Armed robbery--can it be legal?


Lets say your walking down the street, and you run into a robber with a hand gun. He insists that you hand over your wallet. You do so, in fear of your well being, but you are lucky and the police apprehend him and throw him in jail.

The robber gets a liberial lawyer, and calims that all money he robbed from people at gun point, has been donated to charity for what he believes is "the good for the all".

The court procedings go on as scheduled in a timely mannor and the guy is found not guilty because he claimes he was really just performing a humanitarian deed.

Should armed robbery for charity be legal? The actions and results of the robber parallel our own taxation, and are virtually the same.

Do you liberials support armed robbery for charity?
Looks like another Rush Limbaugh fan has been posting.

OK, here's one for you Major. Let's say your an interacial married couple and your walking down the street. A man with a gun comes up and holds you up. He proceeds to whip your African American husband unconscience and then hangs him from a tree. He dies

The gunman gets a conservative lawyer who claims the gunman was only protecting natural law and social order by preventing mesgenization and that his deed was really done for the good of humanity.

An all white conservative jury finds the man not guilty on the unique legal principle that the African American man was better off dead.

Do you conservatives support lynching African American men to ensure racial purity?

Seem far fetched? Well unlike your strawman this scenario has actually happened and many southern (and some northern) conservatives actually felt this way and some still do.

Find me one "liberal" who supports your asinine commnet?
Lets say your walking down the street, and you run into a robber with a hand gun. He insists that you hand over your wallet. You do so, in fear of your well being, but you are lucky and the police apprehend him and throw him in jail.

The robber gets a liberial lawyer, and calims that all money he robbed from people at gun point, has been donated to charity for what he believes is "the good for the all".

The court procedings go on as scheduled in a timely mannor and the guy is found not guilty because he claimes he was really just performing a humanitarian deed.

Should armed robbery for charity be legal? The actions and results of the robber parallel our own taxation, and are virtually the same.

Do you liberials support armed robbery for charity?

Why should I be ROBBED and my taxpayer dollars be forced to be used to defend your sorry ass?
Bingo!!! I come up with a senerio that closly parallels socialism/communisum that is happening in this country---and no liberial has an intelligent reply.

I love to show you liberial dupes how insane you are--it's fun---and easy because you don't operate with logic---just emotion. One for the good guys! LMAO hard as heck. :)
Why should I be ROBBED and my taxpayer dollars be forced to be used to defend your sorry ass?

Well--we are robbed the same way with social programs to help out sorry azz people.

you stated my point precisely--do you realize that?---lol
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Well--we are robbed the same way with social programs to help out sorry azz people.

you stated my point precisely--do you realize that?---lol

If some Chinese guys come and kill your entire family, how is it my responsibility to protect you? How can you possible defend robbing from me to protect you from other militaries around the world?
If some Chinese guys come and kill your entire family, how is it my responsibility to protect you? How can you possible defend robbing from me to protect you from other militaries around the world?

I think you may have misenturpeted my thread. I was showing a close--very close parallel between a robber taking my money, and giving it to charity--and what the libs want us to do with our money (same thing really)

it is kinda tounge in cheek--but a distinct parallel.

I was not talking about a Chinese invasion--but I will shoot them also, just like any liberial that comes to my home to take my property and make a redistrubution of other peoples stolen wealth.

The fact is, there is no difference if a group of people want to take my money for the grater good and use government authority to do it, and a liberial robber who actually has the balls (like that is possible) to do it himelf, instead of lobbing our congress to do it for them. In this case--congress is not more than a hired theif---hired by liberials who are too chicken shit to come over and take my money on their own.

Theft is theft.
I think you may have misenturpeted my thread. I was showing a close--very close parallel between a robber taking my money, and giving it to charity--and what the libs want us to do with our money (same thing really)

it is kinda tounge in cheek--but a distinct parallel.

I was not talking about a Chinese invasion--but I will shoot them also, just like any liberial that comes to my home to take my property and make a redistrubution of other peoples stolen wealth.

The fact is, there is no difference if a group of people want to take my money for the grater good and use government authority to do it, and a liberial robber who actually has the balls (like that is possible) to do it himelf, instead of lobbing our congress to do it for them. In this case--congress is not more than a hired theif---hired by liberials who are too chicken shit to come over and take my money on their own.

Theft is theft.

Please, shoot tax collectors then, and get your ass hauled off to prison. Surely their children and wives will understand, though.
Bingo!!! I come up with a senerio that closly parallels socialism/communisum that is happening in this country---and no liberial has an intelligent reply.

I love to show you liberial dupes how insane you are--it's fun---and easy because you don't operate with logic---just emotion. One for the good guys! LMAO hard as heck. :)

Oh please. You're an ignorant redneck. You're strawman scenario was utterly devoid of logic or rational reasoning and was the parroting of propaganda of some unwitting dupe. Hell you didn't even bother to attempt to rebut my attack on your weak assed post.

