the "Great Satan", and martyring themselves, for the 72 virgins.
Had you read the original thread you would have seen my abridged version.

There are plenty of ways we can know a person is guilty and still not have any evidence on which to convict him.

Lets say I am the leader of a violent group. Lets say the members of this group defer to me on virtually all decisions. Lets even say that none of them has ever shown any ability to plan any great violent acts. Now if this group meets (and I am there) and then goes out and commits a violent and elaborately planned crime, its pretty obvious that I am guilty of ordering it. But since none of those other members will roll over on me, there is no evidence to convict me.

Make sense?

And suppose I have made it known that I will send my men out to do violent crime in the future.

My point was that we cannot throw out the rules simply because Osama is a ruthless man. The freedoms we hold dear also make it dangerous to be here. That is the risk we take by being a free society.
Oh, yeah, I know there are LOADS of people who the cops and prosecutors KNOW are guilty, but they cant PROVE it. And in those cases, sadly, because of our System of Law, the Guily go Free. It's the price we PAY, for having a system based on the Rights of the Individual, versus a Socialist system, where it's usually the Rights of the State.