Ask a Hindu ... about "MAYA"


Hare Krishna Templar
Everything you ever wanted to know about "MAYA" but were VERY afraid to ask. Please ask, I will be tactful, and try not to scare you out of your monkey mind.
Yeah, it is Buddha’s mother’s name, knew that from watching Jeopardy, about all I need to know

Maya is "magic" or "illusion" in the Hindu religion, not Buddha's mother's name. Basically, it is the power a god could have to make you believe in an illusion.
Maya is "magic" or "illusion" in the Hindu religion, not Buddha's mother's name. Basically, it is the power a god could have to make you believe in an illusion.

I thought Trump was for believing in illusions.
Like the illusion that he gives a fuck about anyone but Trump.
Maya—illusion; literally, "That which is not" aka unreality, deception, forgetfulness, material illusion.

Under illusion a man thinks he can be happy in this temporary material world.
The nature of the material world is that the more a man tries to exploit the material situation,
the more he is bound by maya's complexities.

Maya is said to be the concomitant mandate of the material/mechanical cosmos,
to thus supply the means for the soul to exist birth after birth.
In the material cosmos, the soul is seeking the goal of eating, sleeping, mating and defending...

Maya is the illusion that the material cosmos is absolutely real ---whereas, in truth,
the material cosmos is temporary and thus NOT eternal and thus causing the soul
to stay ensnared in her allurements, birth after birth

Maya is known energy of God ... because "Maya" also means, in Sanskrit: All Mine. Ma - mine; ya - all such.

IE: Hitler was in Maya. Nazi's soldiers were in Maya. 99% of Las Vegas gamblers are in Maya. The drug addict is in Maya.

Maya = the state of being that is false.
Māyā is a Buddhist term translated as "pretense" or "deceit"
that is identified as one of the twenty subsidiary unwholesome
mental factors within the Mahayana Abhidharma teachings.
In this context, it is defined as pretending to exhibit or
claiming to have a good quality that one lacks.


What is the illusion of Maya?
In Advaita Vedanta philosophy, maya is the limited, purely physical
and mental reality in which our everyday consciousness has become
entangled. Maya is believed to be an illusion, a veiling of the true,
unitary Self—the Cosmic Spirit also known as Brahman.

Maya is Hindu and Buddhist doctrine is a mechanical nomenclature for how
the soul-unit is befooled by the attractions of fleeting life ---ironically such
bewilderment [maya] is the cause and impetus to keep taking more and more
future births without any effort to stop the Recidivism cycle.

Maya is Hindu and Buddhist is NOT a term that relates to the workings of a God or Gods ...
[Though it can be argued that God or Gods are to blame for self- or mass illusion]
it connotes "living/working/thinking" for a goal that is illusory,
and it is NOT a theist related metaphysical term.

IE: the bank robber thought that he would become rich = Maya.
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I thought Trump was for believing in illusions.
Like the illusion that he gives a fuck about anyone but Trump.

I thought I asked for questions.
Like the questions that gives a good fuck about something. ---Okay, your statement was about what you give a fuck about ---not that there's anything wrong with that.
I thought I asked for questions.
Like the questions that gives a good fuck about something. ---Okay, your statement was about what you give a fuck about ---not that there's anything wrong with that.

Most people have no idea what they do not know about Hindu. There is no premise from which such questions would arise because the idea has never been taught to them. If you want questions, first you must blow away the clouds of ignorance.
When Jesus was tempted by the Devil...

The Devil was "Maya" incarnate.

The Devil was doing his ya'll all should know well enough already...

a job to ensnare Jesus etc etc etc...

The devil's job is to provide for the stirrings of Maya to occur.

Yeah yeah yeah...God is the ultimate proprietor ...all things good and bad...etc...

But here in the material world there are principal actors that imbued with and impassioned by "Illusion".

One shoulder is the Angel and the other shoulder stands a Devil ----that devil is Maya.

It may apply to metaphysical analysis...but really refers to the "Monkey Mind" common to the human condition and zeitgeist.
The term Maya is used as a pejorative. The monk is in maya, he wants to movie to Paris and live it up.

Maya is what the Buddhist monk must overcome ... so that the monk can keep his vows.

Maya will keep the false/temporal ego puffed up and engrossed in the mundane.

The Nobel Truth that life is suffering is a Reminder, a herald's call to remember that Maya will make you fall down from your duty ---AND THAT'S the Status quo of the material world where duality is the prime essence of material energy... [remember the Ying-Yang Symbol?]


A synonym for cosmic material energy / material world is the word Maya.

Maya is the nomenclature for the purpose of a Universe that offers a place for souls to traverse 8,400,000 species of life forms.

Brahman, Param-atma, Bhagavan are the three buoys that exist in the ocean of the material cosmos.

Empty-space, Heart of all souls, Suprema Persona d'Dio are the three buoys.

Maya keeps us feeling satiated and/or outright that suffering we can seek out the three buoys.