At Last...Someone Is Paying Attention...Now For America!


Makes the ganglia twitch.
I'm jealous of England for this...where is our judicial system other than in the Corporatist pockets.

ALEC Ties Bring Down British Defense Secretary, Threaten Prime Minister David Cameron

"British Defense Secretary Liam Fox has stepped down in the midst of an escalating scandal tied to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The ALEC connections have led opposition party leaders and the British press to question whether British Prime Minister David Cameron has been "allowing a secret rightwing agenda to flourish at the heart of the Conservative party."

Fox, Atlantic Bridge, and ALEC

Last week, the Center for Media and Democracy reported on the escalating political scandal involving allegations that Fox's friend and former flatmate, Adam Werrity, had been profiting off of their relationship. Werrity had been handing out business cards embossed with Parliament's logo that described him as an "adviser" to Fox, and businessmen had gone through Werrity to arrange meetings with the defense minister. Lobbying firms and charities tied to Werrity, in turn, would receive payments from some of those same individuals and special interests. As the Fox-Werrity scandal unfolded, it emerged that Werrity had been using Fox's taxpayer-funded office as the official headquarters of a "charity" Fox had founded in 1997 called "Atlantic Bridge."

In 2001, the American Legislative Exchange Council set up a sister charity by the same name, which led to a surge in Atlantic Bridge funding and activities.

The Guardian stated that, as a result of the ties to ALEC, "It is hard to escape the conclusion that in the space of five years the Atlantic Bridge went from a small, Tory-leaning charity, dispensing freedom medals in the name of Thatcher, to an influential networking club linking most of the cabinet to powerful business interests, neocons and Tea Party enthusiasts."
I'm jealous of England for this...where is our judicial system other than in the Corporatist pockets.
It's been slowly leached of most real power by the legislative and executive branches. Oh, and you guys let it happen because you didn't like unelected judges, never mind that it they were selected and approved by two sets of elected officials.
I'm sorry but our judges are elected and I'm not clear on what you're trying to say. Maybe you can expand your comments? ALEC is corrosive and hard at work all around the world buying governments.
specifically mentioning unelected judges had to mean federal judges, since we generally elect state and lower court judges. not sure what his point about it is.