Antidepressant use doubles during Bush presidency

they also doubled or tripled under clinton's presidency (has nothing to do with who is president, but just giving it back to the hillbilly typing from his outhouse)....unfortunately the med co's and doctors don't care who is president.....prescribe, prescribe, prescribe because it is legal addiction and it makes a lot of money
no kidding....he goes on a rampage with crazy posts to me....and he has the nerve to criticize you....thats funny

he be way better than this little ole hick..I bet he thinks his shit doesn't stink either.
they also doubled or tripled under clinton's presidency (has nothing to do with who is president, but just giving it back to the hillbilly typing from his outhouse)....unfortunately the med co's and doctors don't care who is president.....prescribe, prescribe, prescribe because it is legal addiction and it makes a lot of money

SSRI's aren't addictive and they don't produce euphoria.
so who went out and interviewed all these people to find this out??


Yep, the scientific method is utterly retarded. Clearly, we should use human intuition and common sense to solve our problems. Just like Aristotle did when he wrote that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects... just common sense!
Citizen actually knows how to flame. Pretty impressive sir. Now I don't know what article he quoted but this one from yesterday talks about antidepressant use rising between '96 - '05. Of course numbers not being citizen's strong suit it might confuse him who was President during those ten years (not that who the President was matters).

Regardless this article's ending is pretty funny:

"" So what caused the melancholy to descend upon the national psyche?

It "may involve the introduction of new antidepressants, the increase in the direct-to-consumer advertising, lessening stigma with seeking mental health care" and more admitting they're depressed, Olfson told Bloomberg News. "The reasons for this increase are not clear."

Whatever it is, it's really getting white folks down. ""
This is pretty good evidence to bolster Mike Savage's contention that Liberalism is a mental disorder. *shrug*
medicine used to treat depression can and is to people who have been on it and ask them if stopping was just simply stopping...

Give me a study that shows that it is addictive. Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant... they are likely placeboing the symptom because they heard about it elsewhere.
medicine used to treat depression can and is to people who have been on it and ask them if stopping was just simply stopping...

You may be confusing physiological tolerance with addiction. I have known a very small proportion of patients who abused their antidepressant prescriptions, but pharmacologically those drugs simply do not fit the profile of drugs with significant addictive potential.

Antidepressant drugs have a therapeutic lag (time from taking the first pill until the therapeutic effect begins to emerge) of between two and three weeks. This is not consistent with an effect associated with addiction.

Anything a person ingests may alter the biochemistry in such a manner such that abrupt discontinuation after prolonged, regular use will produce some sort of withdrawal effects. Some are mild, some are outright dangerous (as w/d effects of benzodiazepines, for instance). The extended therapeutic lag associated with antidepressants is consistent with mild or no significant withdrawal effects, but if the drug is discontinued while the patient still has need of it there will be unpleasant consequences.
Man, I take an anti-depressent and if I go two or three days in a row without taking it my body goes through serious withdrawls and acts all crazy. Sucks.