Asking Ain’t The Same As Getting


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U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday called on Harvard University to pay back money it got for relief from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, mistakenly saying it had taken the money earmarked for small businesses.

US: Trump asks Harvard to return virus relief funds
Vakkas Dogantekin | 22.04.2020

Oh yeah. All of those Harvard lawyers will give back the money when a cow jumps over the moon.


Even if I am wrong about the coronavirus money I am still in favor of my suggestion:

Both movies promoted the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war. My suggestion was to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s mullahs they can bomb Harvard to even the score.

Just a reminder of what Harvard stands for:

Last but not least is Harvard’s “brain dead” report that unleashed more evil on the world than did every bad law ever written.

Brain dead versus coma —— coma lost.

The term ‘brain dead’ was created by Harvard butchers in 1968. Their reason was obvious. Calling a medical condition brain dead quickly acquired a precise legal definition in order to avoid the charge of homicide every time someone in a coma is murdered. In plain English, a brain dead diagnosis was created as a legal excuse to commit murder.

An ad hoc committee at Harvard Medical School published a pivotal 1968 report to define irreversible coma. The Harvard criteria gradually gained consensus toward what is now known as brain death. In the wake of the 1976 Karen Ann Quinlan controversy, state legislatures in the United States moved to accept brain death as an acceptable indication of death. Finally, a presidential commission issued a landmark 1981 report – Defining Death: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues in the Determination of Death – that rejected the "higher brain" approach [clarification needed] to death in favor of a "whole brain" definition. This report was the basis for the Uniform Determination of Death Act, which is now the law in almost all fifty states. Today, both the legal and medical communities in the US use "brain death" as a legal definition of death, allowing a person to be declared legally dead even if life support equipment keeps the body's metabolic processes working.

Finally, Trump gets another A-Plus for trying.

Unknown to the public, Trump will also sign an EO that drops a sheet over his douche bag image for 60 days. Should Trump’s ‘Achieve-Nothing-Executive Order’ does manage to hornswoggle conservatives until election day his douche bag image will be set in cement for all to see during his second term.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his new U.S. immigration ban would last for 60 days and apply to those seeking "green cards" for permanent residency in an effort to protect Americans seeking to regain jobs lost because of the coronavirus.

Trump plans to institute the ban through an executive order, which he said he was likely to sign on Wednesday. He said it would not apply to individuals entering the United States on a temporary basis and would be re-evaluated once the 60-day period had passed.

Trump: Immigration Ban Will Be in Effect for at Least 60 Days
Reuters - April 21, 2020 7:31 PM
By Jeff Mason, Steve Holland, Ted Hesson

Oh yeah. All of those Harvard lawyers will give back the money when a cow jumps over the moon.

The good news is:

Harvard Backs Down: University Says It Will Not Take Coronavirus Aid
by John Carney
22 Apr 2020

My position remains unscathed:

My suggestion was to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s mullahs they can bomb Harvard to even the score.
Last but not least is Harvard’s “brain dead” report that unleashed more evil on the world than did every bad law ever written.

Brain dead versus coma —— coma lost.

Where does the Constitution say every child has a “. . . right to a ‘meaningful education’. . .”?

The Washington Post and -Salon have raised questions about the practice lately. More alarming, Harvard Magazine this week unleashed a thoroughly unfounded attack on homeschooling, drawing on the work of Harvard University law professor Elizabeth Bartholet.

The article cited Bartholet’s call for “a presumptive ban,” because homeschooling supposedly “violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education’

In Harvard, children escaping from Socialist brainwashing for a minute is “. . . child abuse.”

and their right to be protected from potential child abuse.”

Elites go to war on homeschooling — just when everyone’s doing it
By Corey DeAngelis
April 23, 2020 | 7:46pm

Harvard professor Bartholet is just another teacher implying that income tax dollars paid to public schools (and teachers) all the way thru a degree from a parasite university (and professors) is constitutional:

In case you are not paying attention to the latest scandal it is about tax dollars going to institutions of higher learning when the federal government has no constitutional authority to be in education.

p.s. I am betting that two Harvard liars, Elizabeth Bartholet and Elizabeth Warren, share more that a first name.
The Washington Post and -Salon have raised questions about the practice lately. More alarming, Harvard Magazine this week unleashed a thoroughly unfounded attack on homeschooling, drawing on the work of Harvard University law professor Elizabeth Bartholet.

The article cited Bartholet’s call for “a presumptive ban,” because homeschooling supposedly “violates children’s right to a ‘meaningful education’

El Rushbo does not lay into Harvard University as do I, while his analyses of Elizabeth Bartholet and homeschooling is beyond dispute:

Professor Bartholet decided to weigh in on the coronavirus in an article for Harvard Magazine. She is worried about your children being homeschooled by you, the parents. She is worried about your children being forced into lockdown with their parents, with you all day, every day. This is unacceptable to Elizabeth Bartholet of Harvard’s child advocacy program. This is a huge, huge problem that parents have this kind of access to their children and thus have this kind of access to their education. Professor Bartholet says that the question is whether parents should have 24/7 essentially authoritarian control over their children from age 0 to 18.

