As US shows, no political system is safe from those intent to wreck it


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Alice Wu says America's political paralysis is a reminder for us that even a generally sound system of party politics is not idiot-proof

American politics is taking an unprecedented worldwide beating for the government shutdown. Of all the derision it has attracted, the headline of an editorial in France's Le Monde newspaper, "Jefferson, wake up, they've gone crazy!" is by far the best.
But calling out to the founder of American democracy isn't going to get the government back up and running again.
What shut down the US government today is essentially the same as that behind the shutdowns of the Bill Clinton era: dysfunction brought on by party politics.

The brilliance of the Le Monde headline lies in the fact that Jefferson had a hand in the "first party system" that created the role of organised political parties in America, and which subsequently cemented the domination of politics by a two-party system.
The two parties that have come to dominate American politics today are direct political descendants of the Jefferson-founded Democratic-Republican Party.

Since their separation, the political divide between the two has only grown. Partisan bickering has gone from bad to worse.

The final hours leading up to the latest paralysis sounded like a seance - some sort of paranormal politicking - with the people's elected representatives quoting founding fathers left and right.
Both sides of the Obamacare divide found solace in the founding fathers: George Washington and James Madison, and of course, Jefferson, were all woken up from their long sleep to speak for both sides.

Republicans saw Jefferson as obviously against big government and Democrats saw him as obviously against shutting down government.
The fact that these politicians have completely lost the political art of compromise and have, instead, mastered the art of spreading the blame - is perhaps the epitome of how dysfunctional party politics has become in America.

Readers of this column may know that I've long advocated party politics for Hong Kong, without which the chief executive, even if elected by universal suffrage, would be in a political straitjacket and legislators would have little incentive to be either productive or constructive.

As we look at the mess across the Pacific, let us keep in mind that while an ill-designed political system spells doom, political inflexibility, even in two-party politics, can have a paralysing impact
. All political systems have their flaws and limitations. It is really up to those with the political currency of power and influence not to exploit them, so as to make things work.

As we contemplate our way forward, the US government shutdown should be a powerful reminder of how democracy can be sucked dry by those who are set on disengaging and disrupting political discourse, process and progress.

Jefferson was a principled and practical politician who was wise enough to be flexible.
But what the world has seen of late is political rigidity that alienates the people, casts doubts on the political process, forces rigor mortis to set in on public discourse and puts political progress under lockdown
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The writer works for the South China Morning Post -a Hong Kong based paper (online?)

NOTE the references to our founders, first presidents - the world looks to the US political system as a guide for democracy.
We are LOSING IT people -and the destruction is based on hyperpartisanship overcoming any modicum of willingness to COMPROMISE for governing.

Sometimes others can see out failings more clearly then ourselves, as Hong Kong is deciding on how to set up their politics.

W are not immune to stagnant inability to govern ourselves, the 2 party sytem is now a contrivence, thst no longer serves our (the people's) interest.

Don't buy into it, the professional politicians are in it for themselves, not to represent us.
As a point of order, we don't have a party system. Parties are not codified in the constitution and there's a very good reason for that.
As a point of order, we don't have a party system. Parties are not codified in the constitution and there's a very good reason for that.
point taken, and Hong Kong may be setting up something that is codified that way(?).

Still; while not proscribed by the Constitution, it is a 2 party system by default, until (unless) we do something about it -
it starts with our populace not buying into it.

That much I am sure of - grass roots disgust and loathing has to replace apathetic acceptance , though how we change anything is beyond my thought process.
The writer works for the South China Morning Post -a Hong Kong based paper (online?)

NOTE the references to our founders, first presidents - the world looks to the US political system as a guide for democracy.
We are LOSING IT people -and the destruction is based on hyperpartisanship overcoming any modicum of willingness to COMPROMISE for governing.

Sometimes others can see out failings more clearly then ourselves, as Hong Kong is deciding on how to set up their politics.

W are not immune to stagnant inability to govern ourselves, the 2 party sytem is now a contrivence, thst no longer serves our (the people's) interest.

Don't buy into it, the professional politicians are in it for themselves, not to represent us.
It's much less about partisan politics, and much more about corporate money pulling the strings.

Koch Bros started this shutdown in the summer.
The government is shut down? Whoopty-freggin-doo! Who’d have guessed it? Tell ya what. I’ll bet the Treasury is still collecting tax extortion and I’ll bet Obama and his bureaucrats are spending it faster than they get their grubby hands on it. Personally I’d prefer a ”REAL” government shut down, how about you?
could be corporate money, could be just hyper-polarization - money isn't going to leave partisan politics -SCOTUS is supposed to hear a case increasing the individual contributions, and with Citizens United -corporate money is here to stay.

Which leaves dismantling the 2 party system, a huge impenetrable task. I'm registed ( I.) - can't vote in the (closed) primary.

A small price to pay.
yes its why the republican party has cheated so heartily for so many years.

they wanted to stack the Scotus with right wingers instead of people who actually reflect the population
remember that permanent majority Rove used to talk about?

it took decades of cheating to get to their plan
If Gore had been allowed to win what would our Scotus look like right now?
Gore wouldn't solve hyper-partisanship.
SCOTUS rules "money is free speech" in Citizens United -restricting money - even corporate money is a restriction on political speech.

'Political speech' is considered the 'most protected' type of speech; while I'm not crazy about the ruling the logic is precise.
election cheating and gerrymandering caused this mess.

get rid of those and the system will work again
election cheating and gerrymandering caused this mess. get rid of those and the system will work again

By "work again" you mean another four decades of Democrat control of Congress, don't you?

BTW, do you know who gave his name to the practice you pretend to abhor when it doesn't benefit Democrats?

This is a democracy.

If the people choose the dems then that is what the people choose and you loose.

You hate democracy?

BTW its democratic party

get it correct and stop lying about the name of it
Gore wouldn't solve hyper-partisanship.
SCOTUS rules "money is free speech" in Citizens United -restricting money - even corporate money is a restriction on political speech.

'Political speech' is considered the 'most protected' type of speech; while I'm not crazy about the ruling the logic is precise.

It is a pipe dream to think money is going to leave our political system. It's just not going to happen. Throw in the fact that our government's tentacles continue to grow in what it touches and you are going to have even more money involved, example Silicon Valley.
hahahahahahahahahahah This is a democracy. If the people choose the dems then that is what the people choose and you loose. You hate democracy? BTW its democratic party get it correct and stop lying about the name of it

What do you say when the Democrat Party loses an election?

BTW, we have a constitutional republic. Get it correct and stop lying about the nature of it.