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The residents of Springfield, Ohio who claim Haitian immigrants living in their town are butchering and eating animals like: pet cats and dog; parkland ducks and geese, pigs, horses and so on, are 100% right.

To explain why, you need to know a little history...

Today, most Haitians are descendants of the slaves that the French colonists of San Domingo imported from West- Central Africa in the trans-atlantic slave trade.

The French colonists took over the Western part of the island the Spanish had named "Hispaniola) at the end of the 17th century, and named the territory "Sabdomingo." (now known as "Haiti".

The French wanted to grow sugarcane on "Haiti" because it was an extremely lucrative cash crop at the time. But growing sugarcane is a very labour-intensive process and they needed workers to create and maintain large, sugar plantations.

The solution to the problem was to obtain African slaves from Africa. Most of the transatlantic slave trade. Most of this trade took place off the Western-Cetral coast of Africa..

During the time the French were the colonial rulers of Haiti, they took 100s of thousand of slaves from West Africa to labour on their sugar (and tobacco and indigo) plantations on Haiti.

Many White Europeans and Americans still have this idea that during the era of the Trans -Atlantic slave trade, the Whiteys from Western Europe who wanted to obtain African slaves just rocked up to the West-Central coast if Africa, got off their ships, and ventured into the jungle, chasing after the native Africans with their guns and trying to catch as many as they could to load onto their ships and take back home as slaves.

WRONG ! Here's how it worked.. I'll use the example of the Kingdom of Dahomey that was located in West-Central Africa from around 1620 to the late 19th century.

The Kingdom of Dahomey was created by the "Fon" people. The Kingdom of Dahomey was heavily into the slave business. They would sent their warriors capture natives from neighbouring villages and hold them as slaves. What is unusual is the warriors of Dahomey were an organised military-type cory, they were notorious for their ruthlessness, savagery and courage, AND WERE ALL FEMALE. In the 19th century an English explorer/anthropologist who travelled to Dahomey called the "AMAZONS" and the name stuck. So during the time of the Dahomey Empire, the "Amazons" captured hundreds of thousands of slaves.

When the European slave ships arrived off the West coast of Africa, the Kingdom of Dahomey had 1000s of slaves (on-hand) ready to trade. The slaves were mostly traded for guns and ammunition There is no doubt that the French colonists of Haiti took a large number of their slaves from the Dahomian slave traders. throughout the 18th century.

The Kingdom of Dahomey practiced a religion called "Vodun". Its believed that the origins of Vedon stretch back 1000s of years to the Nile valley Vedon involved ritual ceremonies where animals were sacrificed to spirits. Their blood was consumed and their corpses eaten. Humans were also sacrificed (usually by decapitan) and their bodies cannibalised. There numerous accounts of gruesome/ bloodthirsty horrors witnessed in Dahomey by European travellor/expolrers who visited the Kingdom in the 17th and18th century. ( NB: In the 1950s and 1960s Western archaeologists excavated a number of sites in the former Kindom of Dahomey and discovered evidence of mass human sacrifices/cannibalism).

The West African slaves the French colonists took back to Haiti developed a religion called Vodou that was derived from Vedun. Haitian "Vodou" came to be called VooDoo in America ( so, for the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to Haitian Vodou as "VooDoo" in what follows).

Firstly the overwhelming majority (905) of the population of Haiti are still the direct descendants of West African slaves and are devout practitioners of the VooDoo religion, in fact, in 2003 the President of Haiti, then ,Jean - Bertrand Aristide, officially recognised VooDoo as a "bone fide" religion on an equal par with religions like Catholicism, such that a VooDoo marriage had the same legitimacy as a traditional Catholic marriage in Haiti.

