## APP is Back ##


on indefiniate mod break
For a long time, us mods had wondered what to do with the APP section of this site. Shortly after opening it a few years ago, it took about 2 weeks before we realized that it just wasn't going to work/we didn't like what it had become. Originally intended as a place that was meant to bring high level of discussion, it quickly devolved into one side trying to get/bait the other side into being banned from the forum based on technicalities or minutia. It was meant to cut down on a lot of the bullshit, but what we found is that it only increased it. It was meant to stop some of the truly hateful stuff we saw on here, not stuff that people only pretended to be offended over in order to get revenge on someone they didn't like.

At least, that was my perspective on the matter.

So after that happened, the whole APP experiment ended pretty quickly, we threw our hands up on the whole thing, and the forum became sort of a weird catch all for various topics. I don't know about the other mods but I personally never bothered visting the forum. All the action was elsewhere.

Over the years we talked about what to do with it. I think maybe a year or so back, we talked about nuking it all together, the forum had become redundant, and wasn't really serving any purpose. There were talks about just merging all the threads into another forum, but we just never got around to it. So APP hung around.

But more recently, we've talked about it again, and I think we want to try and give it another go. I think part of it has to do with what I believe is a slightly more hostile environment as of late, and I would like to see a forum where we can have a much cleaner/intellectual atmosphere.

"But grind," you ask, "durrrrrr it just failed once before, what makes you think it will work this time?"

Good question. I think I have the answer. Ultimately, I think one of the main problems with APP was that the way we handled the modding was too rigid in some respects. Basically, most responses for even the most minor infraction was regimented bans. There is a difference between stricter modding and taking out all the discretion involved. Having predetermined responses I think opened the forum up to being exploited by those that wanted to "get" each other. Which ultimately works against the forums stated goal of trying to bring everyone together in a more mature manner. It just became a huge hassle.

So we've changed how we respond to certain things in the forum. Our goal is still to encourage a more mature and intellectual environment, but to try and curb the gotcha games and exploitation.

So to be clear, all the offending posts will be quickly dealt with, deleted/moved/edited etc. Actions taken upon the individuals themselves will be determined by the specific circumstances.

I look at it as the best of both worlds. No offending content, but some flexibility in dealing with the offenders.

Is this a dumb idea? I don't know. I always hear from virtually everyone that they didn't wish JPP was so hostile, or vindictive, or personal, or racist/sexist/homophobic/mean spirited. Most people have said something to that effect, so I get the impression that the desire for a space that would strive to eliminate that stuff would be welcomed, but that's up to everyone else.

So if you are interested in an awesome forum where cool topics are started without trolling/flaming/message board wars/or sexist/racist/homophobic language, then we need you all to start participating in that forum again.

Updated APP Rules are here:


Comments/suggestions obviously welcome
For a long time, just about every thread in the APP was about either Global Warming or Gay Marriage. Funny how that worked out. I'll admit it was funny to come in and drop profanity just so Damo would have to edit it. Even more fun was to quote posts that Damo had edited, and revert the language back to the profanity that the poster had originally used, because Damo tended not to catch these ones. Anyway, I applaud Damo's efforts, even if I have simply been part of the problem.
yup. APP's existence is going to be a monument to our more enlightened way of doing things O_O