Argument for the Argument of ID

Okay Mott... Pay attention here... this is what you do when you want to discuss a different topic from the thread you posted in. You simply start a new thread and go from there. Here is your quotes from the other thread, to kick this topic off....

Uh Dixie, not to kidnap this forum into an ID discussion but it's your lack of understanding of what science is and the scientific method that prevents you from being an objective scientist.

Not true. I fully understand the scientific method, and those who dismiss ID have abandoned it completely. This prohibits you from being objective scientists. You see, the scientific method dictates that we continue to ask questions and not dismiss possibility.

The problem with ID, from a scientific stand point, has nothing to do with religion or politics. That's a discussion for when ID advocates attempt to by pass science and advocate ID's being taught as science.

The real problem of ID that I see, as an objective biologist, is that it provides me with absolutely no practical tools for advancing the knowledge of how living systems function. In fact it doesn't even stand up to the most basic tenets of the scientific method.

This is because you have prejudiced your mind against the possibility. It has everything to do with religion and politics, that is why your mind remains closed to possibility. ID is not an opposition to ET, it doesn't negate Darwin's theories, it actually helps to explain some of the shortfalls. I personally believe in the possibility of both theories, and note the word "possibility" here, I don't believe absolutely in any theory as fact. Science doesn't "prove" things, so it's absolutely against scientific principles to draw conclusions of fact based on a theory.

Does ID model natural behavior? No it models the supernatural.

ID has nothing to do with supernatural or natural. Neither does ET. If we regularly saw evolution happening among the species, in a predictable manner, we could perhaps conclude ET was "natural" and your point would be relevant, but that is not the case. We have never 'observed' a cross-species evolution of any kind. The best example of how ET fails the test of "nature" is the Cambrian period. Literally ten's of thousands of species emerged during this relatively short period of time. ET, if it is true, would not result in such an "unnatural" occurrence. Evolution would be linear, never-changing, and we would see as much evidence of evolution now (and before) as we saw in the Cambrian period, but again, that is not the case.

Does it make any useful or practical predictions about living systems that can be tested? No it doesn't.

Nothing in cross-species evolution can be tested or predicted. ET can possibly explain how living things changed and adapted to their environment or circumstances, but it can not explain the diversity of life forms found on the planet. Not to mention, 95% of the species no longer exist.

Since it doesn't make any useful or practical predictions that can be tested, then it goes with out saying that ID cannot be independently verified by others.

Neither can cross-species evolution, does that mean we can dismiss the possibility of it completely? You keep using these unfounded terms like "independently verified" and "tested predictions" but as I said, there has never been one shred of evidence to support evolution across two different species. The whole idea of marine life 'evolving' into reptilian life and then into mammals and primates, is unfounded in science, and has no supporting evidence. It can't be predicted, verified, or tested. Yet, this is what some anti-ID people would have us believe. In a very un-scientific attempt to use ET to explain origin of life, and dispel ID, they abandon the very tenants of science and the scientific method and make conclusions and assumptions that are wholly invalid.

Is ID tentative? Can it be falsified? Not really, if you can't demonstrate that this intelligence actually exist, then you cannot, in principle, demonstrate that it actually doesn't exist either.

You also can't demonstrate cross-species evolution. Let's be clear on something here, science can not "demonstrate" or "prove" anything, it merely makes predictions based on observations. Nothing we've observed has indicated any cross-species evolution, therefore this can't be predicted. In other words, just like ID, you can't demonstrate it happened or didn't happen.

Do ID supporters publish peer reviewed scholarly articles presenting research that presents evidence for ID? There's none that I'm aware of.

Well there have been numerous research studies published by scholarly people, and concurred with by other scholarly people, regarding ID. There is as much "evidence" for ID as there is for cross-species evolution. And I continue to delineate between ET and "cross-species evolution" because I believe ET could very well be a part of ID. It seems that so many people who believe in ET, will view it as a direct opposition to ID, and I don't think one theory negates the other.

