Anti Semitist Means A Person Who Is Against Being Divided And Conquered By Religious

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Anti Semitist Means A Person Who Is Against Being Divided And Conquered By Religious Supremacists Called Jews

If you are an anti semitist (I am anti every religion due to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of religious lies) that doesn't mean you encourage violence (although perhaps some do) and it doesn't mean that you advocate killing people (although perhaps some do) it just means you are against being divided and conquered by religious supremacists who seem to think that their belief that they should rule the world and take everything they want with any sick and filthy lie and deception should go uncontested so they try and make people against their sick and filthy religious divide and conquer ways out to be a bad guy by labelling them anti semitist like that is a bad thing when really being an anti semitist is a good thing because you are against being enslaved while being divided and conquered by a group of supremacists that refer to themselves as Jews.

Their Jewish divide and conquer ways got them kicked out of over a hundred places on the old continent before it happened again in Germany after the Germans saved them from the muslims slaughtering them there was a lack of gratitude from Jews who obviously started their divide and conquer rubbish in Germany and when Germany got fed up with it and no other country wanted these extremely ungrateful people so began what they call the holocaust until the world stepped up and sent them back to Israel where they went right back to war with the muslims again.

Again to my understanding ever since Israel became a state, greatly thanks to the efforts of the USA, has gotten billions of dollars annually from the United States since 1948. (I suspect officials who agreed to it got kick backs and became rich as incentive to turn backs on their own citizens and cater to religious fanatics while USA citizens were turned into slaves made to pay Israel Billions annually for decades.) What did the USA ever get back from Israel besides the burden of going into debt to fund religious fanatics who are now excessively slaughtering Palestinians and clearing out Gaza for what I see as a set up for Israeli expansion? Oh yeah they set up the USA for divide and conquer in modern times, real grateful are these Jews.

The World Economic Forum of which from what I can tell mostly consist of radical Jewish greed bags (look it up for yourself) have been using officials from country to country as sock puppets (UI's) to push their lies and deceptions to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day. Ironically the countries targeted aside from Germany who saved Jews from being slaughtered by the muslims are the countries who refused to take them before the holocaust including the USA even though the USA helped them with the declaration of Israel becoming a state and give them billions on top of billions if not into the trillions over decades but Jews obviously don't care as they ungratefully seek to divide and conquer the USA anyway with the same lies and deceptions they thrust upon several countries simultaneously in modern day and especially over this past radical decade with all of their social terrorists they call social justice warriors, their main stream idiot media who perpetuate their lies and deceptions upon targeted countries such as women are born with a penis or that men are born with a vagina along with their sock puppet officials (UI's) from country to country used to force oppression on their citizens while they send those countries into outrageous debt.

Evidence reveals Jews are attempting to make everyone else pay for where their sick and filthy supremacist belief system keeps leading them time and time again. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy and this is yet more proof of such.

So here we have the religiously retarded Jews who's lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer keep getting them kicked out of pretty much everywhere they go for hundreds of years (over a hundred times before it happened again in Germany) trying to make everyone else suffer over their disgusting filthy religious supremacist low life scum bag beliefs.

Like being against being divided and conquered by a group of religiously retarded greedy supremacists is a bad thing. Being anti semitist is obviously a good thing because being an anti semitist means you are not bowing like a slave to Jewish divide and conquer tactics, it means that you do not subscribe to Jewish radical supremacists ruling the world with their addiction to greed, selfishness and ignorance at everyone else's expense!

If you do not want Jews to rule over you then you are an anti semitist and should be proud of such. That does not mean it is appropriate to advocate violence or genocide.

So here we are, we now have the Israelis slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza under the guise of wiping out Hamas (apparently they seem to think it is ok to wipe the other side out while at the same time trying to make the other side out to be the bad guy for wanting to wipe them out of which religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide) while we have Jews in other countries whining for protection for their sick and filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for hundreds of years and expecting tax payers of those countries to flip the bill while whining about anti semitism when people have been justified in being anti semitist since so called semitism began hundreds of years ago right to this very day. These Jews even threaten to sue tax payers for being held up as protests in favour of Palestine because they don't feel safe (because religious lies lead to war and divide) and all because the muslims are fighting the Jews in Palestine still after hundreds of years of this going on. We also have muslims whining for protection at tax payers expense from country to country for their filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for 1400 years just like the Jews. The World Economic Forum advocated this open borders rhetoric upon targeted countries and now that we are all like bombs waiting to go off putting all of our lives in danger it is jews and muslims acting like they deserve precedence in being protected at the expense of citizens who's lives are all put in danger thanks to the following of such religious rhetoric and a slaughter going on in Gaza.

