Az Illegal-Immigrant Hiring Law Upheld

I swear, any day now a guy is going to rise up, blame the Mexicans for all our problems, start invading Canada, and set up concentration camps where he murders millions. It's becoming more and more like 1930's Germany in America ever day.
I swear, any day now a guy is going to rise up, blame the Mexicans for all our problems, start invading Canada, and set up concentration camps where he murders millions. It's becoming more and more like 1930's Germany in America ever day.

I thought you were the anti-fearmonger.
This is a stupid law. It will hurt hispanic Americans and lead to a more burdensome and costly hiring process for all. They will repeal it within 10 years, if not far less.
I swear, any day now a guy is going to rise up, blame the Mexicans for all our problems, start invading Canada, and set up concentration camps where he murders millions. It's becoming more and more like 1930's Germany in America ever day.
Come on now! The law is actually a good one. I have posted numerous times on this site that I don't think undocumented workers actually hurt citizens nor our economy. But they hurt themselves when they take these jobs. There have been instances where the workers have been forced to live on site and pay rent that is so high and food bills so outrageous that at the end of the week the workers owe the person that hired them and has no check left. The US and Mexico need to get together and create an ID that mexicans can use to cross the border and then come across and work. For decades, employers that hire undocumented workers have escaped with no more than a slap on the wrist. It is about time that the system cracked down on the employers.
Come on now! The law is actually a good one. I have posted numerous times on this site that I don't think undocumented workers actually hurt citizens nor our economy. But they hurt themselves when they take these jobs. There have been instances where the workers have been forced to live on site and pay rent that is so high and food bills so outrageous that at the end of the week the workers owe the person that hired them and has no check left. The US and Mexico need to get together and create an ID that mexicans can use to cross the border and then come across and work. For decades, employers that hire undocumented workers have escaped with no more than a slap on the wrist. It is about time that the system cracked down on the employers.

The intention of this law is not to solve the problem of the underground illegal economy.
Come on now! The law is actually a good one. I have posted numerous times on this site that I don't think undocumented workers actually hurt citizens nor our economy. But they hurt themselves when they take these jobs. There have been instances where the workers have been forced to live on site and pay rent that is so high and food bills so outrageous that at the end of the week the workers owe the person that hired them and has no check left. The US and Mexico need to get together and create an ID that mexicans can use to cross the border and then come across and work. For decades, employers that hire undocumented workers have escaped with no more than a slap on the wrist. It is about time that the system cracked down on the employers.

It is going to crack down on employees.

The law also requires businesses to use an otherwise voluntary federal database to verify the employment eligibility of new workers.

Kind of like the databases used for voter purges and no fly lists. Yeah, that's a great idea.

A sheriff in Arizona is already enforcing the law (wrongly) against illegal immigrants, and crowding the jails with them, forcing the jail system to reject real criminals. This is what we're headed towards.
A sheriff in Arizona is already enforcing the law (wrongly) against illegal immigrants, and crowding the jails with them, forcing the jail system to reject real criminals. This is what we're headed towards.

Are you worried about this Arizona sheriff heading your way, or what ?