Are all religions true? Are there any false religions?

Whichever religion one believes in is the correct one. All others are false.
and given that most people adhere to the religion they were raised in it means the only real religion is whatever one's great-great grandfather accidentally stumbled into.
and given that most people adhere to the religion they were raised in it means the only real religion is whatever one's great-great grandfather accidentally stumbled into.
And the religion that was stumbled into is more likely than not to be based on where in the world one happened to be born.
What is the standard to make judgments?
I don’t know what the meaning of “true” is. To a believer, their religion must be true, I suppose. Otherwise, what’s the point.

I’m sure their must be some religions, or at least believers, that also recognize the validity of others. Probably less common than the reverse.

For me, I don’t disregard the possibility of some sort of a god. There is merely no evidence of some sort of personal, intervening, omni-everything god that Christians and similar faiths try to tell us.

Bullshit. One’s religious beliefs are almost always determined by the place, time and to whom they were born. Some break away from that. Many, if not most, do not.
but all religion have developed a form of real morality, it's generally reserved for the "in group", and they treat the "out group" immorally or more immorally.

what are those rules for treating the in group well? nearly the same across all faith.

The infinite "in-group" is universal morality.
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I don’t know what the meaning of “true” is. To a believer, their religion must be true, I suppose. Otherwise, what’s the point.

I’m sure their must be some religions, or at least believers, that also recognize the validity of others. Probably less common than the reverse.

For me, I don’t disregard the possibility of some sort of a god. There is merely no evidence of some sort of personal, intervening, omni-everything god that Christians and similar faiths try to tell us.


what's an atheist Jew mean?
I don’t know what the meaning of “true” is. To a believer, their religion must be true, I suppose. Otherwise, what’s the point.

I’m sure their must be some religions, or at least believers, that also recognize the validity of others. Probably less common than the reverse.

For me, I don’t disregard the possibility of some sort of a god. There is merely no evidence of some sort of personal, intervening, omni-everything god that Christians and similar faiths try to tell us.

Many Hindus incorporate the gods of other religions into their beliefs. You'll find some Hindus that actually view Jesus as divine/a god.
but all religion have developed a form of real morality, it's generally reserved for the "in group", and they treat the "out group" immorally or more immorally.

what are those rules for treating the in group well? nearly the same across all faith.

The infinite "in-group" is universal morality.
Religion doesn't have anything to do with morality!
You wouldn't need God to save you're dumb ass if you weren't a dirty rotten sinner!
Religion doesn't have anything to do with morality!
You wouldn't need God to save you're dumb ass if you weren't a dirty rotten sinner!
they coincide quite often.

the golden rule is a perfect expression of morality.

now you're the biggest judger?

the christian teaching is we ALL are sinners.
What is the standard to make judgments?
While Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists of West Nazi Germany Virginia were granted standing for stealing & in all probability burning more than 24 copies of National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights their Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom maintains SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists Freudian slip as if it's "one nation under God with equal justice under law" from McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arson on a cross tradition......