There is no such thing as an islamaphobe. Not all muslims are violent but the moderate one's always remain silent because they do not want to be cited as speaking out against islam as the radicals carry out the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam everywhere muslim populations begin to rise.

Here we have the WEF advocating such lies as islamaphobe while loading countries with muslims while also trying to promote anti semitism as a bad thing and the burden is placed on tax payers to fund all of the damage caused by this Jewish radical agenda while they also try and shame or criminalize citizens against such sick behavior.

If you can explain how not being religious is the cause of any war and divide I'd love to hear it but I know that will never validly happen.

Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything.

Because factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I fight for the destruction of religion because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Look at Palestine, imagine if they were all just humans as opposed to Jews and Muslims, they could live without the one thing that has kept them divided for hundreds of years and perhaps even live in unity but apparently they value lies more than they value human life so they continue to be phony while killing one another and that is redundant and very sad that such people are too blinded by rhetoric to wake up and choose life over religion.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Anti Semitist Means A Person Who Is Against Being Divided And Conquered By Religious Supremacists Called Jews

If you are an anti semitist (I am anti every religion due to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of religious lies) that doesn't mean you encourage violence (although perhaps some do) and it doesn't mean that you advocate killing people (although perhaps some do) it just means you are against being divided and conquered by religious supremacists who seem to think that their belief that they should rule the world and take everything they want with any sick and filthy lie and deception should go uncontested so they try and make people against their sick and filthy religious divide and conquer ways out to be a bad guy by labelling them anti semitist like that is a bad thing when really being an anti semitist is a good thing because you are against being enslaved while being divided and conquered by a group of supremacists that refer to themselves as Jews.

Their Jewish divide and conquer ways got them kicked out of over a hundred places on the old continent before it happened again in Germany after the Germans saved them from the muslims slaughtering them there was a lack of gratitude from Jews who obviously started their divide and conquer rubbish in Germany and when Germany got fed up with it and no other country wanted these extremely ungrateful people so began what they call the holocaust until the world stepped up and sent them back to Israel where they went right back to war with the muslims again.

Again to my understanding ever since Israel became a state, greatly thanks to the efforts of the USA, has gotten billions of dollars annually from the United States since 1948. (I suspect officials who agreed to it got kick backs and became rich as incentive to turn backs on their own citizens and cater to religious fanatics while USA citizens were turned into slaves made to pay Israel Billions annually for decades.) What did the USA ever get back from Israel besides the burden of going into debt to fund religious fanatics who are now excessively slaughtering Palestinians and clearing out Gaza for what I see as a set up for Israeli expansion? Oh yeah they set up the USA for divide and conquer in modern times, real grateful are these Jews.

The World Economic Forum of which from what I can tell mostly consist of radical Jewish greed bags (look it up for yourself) have been using officials from country to country as sock puppets (UI's) to push their lies and deceptions to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day. Ironically the countries targeted aside from Germany who saved Jews from being slaughtered by the muslims are the countries who refused to take them before the holocaust including the USA even though the USA helped them with the declaration of Israel becoming a state and give them billions on top of billions if not into the trillions over decades but Jews obviously don't care as they ungratefully seek to divide and conquer the USA anyway with the same lies and deceptions they thrust upon several countries simultaneously in modern day and especially over this past radical decade with all of their social terrorists they call social justice warriors, their main stream idiot media who perpetuate their lies and deceptions upon targeted countries such as women are born with a penis or that men are born with a vagina along with their sock puppet officials (UI's) from country to country used to force oppression on their citizens while they send those countries into outrageous debt.

Evidence reveals Jews are attempting to make everyone else pay for where their sick and filthy supremacist belief system keeps leading them time and time again. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy and this is yet more proof of such.

So here we have the religiously retarded Jews who's lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer keep getting them kicked out of pretty much everywhere they go for hundreds of years (over a hundred times before it happened again in Germany) trying to make everyone else suffer over their disgusting filthy religious supremacist low life scum bag beliefs.

Like being against being divided and conquered by a group of religiously retarded greedy supremacists is a bad thing. Being anti semitist is obviously a good thing because being an anti semitist means you are not bowing like a slave to Jewish divide and conquer tactics, it means that you do not subscribe to Jewish radical supremacists ruling the world with their addiction to greed, selfishness and ignorance at everyone else's expense!

If you do not want Jews to rule over you then you are an anti semitist and should be proud of such. That does not mean it is appropriate to advocate violence or genocide.

