Army suicides reported up again at 108


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WASHINGTON - The number of Army suicides increased again last year, amid the most violent year yet in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Two defense officials said Thursday that 108 troops committed suicide in 2007, six more than the previous year. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the full report on the deaths wasn't being released until later Thursday.

About a quarter of the deaths occurred in Iraq.

The overall toll was the highest in many years, and it was unclear when, if ever, it was previously that high. Immediately available Army records go back only to 1990 and the figure then was lower � at 102 � for that year as well as 1991.

The 108 confirmed deaths in 2007 among active duty soldiers and National Guard and Reserve troops that had been activated was lower than previously feared. Preliminary figures released in January showed as many as 121 troops might have killed themselves, but a number of the deaths were still being investigated then and have since been attributed to other causes, the officials said.

Suicides have been rising during the five-year-old war in Iraq and nearly seven years of war in Afghanistan.

The 108 deaths last year followed 102 in 2006, 85 in 2005 and 67 in 2004.

More U.S. troops also died overall in hostilities in 2007 than in any of the previous years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Overall violence increased in Afghanistan with a Taliban resurgence and overall deaths increased in Iraq, even as violence there declined in the second half of the year.

Increasing the strain on the force last year was the extension of deployments to 15 months from 12 months, a practice ending this year.

The increases in suicides come despite a host of efforts to improve the mental health of a force stressed by the long and repeated tours of duty.

The efforts include more training and education programs, such as suicide prevention programs and a program last year that taught all troops how to recognize mental health problems in themselves and their buddies. Officials also approved the hiring of more than 300 additional psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals and have so far hired 180 of them. They also have added more screening to measure the mental health of troops.

Earlier this year, Lt. Gen. Michael Rochelle, the deputy chief of staff for personnel, directed a complete review of the Army's suicide prevention program, according to the Army's Web site. He called for a campaign that would make use of the best available science, and would raise awareness of the problem.

"Since the beginning of the global war on terror, the Army has lost over 580 soldiers to suicide, an equivalent of an entire infantry battalion task force," the Army said in a suicide prevention guide to installations and units that was posted in mid-March on the site.

"This ranks as the fourth leading manner of death for soldiers, exceeded only by hostile fire, accidents and illnesses," it said. "Even more startling is that during this same period, 10 to 20 times as many soldiers have thought to harm themselves or attempted suicide."

The numbers kept by the Army only show part of the picture because they don't include guard and reserve troops who have finished their active duty and returned home to their civilian jobs.

The Department of Veterans Affairs tracks the number of suicides among those who have left the military. It says there have been 144 suicides among the nearly 500,000 service members who left the military from 2002-2005 after fighting in at least one of the wars.

The true incidence of suicide among veterans is not known, according to a recent Congressional Research Service report. Based on numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the VA estimates that 18 veterans a day � or 6,500 a year � take their own lives, but that number includes vets from all wars.
I don't know if it is the war that is causing this, or the fact that the military has lowered its standards for enlistments and therefore there are less stable people filling the ranks.
The numbers kept by the Army only show part of the picture because they don't include guard and reserve troops who have finished their active duty and returned home to their civilian jobs.

Or are on disabliity ?
I don't know if it is the war that is causing this, or the fact that the military has lowered its standards for enlistments and therefore there are less stable people filling the ranks.

Some of both. And the Republicans deserve some of the blame for filling the kids heads with lies and false expectations. Of course they deserve the lions share of the blame for getting us into the war in the first place. Based on lies ....
Some of both. And the Republicans deserve some of the blame for filling the kids heads with lies and false expectations. Of course they deserve the lions share of the blame for getting us into the war in the first place. Based on lies ....
Now now now don't use the L word. They didn't LIE they mislead us. Huge difference. I will let you know what that difference is as soon as I am done figuring out what the defintion of "is" is.
With this we may agree.....

I don't know if it is the war that is causing this, or the fact that the military has lowered its standards for enlistments and therefore there are less stable people filling the ranks.

Lower the VN era draftees who used drugs and did atrociuous things were not caught in the processing...those who abused drugs and were suicidal or abusive personalities were off a memo to the Department of Defense, counselor, outlining your assessment...I already have!
Lower the VN era draftees who used drugs and did atrociuous things were not caught in the processing...those who abused drugs and were suicidal or abusive personalities were off a memo to the Department of Defense, counselor, outlining your assessment...I already have!
You know what? That is a REALLY good idea. I am going to do that this afternoon. Because I believe it has more to do with current enlistment standards than anything. They are harming our Army.
AWW a few felons never hurt anyone.

I tried to get them to reject me from the draft.
Never thought about telling them I was gay though. I would have played Republican and lied on that.
Yes us cit............

AWW a few felons never hurt anyone.

I tried to get them to reject me from the draft.
Never thought about telling them I was gay though. I would have played Republican and lied on that.

We are already aware of the fact that you were missed in the have made it quite clear in numerous threads that you were drafted and should have never served...we get it already!
My biggest concern here is not political. What I am concerned about is that soldiers, maybe even some that I served with in the past, are at greater risk by serving in a combat zone with unstable soldiers at their side. Not every unstable soldier is going to kill him or herself. Some are going to be in stressful situations where they are going to be relied upon to protect the soldier to the right and the left of him. Our soldiers deserve to be in units with dependable and stable members so that it does not adversely affect real time dangerous and deadly missions.
My concern is that IF Obama becomes president, he does not allow his administration to become distracted by any "pay back" mentallity. He has said that he wants to change the way things are done in Washington. Going after the previous administration for purely political reasons will further polarize american politics and our legislative process. The next president MUST be president of the United States and NOT president of his political party.
Yep soc, but some things that have been done in recent years do need to be undone.
You will get no argument from me, but IF it is not done correctly, then it will be viewed as political by a larger group of people than JUST the Bush kool aid drinkers. I only want the 25% of people that approve of Bush to be the ones that think something like this is illegit.
Anything the dems try to do will be considered political by the right. doing away with big oil tax and royalty breaks was called a tax increase and viewed as political. it is just business, big oil obviously no longer needs the tax breaks or royalty free oil.
well, cue Damo and Superfreak to run in here to the rescue of Bush.

We can continue their position, from the thread on the army accepting more felons.

A couple hundred suicides really isn't that much Soc. Statistically, its barely a blip on the radar screen. Don't blame Bush!