April Fools' Day...


Staff member
Precursors to the "false" holiday would include the Roman Festival of Hilaria on March 25th, which was oddly enough the Feast of Annunciation and was celebrated as the New Year's Holiday in Europe until about the 15th Century, this was a week long holiday ending on April 1st...

Some believe that this refers to the Pagan Celebrations of the New Year, but, as Sarah would know, Pagans generally celebrated the birth of a New Year at Yuletide or with Saturnalia, which would be closer to the Christians copying the Pagans again when they officially changed the New Year's Holiday to January 1st.
Precursors to the "false" holiday would include the Roman Festival of Hilaria on March 25th, which was oddly enough the Feast of Annunciation and was celebrated as the New Year's Holiday in Europe until about the 15th Century, this was a week long holiday ending on April 1st...

Some believe that this refers to the Pagan Celebrations of the New Year, but, as Sarah would know, Pagans generally celebrated the birth of a New Year at Yuletide or with Saturnalia, which would be closer to the Christians copying the Pagans again when they officially changed the New Year's Holiday to January 1st.

Nice one, not so impressed by the music though!!
Uhh....Tom.....one of Sarah's nick names is "Sarah Barricuda"............as for the music........That's RnF HoF members and the god mothers of grunge "Heart". It aint supposed to be parlor music.

Oh ok, I get it now. It would appear that is one little secret you Merkins kept to yourselves thankfully.
Precursors to the "false" holiday would include the Roman Festival of Hilaria on March 25th, which was oddly enough the Feast of Annunciation and was celebrated as the New Year's Holiday in Europe until about the 15th Century, this was a week long holiday ending on April 1st...

Some believe that this refers to the Pagan Celebrations of the New Year, but, as Sarah would know, Pagans generally celebrated the birth of a New Year at Yuletide or with Saturnalia, which would be closer to the Christians copying the Pagans again when they officially changed the New Year's Holiday to January 1st.

i did not mind the palin bit, but the music really stank

how many 'pagan' holidays do you think that the christians co-oped
You mean in the anonymous world of the interwebs?

Yeah, so anonymous that people regularly post personal information and get banned.

Seriously, If they wanted to find me because I allow it they could.

I'll start. Mohammed was a child rapist, who married 8 year old girls, he was no prophet, just an epileptic with a penchant for religious power...

Here is a nice image of him as a dog:

Yeah, so anonymous that people regularly post personal information and get banned.

Seriously, If they wanted to find me because I allow it they could.

I'll start. Mohammed was a child rapist, who married 8 year old girls, he was no prophet, just an epileptic with a penchant for religious power...

Here is a nice image of him as a dog:


Put that on a sign board, stand in front of a mosque and see how long you can walk before someone sticks a knife in you.