So here we are, we now have the Israelis slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza under the guise of wiping out Hamas (apparently they seem to think it is ok to wipe the other side out while at the same time trying to make the other side out to be the bad guy for wanting to wipe them out of which religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide) while we have Jews in other countries whining for protection for their sick and filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for hundreds of years and expecting tax payers of those countries to flip the bill while whining about anti semitism when people have been justified in being anti semitist since so called semitism began hundreds of years ago right to this very day. These Jews even threaten to sue tax payers for being held up as protests in favour of Palestine because they don't feel safe (because religious lies lead to war and divide) and all because the muslims are fighting the Jews in Palestine still after hundreds of years of this going on. We also have muslims whining for protection at tax payers expense from country to country for their filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for 1400 years just like the Jews. The World Economic Forum advocated this open borders rhetoric upon targeted countries and now that we are all like bombs waiting to go off putting all of our lives in danger it is jews and muslims acting like they deserve precedence in being protected at the expense of citizens who's lives are all put in danger thanks to the following of such religious rhetoric and a slaughter going on in Gaza.

There is no such thing as an islamaphobe. Not all muslims are violent but the moderate one's always remain silent because they do not want to be cited as speaking out against islam as the radicals carry out the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam everywhere muslim populations begin to rise.

Here we have the WEF advocating such lies as islamaphobe while loading countries with muslims while also trying to promote anti semitism as a bad thing and the burden is placed on tax payers to fund all of the damage caused by this Jewish radical agenda while they also try and shame or criminalize citizens against such sick behavior.

If you can explain how not being religious is the cause of any war and divide I'd love to hear it but I know that will never validly happen.

Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything.

Because factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I fight for the destruction of religion because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Look at Palestine, imagine if they were all just humans as opposed to Jews and Muslims, they could live without the one thing that has kept them divided for hundreds of years and perhaps even live in unity but apparently they value lies more than they value human life so they continue to be phony while killing one another and that is redundant and very sad that such people are too blinded by rhetoric to wake up and choose life over religion.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

as always jeffrey, thanks for your contribution.
Anti Semitist Means A Person Who Is Against Being Divided And Conquered By Religious Supremacists Called Jews

If you are an anti semitist (I am anti every religion due to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of religious lies) that doesn't mean you encourage violence (although perhaps some do) and it doesn't mean that you advocate killing people (although perhaps some do) it just means you are against being divided and conquered by religious supremacists who seem to think that their belief that they should rule the world and take everything they want with any sick and filthy lie and deception should go uncontested so they try and make people against their sick and filthy religious divide and conquer ways out to be a bad guy by labelling them anti semitist like that is a bad thing when really being an anti semitist is a good thing because you are against being enslaved while being divided and conquered by a group of supremacists that refer to themselves as Jews.

Their Jewish divide and conquer ways got them kicked out of over a hundred places on the old continent before it happened again in Germany after the Germans saved them from the muslims slaughtering them there was a lack of gratitude from Jews who obviously started their divide and conquer rubbish in Germany and when Germany got fed up with it and no other country wanted these extremely ungrateful people so began what they call the holocaust until the world stepped up and sent them back to Israel where they went right back to war with the muslims again.

Again to my understanding ever since Israel became a state, greatly thanks to the efforts of the USA, has gotten billions of dollars annually from the United States since 1948. (I suspect officials who agreed to it got kick backs and became rich as incentive to turn backs on their own citizens and cater to religious fanatics while USA citizens were turned into slaves made to pay Israel Billions annually for decades.) What did the USA ever get back from Israel besides the burden of going into debt to fund religious fanatics who are now excessively slaughtering Palestinians and clearing out Gaza for what I see as a set up for Israeli expansion? Oh yeah they set up the USA for divide and conquer in modern times, real grateful are these Jews.

The World Economic Forum of which from what I can tell mostly consist of radical Jewish greed bags (look it up for yourself) have been using officials from country to country as sock puppets (UI's) to push their lies and deceptions to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day. Ironically the countries targeted aside from Germany who saved Jews from being slaughtered by the muslims are the countries who refused to take them before the holocaust including the USA even though the USA helped them with the declaration of Israel becoming a state and give them billions on top of billions if not into the trillions over decades but Jews obviously don't care as they ungratefully seek to divide and conquer the USA anyway with the same lies and deceptions they thrust upon several countries simultaneously in modern day and especially over this past radical decade with all of their social terrorists they call social justice warriors, their main stream idiot media who perpetuate their lies and deceptions upon targeted countries such as women are born with a penis or that men are born with a vagina along with their sock puppet officials (UI's) from country to country used to force oppression on their citizens while they send those countries into outrageous debt.

Evidence reveals Jews are attempting to make everyone else pay for where their sick and filthy supremacist belief system keeps leading them time and time again. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy and this is yet more proof of such.

