Arizona businesses hurt by tough immigration laws


The Force is With Me
Road sign in Arizona .. "Wanted: Illegals and undocumented workers"

Arizona, which enacted some of the toughest immigration laws in the country, is now feeling the pinch as some businesses close shop and move to Mexico, others freeze expansion plans, and threatens to destroy Arizona's agricultural industry on which the state is heavily dependant upon.

A University of Arizona study released earlier this year concluded that economic output would drop 8.2 percent annually if noncitizen foreign-born workers were removed from the labor force. Researchers estimate about two-thirds of the workers in that category are in the state illegally.

"Getting rid of these workers means we are deciding as a matter of policy to shrink our economy," says Judith Gans, an immigration scholar at the university's Udall Center. "They're filling vital gaps in our labor force."

Sheridan Bailey, president of steel-beam manufacturer Ironco, said he has fired several Hispanic employees in anticipation of the sanctions law. "This law has the potential of sinking a business," he said. Mr. Bailey, who has formed a business group to address the issue, said Congress's inaction has allowed "policies to be generated on the fringe."

Ironco recently sealed a deal to outsource some production to a Mexican company. "The labor market is tight, and I face fines if I don't meet my commitments," said Mr. Bailey. Pacing his company's steel-fabrication bay, where welders and fitters build columns, he asked rhetorically: "Who will work here in 112-degree heat, come the summer?"

Even the lawmakers who proposed the archaic laws have been forced to backtrack from what they previously proposed, and in fact, many are now supporting new immigration laws that give undocumented workers quasi-legal status in hopes of attracting illegals that have left back to the state.

Businesses and economies built up on the premise of taking advantage of workers should fail. imho.

Yhey can do like some other states and start trying to get prison labor :rolleyes:
Businesses and economies built up on the premise of taking advantage of workers should fail. imho.

Yhey can do like some other states and start trying to get prison labor :rolleyes:

That would be prison/slave labor.

Slavery, after all, is still legal in America .. but being undocumented is not.

go figure
There is different kinds of prison labor available.

One of them is a pool of labor that is underground... The other is prisoners.
"Ironco recently sealed a deal to outsource some production to a Mexican company. "The labor market is tight, and I face fines if I don't meet my commitments," said Mr. Bailey. Pacing his company's steel-fabrication bay, where welders and fitters build columns, he asked rhetorically: "Who will work here in 112-degree heat, come the summer?"

Good, go back to mexico or pay a decent wage to skilled American workers.

slavery has always been at the core of rightwing corporatist philosophy. putting a few CEOs in jail for hiring illegals would go a long way in solving the illegal immigrant 'problem'.
I really wish that the whole country would adopt the policies of Arizona just so everyone can see just how much undocumented workers contribute to our economy. It might then open peoples eyes to the need of REAL immigration reform and a serious guest worker program. I would love for the US to lose all undocumented labor for about a year. The economic impact would open a lot of eyes.
"Ironco recently sealed a deal to outsource some production to a Mexican company. "The labor market is tight, and I face fines if I don't meet my commitments," said Mr. Bailey. Pacing his company's steel-fabrication bay, where welders and fitters build columns, he asked rhetorically: "Who will work here in 112-degree heat, come the summer?"

Good, go back to mexico or pay a decent wage to skilled American workers.

slavery has always been at the core of rightwing corporatist philosophy. putting a few CEOs in jail for hiring illegals would go a long way in solving the illegal immigrant 'problem'.

Goddamn fascist. You'd kill America if it meant that all you'd have to look at is white people.
I agree on two points:
First, a company whose ability to turn a profit is based on illegal activities has no sympathy from me if they go down.

Second, until something is done to prevent U.S. employers from taking advantage of the desperation of illegal immigrants, no one will understand the extent of the problem. The claims that produce and other aspects of our economy which has a high dependence on illegal labor will see significant price increases are true. But what bothers me is the people arguing that point seem content on keeping prices low at the expense of unfair treatment of desperate people. I, for one, am NOT content to leave things as be for the sake of cheap lettuce.
blackass has no solutions just pointing out someone struggling to do the right thing. Lash out at whitey he deserve's it.

Immigration fearmongers want to starve even more people, and not only non-citizens now.

LOL god you're the perfect example of what's wrong with our schools. Do you understand that allowing companies to hire illegal workers drives down the wages of legal workers in the same "fields".(sorry, that one wrote itself) So by driving the illegal workforce and the companies that employ them out of america and into mexico these policies have been bad, how? We are losing illegal activity and untaxed, underground operations of which we would recieve NO TAX REVENUES ANYWAY!!!!!!

You are a moron, watertard
I agree on two points:
First, a company whose ability to turn a profit is based on illegal activities has no sympathy from me if they go down.

Second, until something is done to prevent U.S. employers from taking advantage of the desperation of illegal immigrants, no one will understand the extent of the problem. The claims that produce and other aspects of our economy which has a high dependence on illegal labor will see significant price increases are true. But what bothers me is the people arguing that point seem content on keeping prices low at the expense of unfair treatment of desperate people. I, for one, am NOT content to leave things as be for the sake of cheap lettuce.

Yes. It is so strange from the people who whine about low wages and triumph the virtues of minimum wage. Conservatives want legal workers paid what the market will bear. Liberals are for allowing rules to be broken so wages can be artificially low due to unfair advantage of companies using illegal labor, ducking insurance and workmans comp, etc.. and driving the overall price of the service down thereby reducing profits for legal companies in competition and in turn the wages of their legal employees.

thanks libtards!!!
"Ironco recently sealed a deal to outsource some production to a Mexican company. "The labor market is tight, and I face fines if I don't meet my commitments," said Mr. Bailey. Pacing his company's steel-fabrication bay, where welders and fitters build columns, he asked rhetorically: "Who will work here in 112-degree heat, come the summer?"

Good, go back to mexico or pay a decent wage to skilled American workers.

slavery has always been at the core of rightwing corporatist philosophy. putting a few CEOs in jail for hiring illegals would go a long way in solving the illegal immigrant 'problem'.

You got that right! It should have been done a long time ago.
Yes. It is so strange from the people who whine about low wages and triumph the virtues of minimum wage. Conservatives want legal workers paid what the market will bear. Liberals are for allowing rules to be broken so wages can be artificially low due to unfair advantage of companies using illegal labor, ducking insurance and workmans comp, etc.. and driving the overall price of the service down thereby reducing profits for legal companies in competition and in turn the wages of their legal employees.

thanks libtards!!!
Wow this post might have some point if ag jobs were subject to minimum wage. But they're not so you should go argue something else for which you MIGHT have knowledge.
Ag workers are exempt from many laws including minimum wage. Seat belt and other safety laws too in many places. FL for one.
And anyway,

A firm benenfits an economy a lot more than how it pays to the government, and these firms do pay taxes, you morons.

What company would honestly want to be located in America whenever it can move 10 miles, have workers, pay lower taxes, and not have to deal with idiotic ugly Americans who think their the gods of the planet?
American citizens of all races deserve the innate labor market protections of a functioning and enforced border, and an immigration policy NOT designed specifically to drive wages down.