Anyone Into Fantasy Football?


There Can be Only One!
I'll start a league for JPP. All are welcome to play. Yahoo has a site that does it all for you - the scoring, the stats, all that.

Let me know and I'll set one up. We need ten people. Just reply, if interested. If we get 10, I'll PM all of you for your email (if you're worried about doxxing, just set up another yahoo or gmail account).

I put in seven years on a workplace league as well as several here on JPP, and am thoroughly burned out. It was fun for a little while, though.
I'll start a league for JPP. All are welcome to play. Yahoo has a site that does it all for you - the scoring, the stats, all that.

Let me know and I'll set one up. We need ten people. Just reply, if interested. If we get 10, I'll PM all of you for your email (if you're worried about doxxing, just set up another yahoo or gmail account).

You are slowly coming out of the closet. There is nothing gayer than fantasy football.
I run at least one team a season. Won my cash league last year for the first time.

Nice! I figure we'd try to talk Damocles into just posting some kind of trophy image in the winner's profile, "JPP Fantasy Football Champ, 2022", or something similar.
I put in seven years on a workplace league as well as several here on JPP, and am thoroughly burned out. It was fun for a little while, though.

Good for you! I played during the days when we had to have one of the accountants in our office keep track of the stats and scores on a spreadsheet :)
You're an attention whore. You have no legitimate contribution to JPP. Even Damo is more of a man than you.

Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. sounds like someone feels inferior to me and is waaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy overcompensating.

It's ok. I've seen it before. You'll calm down and feel comfortable with my superiority to you. All douches like you do, eventually.