So here we have the religiously retarded Jews who's lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer keep getting them kicked out of pretty much everywhere they go for hundreds of years (over a hundred times before it happened again in Germany) trying to make everyone else suffer over their disgusting filthy religious supremacist low life scum bag beliefs.

Like being against being divided and conquered by a group of religiously retarded greedy supremacists is a bad thing. Being anti semitist is obviously a good thing because being an anti semitist means you are not bowing like a slave to Jewish divide and conquer tactics, it means that you do not subscribe to Jewish radical supremacists ruling the world with their addiction to greed, selfishness and ignorance at everyone else's expense!

If you do not want Jews to rule over you then you are an anti semitist and should be proud of such. That does not mean it is appropriate to advocate violence or genocide.

So here we are, we now have the Israelis slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza under the guise of wiping out Hamas (apparently they seem to think it is ok to wipe the other side out while at the same time trying to make the other side out to be the bad guy for wanting to wipe them out of which religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide) while we have Jews in other countries whining for protection for their sick and filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for hundreds of years and expecting tax payers of those countries to flip the bill while whining about anti semitism when people have been justified in being anti semitist since so called semitism began hundreds of years ago right to this very day. These Jews even threaten to sue tax payers for being held up as protests in favour of Palestine because they don't feel safe (because religious lies lead to war and divide) and all because the muslims are fighting the Jews in Palestine still after hundreds of years of this going on. We also have muslims whining for protection at tax payers expense from country to country for their filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for 1400 years just like the Jews. The World Economic Forum advocated this open borders rhetoric upon targeted countries and now that we are all like bombs waiting to go off putting all of our lives in danger it is jews and muslims acting like they deserve precedence in being protected at the expense of citizens who's lives are all put in danger thanks to the following of such religious rhetoric and a slaughter going on in Gaza.

There is no such thing as an islamaphobe. Not all muslims are violent but the moderate one's always remain silent because they do not want to be cited as speaking out against islam as the radicals carry out the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam everywhere muslim populations begin to rise.

Here we have the WEF advocating such lies as islamaphobe while loading countries with muslims while also trying to promote anti semitism as a bad thing and the burden is placed on tax payers to fund all of the damage caused by this Jewish radical agenda while they also try and shame or criminalize citizens against such sick behavior.

If you can explain how not being religious is the cause of any war and divide I'd love to hear it but I know that will never validly happen.

Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything.

Because factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I fight for the destruction of religion because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Look at Palestine, imagine if they were all just humans as opposed to Jews and Muslims, they could live without the one thing that has kept them divided for hundreds of years and perhaps even live in unity but apparently they value lies more than they value human life so they continue to be phony while killing one another and that is redundant and very sad that such people are too blinded by rhetoric to wake up and choose life over religion.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

The bleeding hearts will lament the innocent women and children and civilians in general,
but Israel is fighting for survival,
and when fighting for survival, there are no rules. NONE.

Fuck the bleeding hearts from within my own Party and from without.

The Palestinians hate the Jews.
Please don't try to deny that.
As long as Palestinians exist, Israel will never, ever know peace.

Do the Palestinians have reason to hate the Jews?
Yes, of course they do.
Indigenous Arabs were displaced by European Jews who perhaps had no claim to the land.
Even I--especially I-- don't recognize scripture-based claims.
I don't recognize scripture as history but rather as ancient pulp fiction.

Try to remember, however,
that the people who settled Jamestown and Plymouth
were not Native Americans returning from a European holiday.

They were Europeans displacing indigenous peoples
with zero moral right to do so.

But if the survival of America were at stake,
Americans would obviously fight for it.
They won't even consider
that we have NO moral right
to even exist on Native American land.
Nor should they.
There are no rules where an existential struggle is concerned.

That's the identical situation for Israelis.
It's not their place to give a fuck whose land they were given.
They're fighting for survival.

There's no right and wrong here.
Route for whichever side that you wish.
Then own it without panty-waist excuses.

Just don't insult us with Pollyanna talk about innocent civilians
because the fucking world doesn't work that way.

Grow the fuck up.
The bleeding hearts will lament the innocent women and children and civilians in general,
but Israel is fighting for survival,
and when fighting for survival, there are no rules. NONE.

