Are mass shootings increasing? Or just the reporting of them?


New member
Northern Illinois U, yesterday's apartment shootings in Tennessee, today someone shot six people (five of them reportedly "children") in Los Angeles, the list has seemed endless in the last few weeks.

This always seems to happen during election years. Are the shooters all disgruntled political activists? Somehow I doubt it. Or is this how many mass shootings we normally have, and the media just ferrets out all they can find during election years but ignore most of them (except the most horrific Virginia-Tech types) during non-election times?

Another theory is that, during election years, the airwaves are full of politicians of various stripes, telling us how much we "deserve" to get "free" stuff from the government. And simultaneously charging that greedy, heartless [millionaires, lawyers, oil companies, Republicans, corporations, banks, insert standard-use villain here] are deliberately withholding what is ours "by right". But during non-election times, there isn't nearly that much of that poppycock flying around. So whining, chronically offended loners and misfits get a lot more worked up during election times, no matter what their party, and a few grab a gun and start shooting. Or so the theory goes. Kind of thin if you ask me.

So why do we seem to hear so much more about mass shootings during election cycles, than at other times?
Right. The Roaring 20's were called that because a lot of lions kept escaping from zoos. :pke:

Back then occasionally a criminal would kill a mass of innocent people during a robbery or something like that. But quiet kids with no criminal record rarely got guns, walked into a school, and shot their classmates. That type of mass shooting is a new thing, and there are a number of sociological effects that have caused it.