Appeasers, and their use of "appeasement"

"The fight against terror and extremism is the defining challenge of our time. .. Some seem to believe we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: ‘Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.’ We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

"Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr. (September 6, 1888 – November 18, 1969) was a prominent American businessman and political figure, and the father of U.S. President John F. Kennedy and United States Senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy. He was a leading member of the Democratic Party...Kennedy served briefly as the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom at the start of World War II...His term as Ambassador and his political ambitions ended abruptly during the Battle of Britain in November 1940, with the publishing of his controversial remarks suggesting that "Democracy is finished in England. It may be here"...Kennedy rejected the warnings of Winston Churchill that compromise with Nazi Germany was impossible; instead he supported Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement...",_Sr

"Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister, met with Hitler in his retreat at Berchtesgaden on September 15-16; he reached a preliminary agreement with Hitler who agreed to take no military action...This however proved not enough for Hitler; when on September 22 Chamberlain met Hitler at Godesberg he was told that now wanted the Sudetenland occupied by the German army...In a last attempt to avoid war, Chamberlain proposed that a four-power conference be convened immediately to settle the dispute. Hitler agreed and on September 29, Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, and Mussolini met in Munich."

"My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time."

"Hitler now regarded Chamberlain with utter contempt. A British diplomat in Berlin was informed that Hitler viewed Chamberlain as "an impertinent busybody who spoke the ridiculous jargon of an outmoded democracy."
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I've gotta say, one of the most hilarious developments of the past week is the revelation that righties have no idea what they're talking about when they accuse Dems of "appeasement."

Keep it up; it's really great....
I will, and I'll furnish proof.

By the way, "Titanic Ego" Obama should have known that the Senator President Bush referred to was a Republican "America Firster" from Idaho. Yes, the GOP had appeasers too. Unlike the Jackass Party, most Republicans learn from their mistakes.

Like today's Bush-bashers, the "America First" movement was popular, widespread, influential, and dead wrong.

BTW; Are you claiming that Joe Kennedy Sr. wasn't a Democrat?
"BTW; Are you claiming that Joe Kennedy Sr. wasn't a Democrat?"

How cute! They can't read, either.

I knew you guys were dumb, but I had no idea HOW dumb.

This is outstanding....
"righties have no idea what they're talking about when they accuse Dems of "appeasement."

Exactly one Democrat was mentioned in my post, in a verbatim quote from Wiki...and he was manifestly an appeaser, that is, according to FDR, who realized ol' Joe was a political liability...,_Sr.

Methinks you - and Obama - doth protest too much.
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"Methinks you - and Obama - doth protest too much."

I don't care what youthinks. The sound you hear out there is Americans telling you that they're not going to be fooled by this BS anymore.

And I know that bugs you out. I'm eagerly awaiting a fall campaign when the GOP is actually going to have to try to talk about issues & defend their record. What a hoot....
Your contentions are unsupported by any factual evidence. Why is that?

While you're groping through your playbook of childish insults, ad hominem attacks, and generalizations for what you'll think is a witty retort, consider this: according to a May 8-11 Washington Post/ABC News poll, McCain held a 55 percent to 34 percent lead over Obama on the question of which of the two candidates would be a better bet on national security and defense.
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