I think there's a lot to unpack in what you said above. First of all, you seem to be implying that Israel has to kill thousands of Gazans, including thousands of chlidren, that had absolutely nothing to do with Hamas' militants attack on October 7th, in order to survive. I see absolutely no evidence for this. On the contrary, I strongly suspect Israel is making its survival far more precarious by doing this. Some Israelies actually feel the same way. I personally think that a piece that John Oliver did on the current situation in Gaza. For those who don't know, John Oliver, while technically doing a comedian show, is also does fairly in depth coverage of various political issues on his show. Below is a bit of the transcript of his piece on the Gaza crisis, starting at around 13:37:

Collective punishment is a war crime. But the fact is, there is much more criticism of Hamas in Gaza than Americans in general and these dipshits in particular are willing to admit. Palestinians in Gaza are not a monolith.

And nor, importantly, are Israelis. Because now let's talk about Benjamin Netanyahu, a man who's been Prime Minister of Israel for a combined 16 years. Here in the U.S., discussion of the current conflicts sometimes conflates the current Israeli government with Israel as a whole, as if the two are entirely representative of each other. You'll hear, "We need to support Bibi and Israel." Or, "This is not a time to criticize Netanyahu." But that is not the case within Israel. Criticism of Netanyahu there is fierce.

One poll found that 76 percent of Israelis want him gone. And many blame him for the security lapses that led to the October 7th attack. And immediately after that attack, videos went viral of Netanyahu ministers visiting hospitals where some of the victims were recuperating and being yelled at. Just watch this one minister essentially get chased out of the hospital first by a family member, and then by somebody who works there.


The full clip from John Oliver's show on this can be seen here:

The Palestinians hate the Jews.
Please don't try to deny that.

Stereotypes like this are not only false, but dangerous, making this seem like a black and white issue where dialogue isn't possible. There are definitely Palestinians who not only don't hate jews, but actually work with them. I even know of one Israeli Palestinian who became a life long partner with a woman of Israeli woman of Jewish descent, the rather famous Nuseir Yassin. Here's a quote from a New Times article on him published a little over a year ago:

A Social Media Star of a Changed Middle East: An Arab From Israel in Dubai

Nuseir Yassin, a Palestinian citizen of Israel with nearly 60 million followers, has taken advantage of new diplomatic ties to move to the United Arab Emirates — angering many Palestinians.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — All along the Dubai waterfront, Nuseir Yassin kept bumping into fans. An Egyptian tourist asked for a photograph. A yacht club manager from Zimbabwe stopped for a chat. A group of Filipinos gasped and called after him.

“That’s him!” one shouted as Mr. Yassin hurtled home on a scooter. “See you tomorrow!” said another, quoting Mr. Yassin’s catchphrase.

In Dubai, everyone seemed happy to see Mr. Yassin, 30, a social media star who moved here in 2020. Everyone except for some of his fellow Palestinians.

When the United Arab Emirates forged diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020, it redrew the geopolitical contours of a region in which Israel had previously been shunned. On a practical level, it allowed Israeli citizens to live and work in Dubai.

A Palestinian born and raised in Israel, Mr. Yassin was one of the first Israeli passport holders — and perhaps the most prominent — to take advantage.


One of his fans was Alyne Tamir, a half-Jewish, half-Mormon American-Israeli whom he met two months into his travel odyssey. Ms. Tamir, a social media star herself, then joined him for much of his trip, later becoming his life partner.

After finishing their journey, the couple moved to Singapore and then, after the Israeli-Emirati normalization, Dubai.


Full article:
*A Social Media Star of a Changed Middle East: An Arab From Israel in Dubai | The New York Times
I think there's a lot to unpack in what you said above.

I've simply taken a side.
Neutrality is not a trait which was respected much in my upbringing.
Neutral people are prey for both sides.
That's the theory.

Some people still think that "right and wrong" apply.

Others like myself can only see an "us and them" dynamic

because that's simply how everything appears to work in this universe.
I've simply taken a side.
Neutrality is not a trait which was respected much in my upbringing.
Neutral people are prey for both sides.
That's the theory.

Some people still think that "right and wrong" apply.

Others like myself can only see an "us and them" dynamic

because that's simply how everything appears to work in this universe.

That puts us on the same side of yet another issue. I agree completely with your post #3. I mean, I could demand that the Europeans give back the land that they stole but how profitable or effective would that be? So we live within the framework of the rules. My 2 acres that I bought using white man’s rules is sufficient.

My point, same as yours, is that Israel, the nation that exists in the middle of nations who hate them, the nation that was, IMO, misguidedly placed there in 1948, is there, established and is fighting for their survival. It is no different than if I rounded up a bunch of my people and we started attacking along the Potomac because we wanted that land back. The white folks would [rightly] resist.

And I feel the same way when black folks start talking about wanting reparations for slavery, but that is a different topic for a different thread.
I think there's a lot to unpack in what you said above.

