Baby Parasites?


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Nearly five million United States-born children of illegal aliens, given birthright American citizenship, now reside in the country, new estimates indicate.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), in its latest illegal alien population estimates, approximates that about 4,964,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens live in the U.S. today. These children, commonly referred to as “anchor babies,” immediately obtain birthright citizenship and anchor their illegal or foreign parents in the country.

FAIR’s analysis reveals that California, with its expansive sanctuary state policy, is home to more than a million anchor babies, while nearly 715,000 reside in Texas and another 381,000 reside in Florida.

The totals are significant as the last anchor baby population data was released in 2017 by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which estimated that about 4.5 million anchor babies below 18-years-old resided in the U.S.

Analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that, on average, roughly 300,000 anchor babies are born to illegal aliens every year and about 72,000 anchor babies are born to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students every year.

All of these U.S.-born children, and their parents, benefit immensely from the nation’s birthright citizenship policy that guarantees American citizenship to anyone, regardless of their ties to the country, born within the parameters of the U.S.

For years, former President Trump had said he was readying a plan to end birthright citizenship with an executive order that likely would have been challenged by open borders organizations, forcing the issue potentially up to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump, though, did not sign any such order while in office.

To date, the U.S. Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens must be granted automatic American citizenship, and a number of legal scholars dispute the idea.

Many leading conservative scholars argue the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment does not provide mandatory birthright citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens or noncitizens, as these children are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction as that language was understood when the 14th Amendment was ratified.

Today’s anchor baby population exceeds the annual number of U.S. births by roughly one million. Research from 2018 finds that the U.S.-births of illegal aliens costs American taxpayers about $2.4 billion every year.

Study: Nearly 5M Anchor Babies in U.S.
by John Binder
8 Feb 2021

Only in America can parasites sue:

Children of Illegal Immigrants Sue Florida Over State’s College Tuition Policy
November 2, 2011 9:29 AM

The mothers of anchor babies are not Americans, nor are their babies American after they squat and drop on American soil; hence, their children do not meet the eligibility requirements should they get a path to citizenship.

Admittedly, no one expects a flood of anchor babies running for the presidency in the near future, but it is not hard to image a presidential eligibility mess somewhere down the road. The next mess will not take as long as the time it took between Chester A. Arthur’s presidency, 1881 to 1885, and Obama’s.

NOTE: The Chicago sewer rat was American on his mother’s side. His presidential eligibility is another matter.

There was no great rush to strictly enforce the eligibility clause after Arthur because no one thought he hated America. Not so with Obama. The next ineligible, America-hating, president will build upon every betrayal the sewer rat got away with. That is not to say that an eligible president will not do it, too. Bill Clinton is a case in point, but he only dreamt about executing the betrayals Obama got away with.

Incidentally, When I was young I thought that anyone born under the American flag was automatically a U.S. citizen even if the birth took place on a ship at sea flying the American flag. I do not know where I got that idea, but I never gave it much thought. Illegal immigration was not a problem in the 1940s and ‘50s. Like most Americans I believed the federal government would protect this country’s borders. I learned otherwise in recent years, as well as coming to a better understanding of the 14[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment and the Eligibility Clause in the Constitution.

The fact is, anchor babies are not citizens of the United States, and the 14th Amendment does not guarantee citizenship to babies born on American soil.

CNN Debate Fails On 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause
Douglas V. Gibbs
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Thursday, June 16, 2011
Myth #13: Anchor Babies are American Citizens
By Douglas V. Gibbs

Anchor Babies was used against Donald Trump during the campaign when he promised to send them home. He was right. They are not Americans at birth.

The amnesty crowd hinted at a compromise. Their story is: Let the anchor babies who were born here stay with THEIR RELATIVES, but close the loophole in the future. That is an incremental trap.

Here are two compromises the open-borders crowd will never agree to:

1. Deport the parents along with illegal alien relatives, but let the children stay here until they turn 18 years old when they can be deported. Families will then be reunited in their own country. Do it that way so the blame falls on their parents for breaking the law instead of letting the filthy sneaks in Congress lay a guilt trip on Americans.

2. If the Supreme Court ever rules that anchor babies are American citizens send the kids home with their parents with proof of citizenship documentation that allows them to return after they turn 18.

Parenthetically, the halfwits on the Supreme Court could not figure out the Constitution when illegal aliens squat and drop their kids on American soil; so what in hell are they going to do with this one?

Foreigners, particularly from China want American surrogates to carry their kids to reap the benefits of U.S. citizenship.