I want you to try to think back to this, ask yourself if you are one of these people who have reacted very, very angrily at me over the years when I have said, postulated that one of the real reasons behind day care was to get your kids out of your house and to place them in locations where government educators would have access to them, mini-propaganda opportunities.

I remember people, “Rush, come on. That’s so over the top. People have to farm the kids out. It takes two incomes to survive today.” I mean, this goes back a long time. And I’ve said, “I’m just telling you, you need to be very, very wary of this.” Well, here comes evidence. Of all the things going on, Elizabeth Bartholet at Harvard is worried that you have authoritarian control over your own kids from the time they are born until they are 18. She says in her view that that is dangerous.

And I’m quoting here, “It’s dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless. “Well, what the hell is turning ’em loose at school all about? If the teachers and the administrators are not authoritarians, and, if the students are not powerless, I don’t know what definition of power and powerless is.

But to say that is the equivalent circumstance of a family living together in their own home, that it is the powerful in charge of the powerless? She said, “It is dangerous to give those powerful people,” parents, “total authority over powerless people.”

She doesn’t see a family living in your house. She sees a Nazi mom and dad and a bunch of prisoners that are the kids. And the Nazi mom and dad are the problem, and the kids (the prisoners) have to be rescued from the “authoritarian” parents — who love their kids! I mean, of course there are exceptions.

Harvard Professor Doesn’t Want You to Be Alone with Your Children
Apr 24, 2020

All of the bullshit flying around about protecting“the children” is pathetic. Protecting teachers and their tax dollar incomes not the children has always been the ED’s game. Parents homeschooling their kids unintentionally attack tax dollar incomes as well as take them out of Socialism’s line of fire. The fact is that teachers’ unions will never allow Trump to suggest taking money away from public schools and putting it into homeschooling programs via flash drives. I am talking about teaching the three R’s not the garbage the ED teaches.

Instead of breaking the ED’s grip on children one state government tried to destroy the homeschooling movement. The douche bag in the White House loves background checks so much he probably embraces this one, too:

Homeschoolers rise up against criminal background checks
Posted By Bob Unruh On 02/22/2018 @ 8:43 pm

Parenthetically, Europe’s collectivist agenda took root in the U.S. in the late 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century; so this policy is sure to grow in strength if teachers’ unions have any say:

Government demands passports from homeschool parents
Posted By Bob Unruh On 02/24/2018 @ 8:34 pm

Eurotrash lost their empires in the last century in addition to blowing themselves all to hell in two World Wars, yet they still promote their moral superiority as a message from God.

Europeans now believe that it is the natural order of things for Europe to do the 'thinking' and for the U.S. to do the 'fighting'. I sure as hell hope Europeans are not asking the U.S. to defend their continent against the Muslims they are importing by the millions.

September 25, 2016
‘The United States Must Be the World's Policeman.’ Really?
By Peter Skurkiss

Peter Skurhiss’ article is not about homeschooling, but it begs the question “Why in hell would Americans listen to Eurotrash when they preach another variation of totalitarian government?” Their continent has a history of Europeans producing totalitarian governments as well as glorifying a long list of dictators starting with Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon all the way up to Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini. God forbid Eurotrash give birth to their next dictator in the EU or the United Nations.

It is the bigotry of low expectations.

Lloyd Marcus’ phrase sums up public school education for the poorest children versus homeschooling:

Home-schooled kids are strikingly smarter, better educated, calmer, and better behaved. I also noticed that every home-schooled kid I spoke with looked me in the eye. They seemed happy with a subtle confidence.

March 16, 2017
Homeschooling: Restoring Parents' Right to Raise Their Children as God Intended
By Lloyd Marcus

It is not because home-schooled children are inherently smarter. They are ahead because of the things public school teachers cannot put in their heads. Basically, the battle is between the things public school teachers put in every kid’s head versus the things homeschooling parents keep out.

Aside from home-schooled kids escaping Socialist brainwashing, public school educators have been writing off the “wrong children” children for at least four generations. Why waste time teaching young children a solid foundation in the three R’s when they show no aptitude for Socialism/Communism at a very early age. It does not take a genius to distinguish the “right children” thriving in an institutional setting beginning in the kindergarten.

As for the undeserving, they are given obedience training that passes for education. In simple terms a prison is every institution unmasked —— more so in today’s public schools.

Finally, it is not about race. The right black Americans are welcomed to collectivism with open arms while the wrong black Americans are abandoned alongside recalcitrant whites.