I've simply taken a side.
Neutrality is not a trait which was respected much in my upbringing.
Neutral people are prey for both sides.
That's the theory.

Some people still think that "right and wrong" apply.

Others like myself can only see an "us and them" dynamic

because that's simply how everything appears to work in this universe.

Interesting points. I'd like to say that I frequently take sides on various issues, but I think it doesn't make sense to try to pick a "side" between Israel and Palestine, because they are countries, not people or even political parties. As I pointed out in my previous response to you here, there are Israelies and Palestinians who not only work together, but love each other. Now, I can certainly agree that it can be rough for people who refuse to stereotype the other side. I think the New York Times article on Israeli Palestinian Nusseir Yassin and American Israeli Alyne Tamir make that clear. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. I also think that only by finding ways to heal the wounds between these 2 countries and peoples will the Middle East ever truly know peace.

Near the end of John Oliver's piece on the current crisis in Israel and Gaza, he plays a clip from an Israeli who is trying to start peace talks, starting at 28:42. Quoting from it:

John Oliver:
And I don't want to say anything that denies the pain of those in Israel who have lost loved ones to a truly barbarous act or who are waiting anxiously for the return of hostages. Although you should know, some hostages' families are also utterly furious at the military tactics that Netanyahu is employing right now.

Israeli: We have to engage in negotiations. We have to do it now. They say that the only solution is to destroy, to flatten Gaza. They never mentioned the hostages, never.

John Oliver:
Right. And you can see how infuriating that would be. And I know that for many Israelis, there is an understandable sense of fear and precarity right now, amid the specter of Hamas attacks and rockets flying overhead, but it's worth also acknowledging the overwhelming sense of precarity
among Palestinians, living under a blockade and a barrage of Israeli rockets. And it has to be possible to feel the pain in one community without denying it in another. -It has to be. -(APPLAUSE)


Again, the complete piece from John Oliver on this is here:
I've simply taken a side.
Neutrality is not a trait which was respected much in my upbringing.
Neutral people are prey for both sides.
That's the theory.

Some people still think that "right and wrong" apply.

Others like myself can only see an "us and them" dynamic

because that's simply how everything appears to work in this universe.

well that's a dumb fucking theory.

that makes you prone to the masonic/illuminati/marxist divide and conquer tactic.

reject the the false dichotomies that facilitate the hegelian dialectic.

you're very stupid.
Interesting points. I'd like to say that I frequently take sides on various issues, but I think it doesn't make sense to try to pick a "side" between Israel and Palestine, because they are countries, not people or even political parties. As I pointed out in my previous response to you here, there are Israelies and Palestinians who not only work together, but love each other. Now, I can certainly agree that it can be rough for people who refuse to stereotype the other side. I think the New York Times article on Israeli Palestinian Nusseir Yassin and American Israeli Alyne Tamir make that clear. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. I also think that only by finding ways to heal the wounds between these 2 countries and peoples will the Middle East ever truly know peace.

Near the end of John Oliver's piece on the current crisis in Israel and Gaza, he plays a clip from an Israeli who is trying to start peace talks, starting at 28:42. Quoting from it:

John Oliver:
And I don't want to say anything that denies the pain of those in Israel who have lost loved ones to a truly barbarous act or who are waiting anxiously for the return of hostages. Although you should know, some hostages' families are also utterly furious at the military tactics that Netanyahu is employing right now.

Israeli: We have to engage in negotiations. We have to do it now. They say that the only solution is to destroy, to flatten Gaza. They never mentioned the hostages, never.

John Oliver:
Right. And you can see how infuriating that would be. And I know that for many Israelis, there is an understandable sense of fear and precarity right now, amid the specter of Hamas attacks and rockets flying overhead, but it's worth also acknowledging the overwhelming sense of precarity
among Palestinians, living under a blockade and a barrage of Israeli rockets. And it has to be possible to feel the pain in one community without denying it in another. -It has to be. -(APPLAUSE)


Again, the complete piece from John Oliver on this is here:

you meant idiot points.
Interesting points. I'd like to say that I frequently take sides on various issues, but I think it doesn't make sense to try to pick a "side" between Israel and Palestine, because they are countries, not people or even political parties. As I pointed out in my previous response to you here, there are Israelies and Palestinians who not only work together, but love each other. Now, I can certainly agree that it can be rough for people who refuse to stereotype the other side. I think the New York Times article on Israeli Palestinian Nusseir Yassin and American Israeli Alyne Tamir make that clear. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. I also think that only by finding ways to heal the wounds between these 2 countries and peoples will the Middle East ever truly know peace.