Illegal immigrants gave birth to 295,000 babies in the U.S. in 2013 according to Pew Research. Some prospective Chinese parents are attempting to use American surrogates to justify moving to the U.S. or getting cheaper college tuition.

A Chinese person wanted to hire five surrogates at once, an odd request which prompted New Jersey lawyer Melissa Brisman to turn down representing the would-be-parent according to The New York Times. Another foreigner that wanted to game the American surrogacy system, “wanted to keep two babies, and put the rest up for adoption,” according to surrogacy lawyer Andrew W. Vorzimer who spoke with The Times.

“He wanted to keep two babies, and put the rest up for adoption,” Vorzimer said of a client who requested a total of six embryos be put into American surrogates. “I said, ‘What, like the pick of the litter?,'” Vorzimer recalled asking his client while in shock at the request. “He said, ‘That’s right.’ I told him I wouldn’t work with him,” Vorzimer told The Times.

Opportunistic abuse of American surrogacy laws is just one of many ways that some foreigners take advantage of the benefits granted to their U.S.-born children, who are then granted citizenship according to the 14th Amendment. 36,000 children are born in the U.S. per year as a result of “birth tourism” when expecting mothers come to the U.S. shortly before their baby is due, so as to ensure that their child is an American citizen.

American Surrogates Are Giving Birth To Anchor Babies
JP Carroll
National Security & Foreign Affairs Reporter
9:08 PM 10/07/2016

Surrogate baby machines are expensive; so selling birth certificates became a cottage industry.

Regardless of what happens to the economy after illegal aliens are deported, Americans will get their country back and be better off for it. Americans can work their way through economic downturns, but it is impossible if tens of millions of illegal aliens are here when the economy tanks as it always does. That is called a boom and bust cycle.

Naturally, the lady who so admires Margaret Sanger had to chime in:

“They’re called babies,” Hillary Rodham Clinton posted on Twitter.

Hillary’s twitter was a big mistake:

Babies? When they are inside the womb, and having their faces cut open, their brains crushed, or when they are cut into pieces, Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't call them babies. She calls them fetuses. Illegal aliens claim it is dehumanizing to call anchor babies anchor babies, but liberals have no problem dehumanizing babies by calling them fetuses and then joking over wine and salad about dismembering their bodies, as a Planned Parenthood official was caught on video doing recently.

Hillary Clinton has no right to speak out on "Anchor babies" when she calls dismembered babies "fetuses". But if that is a favorite liberal word, maybe we should do what Mark Levins suggests and call them "anchor fetuses". That shouldn't upset them, right? Liberals don't get upset when fetuses are dissected. What's deportation compared to that?

Just remember it's all about language. They want to take away our ability to criticize these people who are stealing citizenship for themselves and their families. If we lose the ability to say what they are, if we are forced to call them "dreamers", we lose the battle.

August 21, 2015
If 'anchor babies' is too incendiary, how about 'anchor fetuses'?
By Newsmachete

The number of innocent human beings killed with kindness amounts to sixty million-plus abortions in this country alone.

Ann Coulter had it right. I especially enjoyed this:

Conservative firebrand and bestselling author Ann Coulter joined Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa Tuesday – and she delivered an epic smackdown of “speech Nazis” who ridiculed the GOP frontrunner for using the term “anchor baby.”

“Apparently liberals think ‘anchor baby’ isn’t pleasant sounding,” she said in a speech introducing Trump at the event. “They prefer words like ‘aborted baby.'”

She continued,“But I have an idea. How about anvil babies – because that’s what anchor babies are around the necks of the American taxpayer.”

Ann Coulter joins Trump in epic smackdown
On 'anchor babies': 'Maybe it'd be better to keep their mouths shut'
Published: 08/25/2015 at 9:18 PM

Unfortunately, Ann’s anvil idea was dead in the water. The speech Nazis will never let Americans decide they want to be the hammers for a while:


And is it not interesting that the highest paid network mouths are called anchors? QUESTION: If they are anchors what in hell are they anchoring? ANSWER: Their tax dollar salaries. (I like to think that anchors belong on ships!)

When defending America’s sovereignty becomes the first priority in immigration the process of deporting millions would speedup immensely.

Finally, Democrat parasites whine that the American people will not tolerate deporting millions of illegal aliens, yet you never hear a media mouth defend the things the American people are being forced to accept in addition to the illegal immigration mess. The sniffling I enjoy the most is the one that says deporting anchor babies “Is not the kind of country we are.” In truth, not rewarding illegal aliens regardless of how they got here is exactly the kind of country this is.