Anti-Semitism: 2000 Years of Christian "Love"

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The history of organized anti-Semitism is a history of Christian influence; the Jews were accused of many wild things by Christians, one of the most infamous being the concept of the "blood libel" which they say is "the ritual murder of Christian children whose blood went into the unleavened bread eaten at Passover. This latter accusation [...] was often the excuse for Christian pogroms against Jews, ending in pillage, rape and massacre"1... this page is about that history with a few introductions to the confusing subject of how a religion that arose out of Judaism and paganism combined, then turned on its heritage with the most bloody and hateful vengeance that either pagans or Jews have ever seen.

Nearly every culture that came into contact with Western Christianity tolerated and accepted Jews until Christianity spread its violent anti-Jewish message across the West. Only with Christian principles was anti-semitism made possible, culminating in the atrocities of the Nazis during World War 2. No other religion has hated the Jews as much as Christian communities.
I thought this was pretty interesting.. Look at where there were Jewish settlements by 500 AD.

The history of organized anti-Semitism is a history of Christian influence; the Jews were accused of many wild things by Christians, one of the most infamous being the concept of the "blood libel" which they say is "the ritual murder of Christian children whose blood went into the unleavened bread eaten at Passover. This latter accusation [...] was often the excuse for Christian pogroms against Jews, ending in pillage, rape and massacre"1... this page is about that history with a few introductions to the confusing subject of how a religion that arose out of Judaism and paganism combined, then turned on its heritage with the most bloody and hateful vengeance that either pagans or Jews have ever seen.

Nearly every culture that came into contact with Western Christianity tolerated and accepted Jews until Christianity spread its violent anti-Jewish message across the West. Only with Christian principles was anti-semitism made possible, culminating in the atrocities of the Nazis during World War 2. No other religion has hated the Jews as much as Christian communities.

Setting aside your usual ignorance, and prejudice, I have a few questions.

1: The term anti-Semite implies discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. So, who were the forst anti-Semites?

2. Anti-Semitism has existed to some degree wherever Jews have settled outside Palestine. Jesus, and his disciples, were practicing Jews, and Christianity is rooted in the Jewish teaching of monotheism, Judaism and Christianity became rivals soon after Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate, who executed him according to contemporary Roman practice. The major break between Judaism and Christianity followed the Roman destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem in the year 70 ce and the subsequent exile of Jews. So, which came first, anti-Semitism by the Roman culture, hatred of Christianity by the Jews, or your belief in Christian anti-Semitism?

3. Since the allegations of "Blood Libel" came several centuries after the formation of Christianity, just who made these allegations?