Backdoor To Socialized Medicine


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A new poll from Rasmussen Reports on the coronavirus has good news for the White House and bad news for the media.

Rasmussen is wrong. Coronavirus is good news for media parasites and bad news for President Trump. Here is why:


Socialists/Communists found a way to fund socialized medicine. Legislation like Obamacare is no longer required. From now on every time Socialists want more money for socialized medicine media parasites will run another wall-to-wall scare tactic like coronavirus. That is why Democrat presidential candidates never say where the money is coming from to give free healthcare to everybody. They dare not say that coronavirus scare tactics will pay for socialized medicine now and forever after. Whether or not President Trump realizes it, but the 8.5 billion dollars he signed for coronavirus was only the down payment.

Note that the 46 percent getting socialized medicine constitute the Parasite Class, while more than 50 percent of Americans do not vote. That means that Rasnussen’s 46 percent comes from voters who vote. In short: Approximately 25 percent of Americans are parasites.

It found 46% of likely U.S. voters say the federal government's response is good or excellent.

NOTE: The vast majority of Americans wanted no part of Obamacare. Donald Trump was elected on repealing the ACA and securing this country’s borders. President Trump might think he is winning, but a close look shows that illegal aliens are still pouring in while the ACA is being replaced by fully funded socialized medicine.

Sad to say Senate Republicans did not have the numbers to stop Obamacare in 2010. Senate Republicans could have stopped funding coronavirus but they did not. In fact, it was Senate Republicans who sucker punched the American people by agreeing to the down payment.

But 3 of 5 Republicans believe "the media and some politicians are playing up the threat of the coronavirus to hurt President Trump."

Poll: 60% of GOP think media using coronavirus to hurt president
'Playing up the threat'
By WND Staff
Published March 5, 2020 at 1:20pm

President Trump better start contradicting socialized medicine’s parasites with vetoes:

WASHINGTON — As cases of the coronavirus continue to spread around the world and the United States, President Donald Trump is not backing away from spreading personal beliefs about the virus that contradict veteran health officials and experts.

Trump has a long history of distrusting experts, most notably his own intelligence community and governmentscientists, and frequently claims to know more than his career experts on a wide range of subjects. But with the world teetering on the edge of a global pandemic, the stakes for Trump's pushback have never been so high. As of Thursday afternoon, 11 U.S. patients had died and more than 100 Americans had been diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease that causes the coronavirus.

Trump has painted criticism about his comments on the virus as a Democratic "hoax" and media "hysteria." On Thursday, the Trump campaign sent out a memo claiming that the "media’s obsession with weaponizing the coronavirus against President Trump remains at pandemic levels."

'Just my hunch': Trump's own experts disagree with his beliefs about coronavirus
NBC News
Lauren Egan and Mansee Khurana
Mar 6th 2020 11:38AM

Finally, Wall Street liars see a fortune coming their way after socialized medicine sends medical industry stocks through the roof. Most notably chemotherapy.

As it stands now medicare and some Medicade will pay for chemotherapy. Socialized medicine will pay for chemotherapy for everybody including every tourist, every legal and illegal alien that sets a toe in this country.

Far too many incompetent doctors are running around. I have tremendous respect for those compassionate doctors who do so much good treating pain and suffering. Not so with doctors specializing in treating cancer. Somewhere along the way doctors treating cancer abandoned the golden rule of medicine: FIRST DO NO HARM. The public would not tolerate any other branch of medicine allowed to do so much harm.

If healthcare was a gambling casino cancer would be the houses’ most lucrative table in the joint. My instinct tells me that the medical industry, and the courts, bend over backwards to protect so much charity money, and so much tax dollar money, paying for “cancer treatment.” In fact, cancer treatments are nothing more than medical experiments. Oddly enough, killing is just as profitable as treatment.

NOTE: Democrats importing diseases is an extension of medical industry experiments that began with experimenting on trusting guinea pigs.

Many doctors lie about chemotherapy. They never warn patients that chemotherapy follows cancer surgery. Ask your doctor for “NO CHEMOTHERAPY” in writing if you doubt me. In other words many patients would forego the surgery if they knew that chemotherapy was part of it. There is only one rule for every surgery. Every person must retain the Right to decide beforehand which surgeries and which treatments they will submit to.

A former editor of the British Medical Journal has claimed that we should ‘stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer’ – because it is the best way to die.


‘This is, I recognise, a romantic view of dying, but it is achievable with love, morphine, and whisky. But stay away from overambitious oncologists, and let’s stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer, potentially leaving us to die a much more horrible death.’

Stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer... It's the best way to die, says top doctor
By Jenny Hope Medical Correspondent For The Daily Mail
Published: 05:27 EST, 1 January 2015 | Updated: 06:06 EST, 2 January 2015

Dr. Richard Smith seem to be saying that the big money is in treatment not cures.

There is one thing that I do know. No butcher in America’s Culture of Death should have this authority:

After Superior Court hearings in November and December, the state Department of Children and Families won temporary custody of Cassandra, and a six-month regimen of chemotherapy began at Connecticut Children's Medical Center. Doctors testified at the lower court hearings that Cassandra would die without the treatment, and that her chance of survival and complete recovery with chemotherapy was 80 percent to 85 percent.

In a column for The Courant on Page A10, Cassandra C. described the past few months.

"Words cannot describe what my life has become over the last few months," she wrote. "Horrifying seems like an understatement. What I have been going through is traumatizing. Never did it cross my mind that one day I would be diagnosed with cancer.

"Whether I live 17 years or 100 years should not be anyone's choice but mine. How long is a person actually supposed to live, and why? Who determines that? I care about the quality of my life, not just the quantity."

