Anti-war Cindy Sheehan files to take on Pelosi


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Everybody..get all your friends and sign up for Cindy...:clink:
John Wildermuth, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Peace activist Cindy Sheehan wants to snatch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's congressional seat from her in November, but first she's going to need the help - and signatures - of 10,198 friends and supporters.

Sheehan was at San Francisco City Hall on Friday to take out papers for her independent run for Congress, but without those signatures from voters in the district, her name won't show up on the ballot.

"It's an uphill battle," said Sheehan, who vowed to run against Pelosi in July after the speaker refused to start impeachment proceedings against President George Bush. "But I'm excited about the signature-gathering process. It's going to be an opportunity to talk to people about our campaign."

The 50-year-old Sheehan, whose son, Casey, was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004, became the public face of the anti-war movement when she mounted a demonstration outside Bush's Texas ranch that lasted from 2005 to 2007.

Even after pleading exhaustion and closing down "Camp Casey" in May, Sheehan was a regular speaker at anti-war gatherings across the nation. Since moving from Dixon to San Francisco's Mission District, she's been campaigning virtually full time.

To get the signatures, equal to 3 percent of the district voters registered for the 2006 general election, the campaign will have people setting up ironing boards and card tables on street corners throughout the city, seeking voters who want an alternative to Pelosi. Sheehan has until Aug. 8 to collect the needed signatures.

the rest..
I'm cool with somebody - any liberal - challegning Pelosi, and putting up a vigorous primary challenge to her. Pelosi is weak and cowardly is stopping Bush's war, and in any healthy democracy voters will send her a message.

It would have been cool if alleged "unhappy" republicans had put up a primary challenge to Bush in 2004. Lord know how many republicans have belatedly told us that they "never really liked bush". If anyone needed to get a message from their allegedly "unhappy" base, it was bush in 2004.

But, the base liked him well enough, to never utter a word about challenging him in the republican primaries in 2004.
Seems like not all lefties are cowards without convictions.

Kucinich is one, Sheehan is another.

Most libs are finger-wetting poll-watchers who will do and say anything to get elected. Flip-flopping is an art form to be admired, apparently.

I can respect Kucinich for his consistent refusal to bow to focus-group poressure, and Sheehan for the loss of her son - and for the determination to stick to her mission even after the 'Crats turned on her.

Why did they throw her under the bus?

She dared to hold them accountable for their pre-election rhetoric, and called their BS for what it is.
It would be awesome if Cindy won. It'd be sticking a middle finger in the face of our Republican run Pelosi congress.

That would be great if Cindy Sheehan would actually challenge Pelosi. If Cindy wins, Pelosi is out. It is a win-win situation. The Democrats then have Cindy Sheehan back in their court and they will have to deal with that collection of baggage. Another win-win situation. The only way that Conservatives lose is if Pelosi wins and then nothing really changes so Conservatives are no worse off than they are now.
"The only way that Conservatives lose is if Pelosi wins and then nothing really changes so Conservatives are no worse off than they are now."

Yeah, but they're basically dying now. I'll take that, if you want to keep the status quo.
"The only way that Conservatives lose is if Pelosi wins and then nothing really changes so Conservatives are no worse off than they are now."

Yeah, but they're basically dying now. I'll take that, if you want to keep the status quo.
I want the solely social "conservatives" to go and find their own place. Maybe a nice church somewhere, where they can live exactly like they want and leave my party alone.
you idiot (R)s are funny. Why would you support one socialist over another? I don't see why you guys would even care.

you idiot (R)s are funny. Why would you support one socialist over another? I don't see why you guys would even care.

you do realize that you are addressing Libertarians on this are right conservatives could care less about another democratic fiasco...Cindy is just posturing for attention...she hasn't a chance in hell of beating Nancy...but it will be fun watching the liberals attack each other in a shark feeding the Hillary vs Obama scenario!:cool:
you do realize that you are addressing Libertarians on this are right conservatives could care less about another democratic fiasco...Cindy is just posturing for attention...she hasn't a chance in hell of beating Nancy...but it will be fun watching the liberals attack each other in a shark feeding the Hillary vs Obama scenario!:cool:

Yeah but in the Obama V Hellary case, it is worth it because McCain could win. In this case it will be either Pelosi or Shehan no matter what.