Anti-political party strategy


Verified User
Why vote for who you like in the primaries? You always get screwed anyway. Neither party is what they claim to represent. The he Dems are not liberals, they are globalists and communists. The Repubs are not conservatives, they are neo-cons and RINOs.
What is the last time you felt your letters, e-mails, calls or petitions were even considered? Have they ever responded with something other than a form letter written by an intern. Has the Repubs gone after the BS executive orders? Has the FBI been tasked to get treason charges for F&F or aiding Americas' enemies?

Then why are you playing games with those that offer you lip service. Feinstein and Boxer get to be reelected for life. Seriously you are going to sit here and take shit from career politicians that have stolen every right our constitution laid out with the Patriot Act and NDAA.
Why not screw them? Get every incumbent a pink slip and kick them to the curb. Stand up and sabotage their machinations with vicious votes counter to their parties line. Sign up for the Party you hate the most and turn the screw on them for a change. They wanted Hillary in the Dems so every super pac did its deceit. Why didn't you? The Repubs felt what it is like when the voters don't agree with the RINOs in control. We got Trump out of that.

Now change your way of thinking about voting in primaries and local elections . Vote for the scum line to kill policy of PTB . Quit voting for what you want and getting screwed.