Ant Farms, child's window into toil and death!


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Ant Farm Teaches Children About Toil, Death


PASADENA, CA–Wonderco, a Pasadena-based educational-toy manufacturer, unveiled its new Playscovery Cove Ant Village Monday, touting the ant farm as a fun, interactive way to teach children ages 5 and up about unceasing, backbreaking toil and the cold, inescapable reality of death.

Children learn about the cruel reality of pain, toil, and death with the Playscovery Cove Ant Village.
"Your little ones will have a front-row seat as worker ants labor, day in and day out, until they inevitably die of exhaustion, their futile efforts all for naught," Wonderco spokeswoman Joan Kedzie said. "A Playscovery Cove Ant Village, complete with stackable tiny ant barns, see-through 'Antway' travel tubes, and connecting 'Antports,' is your children's window into the years of thankless, grueling labor that await them as worker drones in our post-industrial society."

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Billed as "the fun way to teach your kids to accept their miserable fate stoically," the ant farm retails for $14.95.

"The ants work very, very hard," said Youngstown, OH, 9-year-old Dylan