Axios stunned by Trump polling with young voters.


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Axios stunned by Trump polling with young voters.

Trump's bid to steal the youth vote share in presidential elections among voters aged 18 to 29

Former President Trump appears to be making stunning inroads with young voters as he stakes out youth-friendly positions that defy GOP orthodoxy and contradict past statements.Why it matters: The prospect of Trump coming within striking distance of winning young voters — which shows up in poll after poll — would have seemed unthinkable at the outset of the cycle.State of play: Public polling suggests a significant shift toward Trump could be coming in the 2024 election among the country's youngest voters.

The latest New York Times/Siena polling of likely voters has President Biden with just a 2-point lead over Trump among those between 18-29. A recent Quinnipiac survey has Trump ahead by a point among registered voters between 18-34.By contrast, CNN exit polling showed that Biden won the 18-29-year-old vote by 24 percentage points in 2020, and that Hillary Clinton won it by 19 points in 2016.

Poverty and hunger do tend to focus the mind.
As the old saying goes: voting for Biden is like being on the Titanic and hitting the iceberg .. then circling around and hitting it again. the sad thing is that we never needed to hit that iceberg in the first place.
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As the old saying goes: voting for Biden is like being on the Titanic and hitting the iceberg .. then circling around and hitting it again. the sad thing is that we never needed to hit that iceberg in the first place.
When the original post was written, the URL was preserved, but the displayed URL was shortened. When Earl copied the post, he only copied the displayed URL, so this URL does not work.

That opens a whole series of questions, like where is Earl copying posts from? Why is he not writing his own posts? Is he being paid to post this material?
When the original post was written, the URL was preserved, but the displayed URL was shortened. When Earl copied the post, he only copied the displayed URL, so this URL does not work.

That opens a whole series of questions, like where is Earl copying posts from? Why is he not writing his own posts? Is he being paid to post this material?
Notice how U yet again have nothing honest to say about what reality looks like.

FUCK U and the horse you rode in on.