As if REAL libertarians needed another reason to oppose McCain


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McCain: Step up drug war
By The Denver Post
Article Last Updated: 09/03/2007 12:21:53 AM MDT

Republican presidential hopeful John McCain on Sunday said the U.S. should step up its war on drugs as part of efforts to secure the country's borders.

He said that's because Americans are to blame for "creating the demand" for illegal drugs that come into the country and give too much power to drug cartels that terrorize border areas.

"We are creating the demand. We are creating the demand for these drugs coming across our border, which maybe means that we should go back more trying to make some progress and in telling Americans, particularly young Americans, that the use of drugs is a terrible thing for them to do," he said.

The Arizona senator spoke during an appearance at a central Iowa farm where he devoted much of the conversation with a few dozen supporters to foreign relations and immigration.
Yeah and I thought the fiscal conservatives were all about cutting inefficient government programs. The so-called "War on Drugs" has led to some of the least efficient government programs out there.
We create the demand for "cartels" because we keep it illegal. It's like pretending that the Gansters of the 30s didn't come about BECAUSE of prohibition.
Yeah still not voting for McCain...

This kind of shit is actually making me want to vote for whoever has the best chance of defeating him in November, but I'll see how I feel once the Dems have chosen their nominee.
The drug war is going no where regardless of who is in charge. There are too many jobs that rely on drugs being illegal. Probation offices would not need as many PO's if drugs were legal so they would have to lay off people. There is a whole quasi-military law enforcement population that would be out of business if drugs were legalized. Prosecutor's offices get HUGE grants for prosecution of drug crimes and that money goes to raises and more prosecutors, legalizing drugs would put lawyers out of business (OH GOD SAY IT ISN"T SO!) There is a whole cottage industry of "rehab" centers that would have no one to house and could not sell their labor to the private sector. Courts have created drug courts with whole staffs of personel that would have nothing to do. Too many people across the country would be out of jobs if the war on drugs went away.
The drug war is going no where regardless of who is in charge. There are too many jobs that rely on drugs being illegal. Probation offices would not need as many PO's if drugs were legal so they would have to lay off people. There is a whole quasi-military law enforcement population that would be out of business if drugs were legalized. Prosecutor's offices get HUGE grants for prosecution of drug crimes and that money goes to raises and more prosecutors, legalizing drugs would put lawyers out of business (OH GOD SAY IT ISN"T SO!) There is a whole cottage industry of "rehab" centers that would have no one to house and could not sell their labor to the private sector. Courts have created drug courts with whole staffs of personel that would have nothing to do. Too many people across the country would be out of jobs if the war on drugs went away.
Transfer them all over to the new immigration enforcement group that would be necessary to enforce actual border security and legislation that would deal with the population we currently have here illegally, whether it would be to run them through the "path to citizenship" or to the "path back home"....
Transfer them all over to the new immigration enforcement group that would be necessary to enforce actual border security and legislation that would deal with the population we currently have here illegally, whether it would be to run them through the "path to citizenship" or to the "path back home"....
And you are not running for president why?
And you are not running for president why?

That's a lousy idea. There is not much need for a huge bureaucracy on immigration if you reduce the red tape involved. But there is already a huge vested interest in the current bureaucracy as well.

What to do with the drug war industry? Fuck em, let them get real jobs. Might not be winning politically but the reality is it would be great economically.
And you are not running for president why?
Because knee-jerk policies tend to have unforseen negative effects.

As for the "no need for a large bureaucracy" reason it is a "bad idea". There is no need for a long-term bureaucracy, but there is certainly a current need for one. After the fact you load level them as you go. Move them to new areas that do need the people. The reality is we aren't getting rid of the bureaucracy over night. But you can stop back-filling the retirees and load level the remaining bureaucrats to areas with need.
Yeah, Damo running for president would be a lousy idea. The Spin machine would burn his ass with claims of inexperience. Though, he could bring up how he is the administrator of a Message Board talking about politics.
Yeah, Damo running for president would be a lousy idea. The Spin machine would burn his ass with claims of inexperience. Though, he could bring up how he is the administrator of a Message Board talking about politics.
That would convince them. I could also tell them I know Russian. Apparently knowing another language or two is a measure of intelligence. At least it was for Kerry's wife who was too stupid to realize that her excuse of "I didn't know she had been a librarian" only made her statement worse, not better.
That would convince them. I could also tell them I know Russian. Apparently knowing another language or two is a measure of intelligence. At least it was for Kerry's wife who was too stupid to realize that her excuse of "I didn't know she had been a librarian" only made her statement worse, not better.

My perfect candidate would have no experience whatsoever...