Are Trump Supporters Insane?


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I'll let you be the judge. But to start out, are there any Trump supporters here? Well guess what. The last election wasn't stolen from Trump. What do you make of that. If you think it was, just let me know. I'll be glad to point out how foolish you are. Next, do you think you have a better opinion of Trump than his own sister had? If so, you are indeed insane. Trump used to have a sister who died recently. She also used to be a judge. She said that her brother couldn't be trusted. And that he had no moral principles. (Or words to that effect) You would have to be crazy to want such a person as president.

Also, Trump tried to pull off a coup with the attack on the Capitol Building. That makes him a TRAITOR! Deal with it. He even wanted to lead the attack himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. Which he got very angry at them over.

Next, on TV Trump voiced the possibility of cutting Social Security and Medicare as a way of paying down the national debt. That silver spoon raised, affluenza suffering POS. Also, I saw Trump on TV admit that he downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak. The scumbag. He also denies the proven science of human caused global warming.

Also, maybe you think Trump will do something about the INVASION of the U.S. by illegals. Well before he was elected, he made a campaign promise that he would deport 11 million illegals. But when he got elected, he did just about the opposite. In Obama's first 3 years on office, around 1,800,000 illegals were deported. In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were deported. What kind of idiot would trust him again on that matter.

Next, Trump kisses Putin's ass. On the news they showed him saying that he would actually encourage Russia to attack any NATO member country that doesn't pay its fair share of the cost of NATO. Which I also consider to be treasonous. Because NATO helps protect the U.S. And obviously, he doesn't support the Ukraine in their righteous struggle against Russia.

Also, Trump wants to be a dictator just like Putin. Which that whole January 6th thing proved. More proof is that recently Trump hosted the Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago. Who also happens to be a big Putin supporter. I'm sure they discussed how "wonderful" it would be if America lost its democracy and was ruled by a dictator. They probably even discussed ways in which to pull it off should he be elected president again. Now I am no Biden supporter either. But Trump? You have to be kidding.

So all in all, do you think Trump supporters are insane? If so, tell me so.
Cohen spent 3 years in jail for following Trump's orders yet rightys think Trump is innocent. Ask Weissenberg who is in his 2nd stint in jail for doing Donald's bidding.
Trump isn't a Leftist, Biden now is. That's sufficient for me to vote against Biden, period.

Well Goody Goody Gumdrop for you!

This is America, you vote for whomever you want!

I do not vote based on who is a Leftist vs. Rightist-

I vote based on who is most qualified and more in touch with most American Families and their interests.

And as far back as I can remember, that just happens to be the Democratic Party!
Did you even read my thread?

Yes. And that's my position. I will not vote for the Left. The Left is the single most destructive thing there is to a nation, economies, individuals, societies, and anything else. The Left has caused more death, pestilence, misery, racism, hatred, poverty, and every other negative of humanity than war, disease, or natural disaster. Why the hell would anyone who is of sound mind vote for a Leftist?
Yes. And that's my position. I will not vote for the Left. The Left is the single most destructive thing there is to a nation, economies, individuals, societies, and anything else. The Left has caused more death, pestilence, misery, racism, hatred, poverty, and every other negative of humanity than war, disease, or natural disaster. Why the hell would anyone who is of sound mind vote for a Leftist?

Says the guy who thinks Jan. 6 was a peaceful tour of the Capitol.
Three hour riot. Get it right. I know you have the memory of a goldfish, but I'd think by now you, like Bribem, would have note cards to que you in on things.

You literally ignore all the events leading up to, during, and after the Capitol attack. Like all Trumpers, you think lying is a virtue.
Yes. And that's my position. I will not vote for the Left. The Left is the single most destructive thing there is to a nation, economies, individuals, societies, and anything else. The Left has caused more death, pestilence, misery, racism, hatred, poverty, and every other negative of humanity than war, disease, or natural disaster. Why the hell would anyone who is of sound mind vote for a Leftist?

Everything you claim the democrats to be responsible for the republicans are responsible for as well. You would have to be stupid to think otherwise. And when it comes to stupidity, I just did a thread in the philosophy section called, "Chances are, you are stupid!" I invite you to read it.
I'll let you be the judge. But to start out, are there any Trump supporters here? Well guess what. The last election wasn't stolen from Trump. What do you make of that. If you think it was, just let me know. I'll be glad to point out how foolish you are. Next, do you think you have a better opinion of Trump than his own sister had? If so, you are indeed insane. Trump used to have a sister who died recently. She also used to be a judge. She said that her brother couldn't be trusted. And that he had no moral principles. (Or words to that effect) You would have to be crazy to want such a person as president.

Also, Trump tried to pull off a coup with the attack on the Capitol Building. That makes him a TRAITOR! Deal with it. He even wanted to lead the attack himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. Which he got very angry at them over.

Next, on TV Trump voiced the possibility of cutting Social Security and Medicare as a way of paying down the national debt. That silver spoon raised, affluenza suffering POS. Also, I saw Trump on TV admit that he downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak. The scumbag. He also denies the proven science of human caused global warming.

Also, maybe you think Trump will do something about the INVASION of the U.S. by illegals. Well before he was elected, he made a campaign promise that he would deport 11 million illegals. But when he got elected, he did just about the opposite. In Obama's first 3 years on office, around 1,800,000 illegals were deported. In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were deported. What kind of idiot would trust him again on that matter.

Next, Trump kisses Putin's ass. On the news they showed him saying that he would actually encourage Russia to attack any NATO member country that doesn't pay its fair share of the cost of NATO. Which I also consider to be treasonous. Because NATO helps protect the U.S. And obviously, he doesn't support the Ukraine in their righteous struggle against Russia.