Near the end of John Oliver's piece on the current crisis in Israel and Gaza, he plays a clip from an Israeli who is trying to start peace talks, starting at 28:42. Quoting from it:

John Oliver:
And I don't want to say anything that denies the pain of those in Israel who have lost loved ones to a truly barbarous act or who are waiting anxiously for the return of hostages. Although you should know, some hostages' families are also utterly furious at the military tactics that Netanyahu is employing right now.

Israeli: We have to engage in negotiations. We have to do it now. They say that the only solution is to destroy, to flatten Gaza. They never mentioned the hostages, never.

John Oliver:
Right. And you can see how infuriating that would be. And I know that for many Israelis, there is an understandable sense of fear and precarity right now, amid the specter of Hamas attacks and rockets flying overhead, but it's worth also acknowledging the overwhelming sense of precarity
among Palestinians, living under a blockade and a barrage of Israeli rockets. And it has to be possible to feel the pain in one community without denying it in another. -It has to be. -(APPLAUSE)


Again, the complete piece from John Oliver on this is here:

you meant idiot points.

No, I meant what I said. A while back, I had a discussion wherein me and Nifty agreed on a lot of points, and ever since, I'd like to think I've been pretty respectful of his views and I think that he's also been this way with me. I think that in the post I was responding to (#6 to be precise), he cast no shade on my point of view and instead expressed why he sees things differently. I wish everyone here could engage in respectful discussions like this all the time- it would make conversing in forums so much more enjoyable.
No, I meant what I said. A while back, I had a discussion wherein me and Nifty agreed on a lot of points, and ever since, I'd like to think I've been pretty respectful of his views and I think that he's also been this way with me. I think that in the post I was responding to (#6 to be precise), he cast no shade on my point of view and instead expressed why he sees things differently. I wish everyone here could engage in respectful discussions like this all the time- it would make conversing in forums so much more enjoyable.

it;s idiotic.

people should think for themselves on all issues.

the "sides" are fictitious, and used to facilitate hegelian divide and conquer tactics.

i guess you're an idiot too.
No, I meant what I said. A while back, I had a discussion wherein me and Nifty agreed on a lot of points, and ever since, I'd like to think I've been pretty respectful of his views and I think that he's also been this way with me. I think that in the post I was responding to (#6 to be precise), he cast no shade on my point of view and instead expressed why he sees things differently. I wish everyone here could engage in respectful discussions like this all the time- it would make conversing in forums so much more enjoyable.

it;s idiotic.

people should think for themselves on all issues.

I haven't seen any evidence that Nifty hasn't been thinking for himself.

the "sides" are fictitious, and used to facilitate hegelian divide and conquer tactics.

I think there are sides in this conflict, but I think that to say that the sides are "Israel" and "Palestine" is a dangerous oversimplification.

i guess you're an idiot too.

Come on OP, don't start oversimplifying me too :-p.
I haven't seen any evidence that Nifty hasn't been thinking for himself.

I think there are sides in this conflict, but I think that to say that the sides are "Israel" and "Palestine" is a dangerous oversimplification.

Come on OP, don't start oversimplifying me too :-p.

he said he doesn't.

he mindlessly chooses a side.
Anti Semitist Means A Person Who Is Against Being Divided And Conquered By Religious Supremacists Called Jews

If you are an anti semitist (I am anti every religion due to thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of religious lies) that doesn't mean you encourage violence (although perhaps some do) and it doesn't mean that you advocate killing people (although perhaps some do) it just means you are against being divided and conquered by religious supremacists who seem to think that their belief that they should rule the world and take everything they want with any sick and filthy lie and deception should go uncontested so they try and make people against their sick and filthy religious divide and conquer ways out to be a bad guy by labelling them anti semitist like that is a bad thing when really being an anti semitist is a good thing because you are against being enslaved while being divided and conquered by a group of supremacists that refer to themselves as Jews.

Their Jewish divide and conquer ways got them kicked out of over a hundred places on the old continent before it happened again in Germany after the Germans saved them from the muslims slaughtering them there was a lack of gratitude from Jews who obviously started their divide and conquer rubbish in Germany and when Germany got fed up with it and no other country wanted these extremely ungrateful people so began what they call the holocaust until the world stepped up and sent them back to Israel where they went right back to war with the muslims again.

Again to my understanding ever since Israel became a state, greatly thanks to the efforts of the USA, has gotten billions of dollars annually from the United States since 1948. (I suspect officials who agreed to it got kick backs and became rich as incentive to turn backs on their own citizens and cater to religious fanatics while USA citizens were turned into slaves made to pay Israel Billions annually for decades.) What did the USA ever get back from Israel besides the burden of going into debt to fund religious fanatics who are now excessively slaughtering Palestinians and clearing out Gaza for what I see as a set up for Israeli expansion? Oh yeah they set up the USA for divide and conquer in modern times, real grateful are these Jews.

