apostasy. what is it?


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here are the definitions I use. ....... . http://biblehub.com/greek/646.htm and http://biblehub.com/hebrew/4878.htm . I am sure there are many more definitions people may use. does anyone have an opinion or fact do share with the discussion which has been established im civility and humility ?... it would be great if everyone paid careful attention to the differences in the last best version [KJV] and the other translations. some of the "newer" translations entirely change the meaning of the word. yeah.. thx.
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noun, plural apostasies.
a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc.
I believe that it is turning your back on God and abandoning your faith.
not necessarily. In the religious context one can be an apostate but not turn your back on God. For example, if you converted to Catholicism from Church of Christ that would make you an apostate to the Church of Christ. You would not have turned your back on God though.
not necessarily. In the religious context one can be an apostate but not turn your back on God. For example, if you converted to Catholicism from Church of Christ that would make you an apostate to the Church of Christ. You would not have turned your back on God though.

And it need not concern religion, any belief will do. But it is typically referred to for religion.
not necessarily. In the religious context one can be an apostate but not turn your back on God. For example, if you converted to Catholicism from Church of Christ that would make you an apostate to the Church of Christ. You would not have turned your back on God though.

Or just a real Christian. :cof1:
good answers. apostasy is also the condition of the entire earth as a whole, immediately prior to judgment/ destruction of the existing order of man. ....... http://biblehub.com/kjv/genesis/6.htm. ....... 16-. http://biblehub.com/kjv/genesis/18.htm. ....... 20-. http://biblehub.com/kjv/luke/17.htm. apostasy is indeed a human turning it's back on God, [The Lord Jesus Christ] and faith in Him.. apostasy is indeed forsaking one's maker. apostasy is indeed a departure from truth and principles, cause and purpose. apostasy is the current condition of earth as a whole.
here are the definitions I use. ....... . http://biblehub.com/greek/646.htm and http://biblehub.com/hebrew/4878.htm . I am sure there are many more definitions people may use. does anyone have an opinion or fact do share with the discussion which has been established im civility and humility ?... it would be great if everyone paid careful attention to the differences in the last best version [KJV] and the other translations. some of the "newer" translations entirely change the meaning of the word. yeah.. thx.

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