The real problem with ID is that it is a science stopper. When, as a biologist, I ask. "Why does a living system behave in a certain manner?" to say "because it was intelligently designed that way" stops furthering knowledge in it's tracks. There's no need at that point to understand structure, function and the dynamics of that living system any further as ID tells us the answer is, "It was designed that way.".

It only stops science in its tracks because you close your mind and accept something to be fact that is a theory. It also presumes you think science proves things, when this is clearly NOT what science does. Again, it is common for many ET proponents to do exactly that, offer an explanation they consider to be fact, rather than to explore other possibilities. It stops furthering knowledge in its tracks to proclaim ID invalid and cling to a theory of evolution to explain origin of all life on the planet.

I oppose intelligent design, as an objective scientist, because it provides so little, if anything, of value to science. It has no practical use.

And what practical use does ET have? To justify your anti-religious beliefs? You lost your "objectivity" when you dismissed the possibility of something you just may not understand or comprehend in your infantile human wisdom.

I'm hostile towards ID because it's supporters essentially are anti-intellectuals who reject the enlightenment values of naturalism, materialism and reason.

No, you are hostile toward ID because you've made your mind up and closed it to any outside possibility. You detest religion and those who practice it, and you see ID as some extension of those beliefs.

and none of that has anything to do with my religious views.

It has everything to do with your views on religion, that's precisely why you felt compelled to add this sentence. You want to build an irrefutable argument based on a theory that can't be proven, while denying any consideration of another possibility. So you throw out a bunch of scientific terms, make a few shallow assumptions about ID, throw a little cold water on those who support ID, and then top it off with a statement of denial about it having to do with your personal religious beliefs. You aren't fooling anyone but yourself with this rant.

Now.... If you are truly ready to open your scientific mind to possibility, I will attempt to explain some things regarding ID from my perspective, which have a legitimate basis in science and biology. If you are not ready to open your mind to possibility, there aren't enough words in the world for me to convince you, and it isn't worth the effort.
All I have to say is clearly this animal wasn't designed intelligently:
I'd also like to remind the board of Dixie's previous explanations of ID and his version of the scientific method began with him making an observation that God existed and the rest went from there. That observation qualified, in his mind, and fulfilled that particular tenant of the scientific method.
Nor was this one:


Just making sure there's some Bush bashing in this thread so Dixie has something to cry about.
All I have to say is clearly this animal wasn't designed intelligently:

By the way, Dixie, this is widely considered in biological circles to be a transitional species. Eyes migrating from one side to another to accommodate a flat-fish hunting patterns. You think its gimpy fin and lopsided eye is the final iteration of this species?

Hundreds of transitional species exist, FYA.
I'd also like to remind the board of Dixie's previous explanations of ID and his version of the scientific method began with him making an observation that God existed and the rest went from there. That observation qualified, in his mind, and fulfilled that particular tenant of the scientific method.

Why must you lie to people? Are you afraid of me or something? I never argued any such thing. In fact, every argument I have ever made concerning ID, was devoid of any religious belief or "God."

I actually think this is the fundamental reason you people remain so closed-minded to possibility. Intelligent Design does not equal God, nor the existence of a God. Your perception is your perception, and I can't do anything about that, except to tell you if this is how you see it, you are closed minded to possibility. You have formed an opinion that ID means God, and you don't believe in God, therefore, you dismiss ID. This is where your scientific objectivity fails, and indeed, contradicts the scientific methods you hold so dear.
‘Frog-amander’ fossil fills evolutionary gap
Creature from 290 million years ago represents transitional amphibian


Sorry, no prize for you!

The finding, detailed in this week's issue of the journal Nature, supports the idea that frogs and salamanders evolved from one ancient amphibian group called temnospondyls.

