Army exempts trans service members from physical fitness standards


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So they make special rules for Transgender that will weaken the military and put people at risk in combat situations

One of the shibboleths of the Left is the claim that increasing the acceptance of “gender-diverse” individuals into the military merely extends the same opportunities to transgender folks as those afforded to people who identify with their natal sex (man, finding the right words is impossible when discussing these issues!).

Combine this idea with the claim that “diversity is our strength,” and you are led to believe that the military will be improved by expanding opportunities to transgender applicants.

Yeah, right. Even the Army doesn’t believe that, and they are the ones saying it.Apparently, the military doesn’t believe that transgender soldiers are just like everybody else, and in order to keep them on active duty they have thrown standards out the window.

The military is going through a crisis with weight–since 2001 the number of soldiers who are classified as overweight has skyrocketed by over 400%, and much of that has to do with accommodating a more “diverse” military. Women, Blacks, and Hispanics have higher rates of obesity in the military than Whites do, suggesting that the standards apply differently to different categories of people.

“Diversity is our strength” seems the opposite of the truth, at least as the military seeks to achieve it.

One of the lies we are being told, relentlessly, is that when the military makes efforts to expand the types of people admitted into the services the standards applied will remain the same. This has been clearly false forever. This has been particularly true when it comes to sex differences. As we know, different standards of physical fitness are applied to men and women, in opposition to what we were told when recruitment opened up, and now we see that the standards have been changed even more drastically for transgender people.
They dont give a fuck about the military mission, the Revolution is playing whole different game.
All it takes to straighten this out is a real war lasting more than a year...

Too late.....America is over....we were betrayed by our leaders and the entire Elite Class.....those who over all those years allowed their minds to be bended with the brainwashings at the Failed Universities.
We are no longer the greatest military power

Hell Mexico could probably take us over at this point, let’s just hope they don’t tear down all the pride flags on our military bases
We are no longer the greatest military power

Hell Mexico could probably take us over at this point, let’s just hope they don’t tear down all the pride flags on our military bases

I knew things were bad, but over the last year I have learned a lot more.

I thought the rot started in the Clinton turns out that Eisenhower was right.
"Just count all the 4 stars minding their terf....that tells you a lot about why nothing ever gets done well anymore (paraphrase)"