Are Americans wising up?

Big Money

New member

A new poll found Americans starting the new year with a profoundly negative view of their government.

They express little hope that elected officials can or will solve the nation's biggest problems.


Half said America's system of democracy needs either "a lot of changes" or a complete overhaul.

Just one in 20 said it works well and needs no changes.


The poll was conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

The percentage of Americans saying the nation is heading in the right direction hasn't topped 50 in about a decade.

In the new poll, 70 percent lack confidence in the government's ability to make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country.
Any complaints about govt. stem from record low poll numbers for the Republican led House.
Well Big Money; if this forum is any indicator, the failure of this President will not have an impact on the leftists dunce like concepts of economics and liberty.
Any complaints about govt. stem from record low poll numbers for the Republican led House.

Interesting; so there you have it from the left wallowing in continued denial...Democrats and this President are blameless and not suffering from popular polls being at historic lows.

I'm curious what the talking point will be if Republicans control the Congress after 2014. Oh wait, the dunce Evince will tell us they cheated.

Carry on.
The government will not be able to solve the problems of the country because the whole country is heavily dependent on borrowing and spending to prop up a middle class lifestyle. The only way out is for all groups to cut heavily on borrowing and spending, but none of them will agree to do so.
Huh. So I guess 5 am is the magic hour huh?

The one goddamned hour this staggering loser isn't spamming this board. Imagine, 23 hours, 7 days a week, no holidays off, this repulsive, friendless shut-in is working furiously to ruin this board...he only needs an hour sleep. I guess he has no need for shower breaks. It's not like there's anyone around to smell him.
Are Americans wising up?

Let’s see. The first picture shows an overburdened economy trying to pull a whopping sized government intervention burden.

So is there any chance at all that Democrats & Republicans will cease intervening in the daily lives of American citizens with new laws and regulations? Fat chance of that, huh? They tell us what light bulbs we can use. What we cannot put into our own bodies and even regulate how we take a shit by limiting the amount of water we’re allowed to have in our toilet bowl.

Then there’s our foreign relations system. Is there any place in the world left where the Democrats & Republicans haven’t yet built another military base? Is there any place left in the world where Democrats & Republicans haven’t intervened in other countries politics, economies and fucking wars?

Seeing that Americans mostly reject independent candidates and third parties and continue to endlessly elect and reelect DemoQUACKS and RepubliCONS, the answer to this thread is “YEAH RIGHT, THATILL BE THE DAY!!!”
Seeing that Americans mostly reject independent candidates and third parties and continue to endlessly elect and reelect DemoQUACKS and RepubliCONS, the answer to this thread is “YEAH RIGHT, THATILL BE THE DAY!!!”

I think that you are absolutely correct by saying that. A majority of people in this country have held a negative view about the government, but when it comes down to election they keep on electing the same guys that will continue on the same path they dislike.
Huh. So I guess 5 am is the magic hour huh?

The one goddamned hour this staggering loser isn't spamming this board. Imagine, 23 hours, 7 days a week, no holidays off, this repulsive, friendless shut-in is working furiously to ruin this board...he only needs an hour sleep. I guess he has no need for shower breaks. It's not like there's anyone around to smell him.

Fucking stupid-assed Democrats still can't find the fucking "OFF BUTTON," huh? No worry about you morons "ruining" the board, your retarded intellect is the board comedy show. Keep up the good work idiots!!!!!
The government will not be able to solve the problems of the country because the whole country is heavily dependent on borrowing and spending to prop up a middle class lifestyle.

Total consumer debt declines 15%

U.S. consumer debt is down 15%, according to Equifaxs National Consumer Credit Trends Report.
I think that you are absolutely correct by saying that. A majority of people in this country have held a negative view about the government, but when it comes down to election they keep on electing the same guys that will continue on the same path they dislike.

In an October poll, 60 percent favored voting out of office every congressional incumbent. The poll was taken just 11 months after voters reelected 90 percent of House and 91 percent of Senate incumbents.
In an October poll, 60 percent favored voting out of office every congressional incumbent. The poll was taken just 11 months after voters reelected 90 percent of House and 91 percent of Senate incumbents.

So much for "wising up." Case closed!!!
Next November is coming.

Obama is tanking in the polls, and Dems are scared...with reason.

So maybe DemoQUACKS get replaced with RepubliCONS, that's like replacing Adolph with Joe and Larry with Curly.

When was the last time musical chairs downsized the government???
Total consumer debt declines 15%

U.S. consumer debt is down 15%, according to Equifaxs National Consumer Credit Trends Report.

Consumer spending makes up around 70 pct of the U.S. economy.

Also, we are looking at total debt (household, corporate, and government) increasing, part of a three-decade trend.