This is NOT cross-species evolution. Both species came from the same amphibian group. It is also not a "fact" but a "theory" or "idea", and there is a fundamental difference. It is also a possibility that this frog-amander was a species of its own, separate from salamanders and frogs, and it eventually became extinct. There is no "observation" other than the fossil remains, and this is not conclusive of anything.
All I have to say is clearly this animal wasn't designed intelligently:

You assume an intelligent designer would do things according to your concepts, perceptions, thinking of what should be. This would be another example of how closed-minded people justify their ignorant and bigoted viewpoints. You see a creature that is strange to you, it doesn't make logical sense, therefore, you conclude it couldn't have been the result of intelligent creation. You fail to realize, whatever might have intelligently designed life, is far superior in intelligence than you and I.
You assume an intelligent designer would do things according to your concepts, perceptions, thinking of what should be. This would be another example of how closed-minded people justify their ignorant and bigoted viewpoints. You see a creature that is strange to you, it doesn't make logical sense, therefore, you conclude it couldn't have been the result of intelligent creation. You fail to realize, whatever might have intelligently designed life, is far superior in intelligence than you and I.

Actually it was a joke.

Evolution has no concept of beauty but the creatures it creates sometimes may naturally have a concept of "beauty" with other things - it would make perfect evolutionary sense. You're idea of logic is just a theory Dix.
I still have a fucking tailbone. That's not intelligent design.

Appendix and tailbone - classic evidence of leftover pieces of evolution. Why would the designer design you to LOOK like you had evolved from something else? If you think he did it just to throw us off, you are truly entering "how can you prove that our brains aren't in a jar and this is just a computer simulation" territory.
Appendix and tailbone - classic evidence of leftover pieces of evolution. Why would the designer design you to LOOK like you had evolved from something else? If you think he did it just to throw us off, you are truly entering "how can you prove that our brains aren't in a jar and this is just a computer simulation" territory.

See..... here again, you are falling prey to the closed-minded concept of Intelligence being a "he" ...a "god" ....something you can relate to in your realm of pathetic existence. Intelligent design, only means Intelligent, not God or He.

Appendix, tailbone, etc. are your intelligence suggesting they shouldn't be a part of an intelligent design because you can't personally rationalize them, but you are not the intelligent designer, so you really may not fully understand everything, and can't draw these conclusions based on your limited knowledge.

I don't want to confuse this debate with an Argument for ID, this is merely the Argument for the Argument of ID. Do you follow me? The greatest evidence to support the argument for The Argument of ID, is the lack of knowledge and understanding we have about how life originated and emerged as it has on this planet. We don't understand the Universe, we can not define boundaries of it, and we amount to a tiny spec of dust in relation to it. We have our theories and ideas, and we have pieced together some details about our anthropology, which does seem to include some inner-special evolution, or mutation and change. This in itself is an amazing testament to the possibility of intelligent design. That whatever force or entity responsible for the intelligence of design, put it together so well it functions, thrives and adapts to environment... unlike anything our vast knowledge as humans has ever been able to design or create or fully understand.

The fundamental problem with this debate, is the people who have accepted ET as factual proof of our origin, and it's simply not that. To approach this debate with that preconception, compromises your objectivity to the point you simply can't open your mind to possibilities other than the ones you have concluded are true. You immediately attempt to presume "Intelligence" must mean a "God" or a deity of some kind, often worshiped in human religious rituals. I maintain, "Intelligence" means simply that, some form of intelligence. From my perspective, there is no assumption of a "God" or deity, or even any "thing" that might be understandable to mankind in any respect. Just the simple concept of intelligence in the original creation of life in the universe. Not only that, but I don't even seek to "prove" this is a fact, just to argue it is a legitimate theory to consider, when we ask the age old questions about the origins of life.

I see a lot of evidence to suggest intelligence, and it would seem to defy logic to conclude otherwise. I think this is what Einstein meant when he responded; "God Doesn't Play Dice" when he was asked about conclusions drawn from the Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Physics. Think of our Universe as a giant computer, and we are prehistoric cave men who have discovered it. Some of us will choose to believe it came from a God, some will perhaps realize the amazing potentials and secrets it holds, and some will believe it is a meaningless and insignificant object because they don't understand it or comprehend it's magnificence. There is no chance of the cavemen becoming MTSE Certified.
Dixies making the same argument Thor was about the hollow earth and gravity. "Well, just because we dont understand it because it doesn't make any logical sense doesnt mean anything!"