Are you a believer?

Is Obama a Muslim?

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Is he half black....or is he half white ?
And how can you tell....?

That's like asking whether a staircase goes up or down. Obviously he is both, although he may personally identify more with his black heritage. That doesn't have anything to do with religion, however. One cannot be "half Muslim."
Looks as though the Republicans who said they thought Obama is a Muslim have changed their minds since last August, or maybe they aren't active on "Just Plain Politics".
you forgot the "I'm as dumb as a bag of hammers for posting this" option.
That's the one I'll click.
My reasoning is this;
Faux news must have had a segment on this recently and you posted this after watching it.

It's bullshit. A non-issue. Just more garbage to bolster the continual hate and misinformation of corporate propaganda believers.
My reasoning is this;
Faux news must have had a segment on this recently and you posted this after watching it.

It's bullshit. A non-issue. Just more garbage to bolster the continual hate and misinformation of corporate propaganda believers.

Your reasoning is incorrect.

Why does asking a question threaten you?
I've noticed at JPP that when conservatives can't defend their positions they ask stupid questions that they could answer for themselves with a little research. Conservatives don't threaten me but I'm getting tired of their nonsensical bullshit questions.
I've noticed at JPP that when conservatives can't defend their positions they ask stupid questions that they could answer for themselves with a little research. Conservatives don't threaten me but I'm getting tired of their nonsensical bullshit questions.

I've noticed that tendency too, on both sides of the fence.

How did you arrive at the conclusion that I'm a "conservative"? Are all your ideas based on groundless assumptions?

If you're tired of something, don't participate in it. That's what I'd do.