That makes you the debate equivalent of a coward.

Maybe you should change your handle to chicken man?
Looks like another Rush Limbaugh fan has been posting.

OK, here's one for you Major. Let's say your an interacial married couple and your walking down the street. A man with a gun comes up and holds you up. He proceeds to whip your African American husband unconscience and then hangs him from a tree. He dies

The gunman gets a conservative lawyer who claims the gunman was only protecting natural law and social order by preventing mesgenization and that his deed was really done for the good of humanity.

An all white conservative jury finds the man not guilty on the unique legal principle that the African American man was better off dead.

Do you conservatives support lynching African American men to ensure racial purity?

Seem far fetched? Well unlike your strawman this scenario has actually happened and many southern (and some northern) conservatives actually felt this way and some still do.

Find me one "liberal" who supports your asinine commnet?

I guess in a way his scenario has happened, too. You always hear about some thief falling through a skylight or tripping over a table and then suing the family that owned the house he was robbing...sometimes the judicial system sucks, regardless of ideology.
I sure am glad bush has not taken any of my money for his war in Iraq.

Be happy--making our military equiptment is the best form of manufacturing we have anymore--and people make money--lol

Joking. You libs always bring up the war with any topic started. Now, I agree that we went in there under pretence, and I think we should have concentrated on Bin Laden after our buildings went down. It was a ploitical move to go aftyer Saddam, and we don't know the full truth of why we have gone to any war since WW2.

But--I think getting in there is keeping the radicals on the defense and not offence--I hope.

Have you ever seen how the radicals behead us? I used to trap animals for the fur, and did some hunting. I could pull the skin off a fox, and it does not bother me. I saw a beheading by the radicals, and it was the absolut most barbarric thing I have ever witnessed in my life. There were 4 behheadings on this site, and I did not want to wantch more than one. I could not sleep that night---and I know you don't have the intestional fortitude to bring yourself to the truth that they want to cut all of our heads off .

Watch a beheading soon. It will give you a great idea of what these people are capabable of.

OK--your not going to watch it--I know--so I will describe it to you now.

The man beheaded was a white man (not sure if he was a reporter or not--but he was definatly European decient) name Nick Berg.

The film was 5 min long, with about 4.5 min of Quran reading to the back of the head of Nick Berg.

There were five radical assalients, standing in a larg radious behind Berg--who was on his knees with his back to the 5 murders. The men were all coverd in black, and faces covered also. it was not a uniform, they were all wearing different clothes. The killer, which was the dirt bag in the center of the five men was reading from their bible. there was no source of comfort for Berg. No blind fold, no cigerette--totally consious and fully aware his head is about to be cut off because he has different religious beliefs from the killers.

as the center killer continued reading, his tempo accelerated and volume increased as he was nearing the end of the read. he then finished the read--and pulled out a blade about 20" long. He then grabbed the kneeling Berg by the hair at the top of his head and started to SAW off Bergs head. It was not a one wack, off with the head kind of thing. The blade was placed to the side of bergs neck, and the killer started sawing. Now Burg is kicking and screaming. I windered why there were four other killers ther--they were used to each grab a arm or leg to hold him down while his head was being sawed off. When the butcher got through the spinal cord--all kicking and screaming was finished--and the butcher slowed down his cutting tempo a bit (it was not real fast to begin with) as if he were cutting a nice piece of prime rib. Then, the head was held up for the vid camera, with blood dripping from the neck.

Now--Before I saw that--I have seen pictures of those killers holding up a head for a still camera---but I was naieve enough to believe that the person was dead before the head was cut off.

That video---put me in self defence mode.

Sweet dreams liberial.
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I guess in a way his scenario has happened, too. You always hear about some thief falling through a skylight or tripping over a table and then suing the family that owned the house he was robbing...sometimes the judicial system sucks, regardless of ideology.

Well the jury system is by no means a perfect system and it was meant to reflect the conscience of our communities. The problem is, is when you have a village of idiots. Stupid shit happens. On the whole, it's still one of, if not the best judicial system in the world. Despite what some fascist right winger says.
Well the jury system is by no means a perfect system and it was meant to reflect the conscience of our communities. The problem is, is when you have a village of idiots. Stupid shit happens. On the whole, it's still one of, if not the best judicial system in the world. Despite what some fascist right winger says.

I would say it is the best judicial system in the world (although I would argue we are the best country, as well, despite the little socialist experiments that make the Democrats wet themselves) point was that ridiculous cases can go either way in this country, that no single party or ideology is responsible for the sometimes stupidity of the judicial system.