Any Extraterrestrials Out There listening? I want To Talk To You.


I wonder if there are any Aliens out there who monitor our internet. And use their computers to detect key words and phrases. If so, I would like to talk to you. That is after a little bit of "I'm Not Worthy! I'm Not Worthy!" Then, maybe there could be some basis for friendship established. There are many questions I would like to ask you. That is, if you feel they are questions I should have an answer to.

There is one main problem with any of this. There are many creatures that will try and establish a symbiotic relationship if they can benefit from it. That includes humans. I am aware of this problem and don't seek that. To me, a symbiotic relationship weakens both parties. By making them codependent. I also understand why you wouldn't seek to openly let your existence be known of by humans. How it might effect governments authority over their people doesn't bother me. Or what it might do to their belief systems. But I do know how it might effect you. And that does bother me.

Many people would seek to worship you. Advanced as you are, that would probably disgust you. Also, being what I would consider to be an advanced human, what your existence would mean to governments or religions doesn't interest me. But making your existence openly known would still have an effect on humans. Some would love you for those effects. But others would no doubt hate you for it. I don't blame you for wanting no part of that.

Also, when it gets right down to it, humans are no different than bacteria. Most feel their only purpose in life is to breed. They are also like a slime mold inching across a forest floor. Eating what they can and leaving destruction in their wake. Another thing is that from what I have seen, most people prefer lies. They prefer fantasy over reality. So why should you want anything to do with humans.

Despite all that, I would still like to talk to you. If you are willing. You might find it interesting to speak to a human who isn't evil towards others. At least I try not to be. But as a living organism, it can be a little difficult at times.
Also, when it gets right down to it, humans are no different than bacteria. Most feel their only purpose in life is to breed. They are also like a slime mold inching across a forest floor. Eating what they can and leaving destruction in their wake. Another thing is that from what I have seen, most people prefer lies. They prefer fantasy over reality. So why should you want anything to do with humans.

you've been hanging out with too many lib'ruls....
Life as we know it requires a planet similar in properties to earth. There would only be one in any one single solar system occupying the required orbit from its sun.

In an infinite universe, there are probably an infinite number of planets comparable to earth and thus life must exist in an infinite number of venues.

At the same time, no life form as we know them to be could survive the trip from one solar system to the next. Life forms don't live that long.
They would have to travel faster than the speed of the sub-atomic particles of which they're made and would thus disintegrate, even if such speeds were possible.

Further, if they died but reproduced during the trip, and the generations that made contact with others were far removed from the ones who left their original planets and solar systems,
there would be generations who lived their entire lives traveling in spaceships and experiencing nothing else. That's too depressing to even contemplate.
Life as we know it requires a planet similar in properties to earth. There would only be one in any one single solar system occupying the required orbit from its sun.

In an infinite universe, there are probably an infinite number of planets comparable to earth and thus life must exist in an infinite number of venues.

At the same time, no life form as we know them to be could survive the trip from one solar system to the next. Life forms don't live that long.
They would have to travel faster than the speed of the sub-atomic particles of which they're made and would thus disintegrate, even if such speeds were possible.

Further, if they died but reproduced during the trip, and the generations that made contact with others were far removed from the ones who left their original planets and solar systems,
there would be generations who lived their entire lives traveling in spaceships and experiencing nothing else. That's too depressing to even contemplate.

UFO's exist. I would think so even if I hadn't personally seen them. But I have. So I KNOW! With that being the case, I would certainly like to talk to some. For them to have survived, they must have gotten over the philosophical filth of self interest coming first, last and everything in between. Where they would have known that infinite growth on a finite planet just isn't possible. It's no wonder that they don't want to make themselves openly known to humanity in general. Could you imagine at how many humans would balk at behaving responsibly? And with the extraterrestrials being living proof of their superior philosophy, I wonder how many humans would hate them. Call them demons. Try to kill them. Maybe even commit Hari-Kari to do so. Like many of the muslim jihadists do.
UFO's exist. I would think so even if I hadn't personally seen them. But I have. So I KNOW! With that being the case, I would certainly like to talk to some. For them to have survived, they must have gotten over the philosophical filth of self interest coming first, last and everything in between. Where they would have known that infinite growth on a finite planet just isn't possible. It's no wonder that they don't want to make themselves openly known to humanity in general. Could you imagine at how many humans would balk at behaving responsibly? And with the extraterrestrials being living proof of their superior philosophy, I wonder how many humans would hate them. Call them demons. Try to kill them. Maybe even commit Hari-Kari to do so. Like many of the muslim jihadists do.

Wow. The hallucinogens you've got a really strong, huh?
That's OK. You seem to be enjoying them.

I haven't seen them and am thus comfortable that they don't exist.
Then again, Chianti with my dinner and Sambuca with my coffee is as wild as I get these days.
If people were to spend long enough in space, our bodies would evolve accordingly. Low or artificial lighting would create large black eyes that thrive in such a setting. In minimal gravity, we would lose muscle mass and evolve thin, elongated forms. After so many generations of using keyboards, our fingers would evolve into extremely nimble, spindly appendages. From lack of sunlight, we would evolve pail or gray skin. We would eventually lose our hair.

Oddly enough, this describes exactly the so-called "gray aliens" that so many people claim to have met in abduction encounters.


It's unlikely that humanoid aliens would evolve elsewhere in the universe. It's also unlikely that they would have evolved concurrently with us and it's even more unlikely that they would have figured out a feasible method of travelling interstellar distances.

So perhaps these "aliens" are really us from the distant future? Maybe they're time travelers. A lot of abduction accounts involve medical and sexual probing. Maybe these time travelers are suffering some sort of disease and need our genetic material to fortify their own population.