Archbishop of Canterbury doesn't understand Christian support for an SOB like rumpf


[h=1]Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump[/h]

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Credit: ITV/Peston On SundayThe Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.
The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.
If a state visit by the President does go ahead, then the Rt Rev Welby would be invited to join him for a state dinner - and said he would attend.
"I meet lots of other people as well," he said in explanation.
"I spent years and years involved in conflict stuff around the world where I met people who had killed many, many people.
"You know, part of the job is to meet people you disagree with, and to testify with the love of Christ to them and to seek to draw them in to a different way."


US President Donald Trump enjoys strong support from fundamentalist Christians. Credit: PAAsked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?
"And I'm going to say what I think.
"No I don't understand it.
"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."
The Rt Rev Welby was asked about the resignation of Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron in June. Mr Farron said at the time that remaining "faithful to Christ" was incompatible with being a party leader.
Mr Farron had come under fire after refusing to say that gay sex was not a sin.
Most Rev said he sympathy both for Mr Farron and for people that took offence to his comments.
"I think it's one of those push-button issues which is really, really difficult to deal with," he said.

Last updated Sun 26 Nov 2017
[h=1]Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump[/h]

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Credit: ITV/Peston On SundayThe Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.
The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.
If a state visit by the President does go ahead, then the Rt Rev Welby would be invited to join him for a state dinner - and said he would attend.
"I meet lots of other people as well," he said in explanation.
"I spent years and years involved in conflict stuff around the world where I met people who had killed many, many people.
"You know, part of the job is to meet people you disagree with, and to testify with the love of Christ to them and to seek to draw them in to a different way."


US President Donald Trump enjoys strong support from fundamentalist Christians. Credit: PAAsked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?
"And I'm going to say what I think.
"No I don't understand it.
"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."
The Rt Rev Welby was asked about the resignation of Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron in June. Mr Farron said at the time that remaining "faithful to Christ" was incompatible with being a party leader.
Mr Farron had come under fire after refusing to say that gay sex was not a sin.
Most Rev said he sympathy both for Mr Farron and for people that took offence to his comments.
"I think it's one of those push-button issues which is really, really difficult to deal with," he said.

Last updated Sun 26 Nov 2017

I'm just like him, being a Christian that doesn't understand the attraction. Then again they say the antichrist can coerce many a fool.
I'm just like him, being a Christian that doesn't understand the attraction. Then again they say the antichrist can coerce many a fool.

Maybe you should actually read what the Bible has to say about, well, just about everything. :dunno:

Perhaps start with redemption. ;)
Maybe you should actually read what the Bible has to say about, well, just about everything. :dunno:

Perhaps start with redemption. ;)

Reading it, and understanding it are two different things. Some really do take it the wrong way. What you have to remember, is the times in which it was written, it was more barbaric times in the old testament. Read it with Christ in mind, without judgement. Many forget that, and hold contempt for those that sin. They forget where the judgment of sin belongs.

Well I hope I explained it in OK enough terms. I woke up after needing a Norco, and my head's a little fuzzy.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump


The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Credit: ITV/Peston On SundayThe Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.
The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.
If a state visit by the President does go ahead, then the Rt Rev Welby would be invited to join him for a state dinner - and said he would attend.
"I meet lots of other people as well," he said in explanation.
"I spent years and years involved in conflict stuff around the world where I met people who had killed many, many people.
"You know, part of the job is to meet people you disagree with, and to testify with the love of Christ to them and to seek to draw them in to a different way."


US President Donald Trump enjoys strong support from fundamentalist Christians. Credit: PAAsked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?
"And I'm going to say what I think.
"No I don't understand it.
"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."
The Rt Rev Welby was asked about the resignation of Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron in June. Mr Farron said at the time that remaining "faithful to Christ" was incompatible with being a party leader.
Mr Farron had come under fire after refusing to say that gay sex was not a sin.
Most Rev said he sympathy both for Mr Farron and for people that took offence to his comments.
"I think it's one of those push-button issues which is really, really difficult to deal with," he said.

Last updated Sun 26 Nov 2017
I’m with him, it is a real head shaker for me.
I’ve read it and I’m pretty sure your Christ would call his administration a den of vipers.

I expect that's true of every politician in the world........meanwhile, back at the ranch, the chickens are eating again and all is good in the world......
Reading it, and understanding it are two different things. Some really do take it the wrong way. What you have to remember, is the times in which it was written, it was more barbaric times in the old testament. Read it with Christ in mind, without judgement. Many forget that, and hold contempt for those that sin. They forget where the judgment of sin belongs.

I don't disagree. Doesn't that also apply to judging Trump supporters?
Well I hope I explained it in OK enough terms. I woke up after needing a Norco, and my head's a little fuzzy.

You did good. I'm sorry if you're in pain. That sucks. :(
I'm just like him, being a Christian that doesn't understand the attraction. Then again they say the antichrist can coerce many a fool.

Many of the worshipers of trumpf & other such devils believe the end times are here/close...

They see God using this POS to bring that about...

This of course isn't the traditional "end times" but the works of a few authors selling their books & ideas.....

Some of them are so hellbent on it they are willing to bring it about on their own if God aint moving fast enough for them...:hedb:
I don't disagree. Doesn't that also apply to judging Trump supporters?

You did good. I'm sorry if you're in pain. That sucks. :(

I normally critique, and mouth off when people are being obnoxious about it. I don't condemn Trump supporters, I just shake my head. It's a rough thing to handle pretension, hypocrisy, and utter disregard for truth, like I see in Trump, with grace, especially when you're burdened already. It's one reason I have a personal rule against discussing politics with some of my family. In the end there is a difference in terms of what judgement is. Judgement in the sense to condemn, isn't the same as critique.

Thanks for the sympathy. I've been through this before, and just need to keep the wretched feelings from dragging me down.
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Maybe you should actually read what the Bible has to say about, well, just about everything. :dunno:
Perhaps start with redemption. ;)

I've read it, more than once. My mom was a Sunday school teacher. We spent all Sunday morning and often a good lot of Sunday afternoon as well at church. At least till the game came on and we had to get home for that. lol

If she were alive today I don't think that she would understand the support for Trump either, especially from her fellow Christians. She would, however, pray for him that he find redemption and come to Jesus. Real Jesus, not the fake one he pays lip service to in order to charm the rubes.
poor bill.....reduced to pretending that Trump hates Jews less than a week after he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.......sure makes bill look like a fucking idiot, doesn't it.....

You would defend him like the criminals you defend, no morals, no ethics, a scumball....