Also, Trump wants to be a dictator just like Putin. Which that whole January 6th thing proved. More proof is that recently Trump hosted the Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago. Who also happens to be a big Putin supporter. I'm sure they discussed how "wonderful" it would be if America lost its democracy and was ruled by a dictator. They probably even discussed ways in which to pull it off should he be elected president again. Now I am no Biden supporter either. But Trump? You have to be kidding.

So all in all, do you think Trump supporters are insane? If so, tell me so.

Do feel free to fuck off, Comrade.
Everything you claim the democrats to be responsible for the republicans are responsible for as well. You would have to be stupid to think otherwise. And when it comes to stupidity, I just did a thread in the philosophy section called, "Chances are, you are stupid!" I invite you to read it.


Another mindless DNC drone comes in to vomit partisan idiocy.

You simply spew the idiocy of MSNBCCP and DNCNN.
I'll let you be the judge.
No you won't. You're here to preach.
But to start out, are there any Trump supporters here? Well guess what. The last election wasn't stolen from Trump.
Yes it was.
What do you make of that.
That you are a liar, mindlessly chanting what the Democrats told you to chant.
If you think it was, just let me know. I'll be glad to point out how foolish you are.
Go ahead. You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear. You can't just discard the Constitution either.
Next, do you think you have a better opinion of Trump than his own sister had? If so, you are indeed insane. Trump used to have a sister who died recently. She also used to be a judge. She said that her brother couldn't be trusted. And that he had no moral principles. (Or words to that effect) You would have to be crazy to want such a person as president.
Making shit up won't work, Sock.
Also, Trump tried to pull off a coup with the attack on the Capitol Building.
Trump did not attack the Capitol building. DEMOCRATS did. The coup was by DEMOCRATS and is successful (so far!).
That makes him a TRAITOR!
You can't blame Biden's or Pelosi's problems on Trump, Sock. Your membership in the Church of Hate is YOUR problem.
Deal with it. He even wanted to lead the attack himself. But his Secret Service guards wouldn't let him. Which he got very angry at them over.
Next, on TV Trump voiced the possibility of cutting Social Security and Medicare as a way of paying down the national debt.

The United States is broke. It can no longer pay off the debt. That is thanks to DEMOCRATS in Congress.
That silver spoon raised, affluenza suffering POS. Also, I saw Trump on TV admit that he downplayed the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak.
Au contrare. Trump banned flights from China (the source of the virus). He eliminated the red tape that allowed development of a treatment for it quickly. He successfully negotiated with companies to retool to supply the needs of hospitals and clinics.

What did Democrats do with it? Used Covid as an excuse to destroy the economy (starting the current economic depression), and forced people to wear stupid masks that cannot stop a virus. There are STILL people religiously wearing the dumb things.

No variant of Covid kills, Sock.

Going into paradox M and paradox V won't work for you any better than it works for anyone else in the Church of Covid.

The scumbag. He also denies the proven science of human caused global warming.
It is YOU ignoring theories of science, Sock. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor can create energy out of nothing.
Your chanting scripture in the Church of Global Warming won't work either.
Also, maybe you think Trump will do something about the INVASION of the U.S. by illegals.
Texas and 26 other States already beat him to it. He doesn't have to.
Well before he was elected, he made a campaign promise that he would deport 11 million illegals. But when he got elected, he did just about the opposite.
Trump never specified a number, Sock.
In Obama's first 3 years on office, around 1,800,000 illegals were deported.
Fiction. They were IMPRISONED in concentration camps that Obama built for the purpose!
In Trump's first 3 years in office, fewer than 800,000 were deported. What kind of idiot would trust him again on that matter.
What kind of idiot would trust Biden, after inviting invasion of the United States (an act of treason).
Next, Trump kisses Putin's ass.
More Church of Hate scripture.

Putin is a socialist, Sock, like DEMOCRATS. Trump is a capitalist.
On the news they showed him saying that he would actually encourage Russia to attack any NATO member country that doesn't pay its fair share of the cost of NATO.
Fiction. Trump DID get NATO nations to start paying up though. There is no 'fair share of the cost of NATO'. Go read the NATO treaty to see what Trump actually did with NATO.
Which I also consider to be treasonous.
Okay...let's talk about acts of treason:
Biden gave weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, and act of treason.
Biden committed espionage, an act of treason.
Biden invited open invasion of the United States, an act of treason.
Trump has committed no treason. See the Constitution of the United States, which you despise.
Because NATO helps protect the U.S.
No, it doesn't. Go read the NATO treaty.
And obviously, he doesn't support the Ukraine in their righteous struggle against Russia.
He doesn't support the war, Sock. He will work to end that war, which will benefit both Ukraine and Russia.
Also, Trump wants to be a dictator just like Putin.
Putin is not a dictator. Neither is Trump.
Which that whole January 6th thing proved.
The riots were by DEMOCRATS, Sock.
More proof is that recently Trump hosted the Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban at Mar-a-Lago. Who also happens to be a big Putin supporter.
I'm sure they discussed how "wonderful" it would be if America lost its democracy
America was never a democracy, Sock. Democracies have no constitution and no representative. The Oligarchy YOU want is not a democracy either.
and was ruled by a dictator.
That is what you WANT!!
They probably even discussed ways in which to pull it off should he be elected president again.
Dictators aren't elected, Sock.
Now I am no Biden supporter either.
Blatant lie.
But Trump? You have to be kidding.
So all in all, do you think Trump supporters are insane? If so, tell me so.
Your belief in the Church of Hate, the Church of Global Warming, and the Church of Covid is the insanity, Sock.