One of the most important rituals in Haitian VooDoo is animal sacrifice. These sacrifices are made to spirits called ,Iwa. A range of animals are sacrificed, including, chickens, dogs, goats and pigs. Typically the throats of such animals are slit with knives or machetes and to blood collected and consumed. After this the animal is butchered and eaten. The sacrificing and eating of animals in VooDoo rituals/ceremonies has been taking place on Haiti since the 17th century. Therefore, given there are currently 20,000 Haitian immigrants who have arrived quite suddenly in the town of Springfield, Ohio (which had a population of 58,000 basically conservative, Whitey Yanks) and all of these recent Haitian arrivals are devout practitioners of VooDoo - OF COURSE ( !! ) animals in the town have started disappearing. The Haitians are swiping dogs, cats, ducks, geese, pigs, horse, etc to sacrifice and then eat in their VooDoo rituals.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Haitians are not eating pets. It has been thoroughly investigated and it is a Trump lie. There is no crime wave in Springfield. There are 199 people in jail and 2 are Haitians.
They are not illegal aliens. They were recruited by companies that needed labor, They find them hard-working, dependable and drug free. They are starting businesses too.
The car accident killing a kid was a terrible thing. Accidents DO happen. The father of the kid sees it as an accident and does not want his son used in right-wing propaganda.
Haitians have been granted TPS status. They are legal.
The Haitians were resuscitating Springfield. The city was doing poorly before they heard about Springfield, a place to work and build a new life. Now Trump will destroy what is being built because he knows there are haters that he can rouse up.
Haitians are not eating pets. It has been thoroughly investigated and it is a Trump lie. There is no crime wave in Springfield. There are 199 people in jail and 2 are Haitians.
They are not illegal aliens. They were recruited by companies that needed labor, They find them hard-working, dependable and drug free. They are starting businesses too.
The car accident killing a kid was a terrible thing. Accidents DO happen. The father of the kid sees it as an accident and does not want his son used in right-wing propaganda.
Haitians have been granted TPS status. They are legal.
The Haitians were resuscitating Springfield. The city was doing poorly before they heard about Springfield, a place to work and build a new life. Now Trump will destroy what is being built because he knows there are haters that he can rouse up.
MAGAts and downunder dumbasses don't care about truth. They only care about spreading their violent and racist rhetoric.

Haitians are not eating pets. It has been thoroughly investigated and it is a Trump lie. There is no crime wave in Springfield. There are 199 people in jail and 2 are Haitians.
They are not illegal aliens. They were recruited by companies that needed labor, They find them hard-working, dependable and drug free. They are starting businesses too.
The car accident killing a kid was a terrible thing. Accidents DO happen. The father of the kid sees it as an accident and does not want his son used in right-wing propaganda.
Haitians have been granted TPS status. They are legal.
The Haitians were resuscitating Springfield. The city was doing poorly before they heard about Springfield, a place to work and build a new life. Now Trump will destroy what is being built because he knows there are haters that he can rouse up.
They are investigating Springfield...and there are all kinds of problems...
You really are a scuzz bucket of a human being, Legina.

From your link:

It is worth noting that this incident in Canton is completely unrelated to the false claims being made in Springfield, Ohio. (

Following the debate, the Associated Press also reported that Ferrell is not Haitian. She was born in Ohio and graduated from Canton McKinley High School in 2015.
They are investigating Springfield...and there are all kinds of problems...
They have investigated the shit out of it. The findings are in. The Repub mayor made it clear. The people made it clear. The cops made it clear The story was a Trumpian lie designed to stir up even more in America.
Yeah, there are a couple of crazy Trumpys who will say whatever is asked.
The original story was not in Springfield. It was in Columbus over 150 miles away.
None of it is true.
They have investigated the shit out of it. The findings are in. The Repub mayor made it clear. The people made it clear. The cops made it clear The story was a Trumpian lie designed to stir up even more in America.
Yeah, there are a couple of crazy Trumpys who will say whatever is asked.
The original story was not in Springfield. It was in Columbus over 150 miles away.
None of it is true.
You're obviously not paying attention... The investigation is still going on and the problems are numerous.... They will be resolved... Do a little more reading one of these days... (and Springfield is not 150 miles from Columbus...)
You're obviously not paying attention... The investigation is still going on and the problems are numerous.... They will be resolved... Do a little more reading one of these days...
Does your daughter prefer cat meat or dog meat, TOP?