The World Economic Forum of which from what I can tell mostly consist of radical Jewish greed bags (look it up for yourself) have been using officials from country to country as sock puppets (UI's) to push their lies and deceptions to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day. Ironically the countries targeted aside from Germany who saved Jews from being slaughtered by the muslims are the countries who refused to take them before the holocaust including the USA even though the USA helped them with the declaration of Israel becoming a state and give them billions on top of billions if not into the trillions over decades but Jews obviously don't care as they ungratefully seek to divide and conquer the USA anyway with the same lies and deceptions they thrust upon several countries simultaneously in modern day and especially over this past radical decade with all of their social terrorists they call social justice warriors, their main stream idiot media who perpetuate their lies and deceptions upon targeted countries such as women are born with a penis or that men are born with a vagina along with their sock puppet officials (UI's) from country to country used to force oppression on their citizens while they send those countries into outrageous debt.

Evidence reveals Jews are attempting to make everyone else pay for where their sick and filthy supremacist belief system keeps leading them time and time again. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy and this is yet more proof of such.

So here we have the religiously retarded Jews who's lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer keep getting them kicked out of pretty much everywhere they go for hundreds of years (over a hundred times before it happened again in Germany) trying to make everyone else suffer over their disgusting filthy religious supremacist low life scum bag beliefs.

Like being against being divided and conquered by a group of religiously retarded greedy supremacists is a bad thing. Being anti semitist is obviously a good thing because being an anti semitist means you are not bowing like a slave to Jewish divide and conquer tactics, it means that you do not subscribe to Jewish radical supremacists ruling the world with their addiction to greed, selfishness and ignorance at everyone else's expense!

If you do not want Jews to rule over you then you are an anti semitist and should be proud of such. That does not mean it is appropriate to advocate violence or genocide.

So here we are, we now have the Israelis slaughtering the Palestinians in Gaza under the guise of wiping out Hamas (apparently they seem to think it is ok to wipe the other side out while at the same time trying to make the other side out to be the bad guy for wanting to wipe them out of which religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide) while we have Jews in other countries whining for protection for their sick and filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for hundreds of years and expecting tax payers of those countries to flip the bill while whining about anti semitism when people have been justified in being anti semitist since so called semitism began hundreds of years ago right to this very day. These Jews even threaten to sue tax payers for being held up as protests in favour of Palestine because they don't feel safe (because religious lies lead to war and divide) and all because the muslims are fighting the Jews in Palestine still after hundreds of years of this going on. We also have muslims whining for protection at tax payers expense from country to country for their filthy religious lies leading to war and divide for 1400 years just like the Jews. The World Economic Forum advocated this open borders rhetoric upon targeted countries and now that we are all like bombs waiting to go off putting all of our lives in danger it is jews and muslims acting like they deserve precedence in being protected at the expense of citizens who's lives are all put in danger thanks to the following of such religious rhetoric and a slaughter going on in Gaza.

There is no such thing as an islamaphobe. Not all muslims are violent but the moderate one's always remain silent because they do not want to be cited as speaking out against islam as the radicals carry out the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam everywhere muslim populations begin to rise.

Here we have the WEF advocating such lies as islamaphobe while loading countries with muslims while also trying to promote anti semitism as a bad thing and the burden is placed on tax payers to fund all of the damage caused by this Jewish radical agenda while they also try and shame or criminalize citizens against such sick behavior.

If you can explain how not being religious is the cause of any war and divide I'd love to hear it but I know that will never validly happen.

Again the religious (those of many religions) claim that god or allah is the creator of everything and they also redundantly confess that the lie they cater too has intelligence to understand so called prayer or worship. The factual evidence that proves that there is no such thing as a god / allah is that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness. (go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness?! You never will because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter and is proof that everything that does exist always did exist throughout an endless duration of constant change) Not anything can develop and intellect out of nothing and not anything can create with nothing which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything thus proves beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or an allah because not anything with intellect could ever be the creator of everything.

Because factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions to this very day I fight for the destruction of religion because unlike the religious I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Look at Palestine, imagine if they were all just humans as opposed to Jews and Muslims, they could live without the one thing that has kept them divided for hundreds of years and perhaps even live in unity but apparently they value lies more than they value human life so they continue to be phony while killing one another and that is redundant and very sad that such people are too blinded by rhetoric to wake up and choose life over religion.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

Hey! DJS. That's TL/DR, but I'm glad you're doing OK.