Connecticut Supreme Court Rules State Can Force Chemotherapy On Teen; Upholds DCF's Custody
By Josh Kovner
January 8, 2015, 4:50 PM

I always thought that a judge should be charged with murder when a minor dies from court-ordered chemotherapy. Nobody knows how many such deaths occurred because they were ordered by the courts. Put it this way. Do you think that judge would have ordered chemotherapy if cancer industry profits were not threatened? Stopping the Right to refuse was the goal not the boy’s well-being.
(See my signature following my posts.)

Parenthetically, there is one case on record where Billy Best survived because he fled from a court-ordered chemotherapy:

Billy Best ran away from home in Norwell, Mass., in 1994 to avoid chemotherapy, and today he offered conflicting words of support and opposition to Daniel and Colleen Hauser. The mother and son, who are from Minnesota, are now part of an international police search after they fled a judge's court-ordered chemotherapy Monday for Daniel.

Man Who Survived Without Chemo: 'I'd Still Fight'
May 23, 2009

Children forced to take chemotherapy showed that Democrats are already chomping on the bit to initiate medical butchery:

Judge Rules Teen Must Get Cancer Treatments
Published May 15, 2009
By Associated Press,2933,520318,00.html


Most people are unaware that in the United States of America, 2018, doctors can force long term toxic chemotherapy on a child . . . even if the child has no more cancer in their body. If parents say no, doctors are mandated to call Child Protective Services and offer an ultimatum: either willingly take your child to 2–4 years of chemotherapy or we will take your child from you and place them in foster care for the duration of their treatment!

Such are the calls I have been getting from parents around the United States shocked that their child had a brief bout of Leukemia or Lymphoma, treated it with chemo which was effective in driving down the white blood cells or blasts, only to be informed that now they needed 2–4 more years of chemo to make sure the remaining small number of leukemia cells are destroyed and don’t come back. And though families have had attorneys, they were able to do nothing to stop the onslaught on their child. Their ONLY option was to leave the country.

So let’s break this down for a moment. Let’s look at this from the doctor’s perspective, because surely they have good reasons for doing what they do. The argument is that cancer treatment protocols for children with blood cancers net an 80–90% success rate for a life threatening illness. No other protocol has proven as effective so we’ve got to override everyone’s fears and look out for the best interest of the child.

I dispute the success rate. No oncologist can prove that a cancer sufferer survived a minute, a day, or five years, longer because they had chemotherapy.

But when they say 90% success rate, that’s only for 5 years and doesn’t factor in the HORRENDOUS side effects that the child will have for life like:

Chemo brain, heart problems, reduced lung capacity, kidney & urinary problems, neuropathy, bone & joint problems, muscle weakness, SECONDARY CANCERS, Ovary issues, decreased fertility, learning disabilities, hearing loss, osteonecrosis, stunted growth, osteoporosis, dental problems, and more.

How can one possibly measure 5 years of life a success rate for something that is not always life threatening? Why not 20, 50, 80 years? So when we actually look at this so called “success rate,” doctors and the FDA are mandating toxic life altering treatments for far less than an 80–90% success rate. Success is killing the cancer and causing the patient to thrive. It is happening for adults who are allowed to use other therapies, there’s no reason it can’t happen for children.

But the most damning evidence of all is that these life altering toxic treatments are being mandated without testing ANY other scientifically proven cancer killers. As in, the FDA only allows drugs and chemo to be tested on blood cancers . . . NOTHING ELSE. This is like testing only sugary cereals to determine the most healthy breakfast and deciding Captain Crunch is best because it tested better in clinical trials than Lucky Charms.

Parents are calling me because I released a film summer of 2017 called Cancer Can Be Killed (Amazon Prime Videos, iTunes, Vimeo on Demand) that showed 15 success stories all killing their cancer naturally without organ removal, chemo or radiation. And in the last 5 years there’s been a quantum leap in the science of natural cancer treatment, mostly showing that cancer acts more like a virus than any kind of genetic defect. And what this means is that cancer does not respond to drugs, it responds to cleaning up the body and taking away the environment that caused it to grow. In the case of children with blood cancers, there is usually a toxin creating the cancer and parents can use nutrition along with detoxing protocols to naturally bring the child back to health.

A far more effective treatment for blood cancers than chemo (already happening for adults) has been Sodium Selenite along with Shikonin, Vitamin K3 and oxidative O3 therapy, published in studies around the world including Egypt and Sweden. Mark Simon from the NORI protocol showed me the studies last week and told me about the success he’s been having with his own protocols. The studies on Sodium Selenite have been around for more than 10 years, but as you can see, nobody from the FDA or the American Medical Association have been in any rush to look for an alternative to chemo and if you follow the money you can see why. Long term treatment with chemo can make $300,000 or more, Sodium Selenite combined with nutrition and other natural therapies . . . $3500.

Or how about the Newsweek documented case of mother Sierra Riddle, who somehow got Colorado child protective services to side with her in treating her son, Landon with cannabis oil, after doctors said he would die without chemo. “I’m done with this shit . . . I’m done with you guys bullying us,” she told doctors in a meeting with CPS. Sierra’s case is the only published record of CPS siding with a parent against the medical mandate for long term chemo. And you may wonder why these families wouldn’t simply hire an attorney to protect their rights? No attorney in the country would take their case because when it comes to medical freedom for blood cancer children, there is none. There is not even a legal loophole for attorneys to challenge. In the past, parents could appeal for religious exemptions, something that has now been taken away.

But by far the most insulting aspect of child cancer care in America is that even if a parent sought ANY alternative for their child in the form of a clinical trial, they aren’t even allowed to access it until chemo has failed. This was documented way back in 1996, when Sergeant Rick Schiff testified at a Congressional Subcommittee hearing that his daughter was denied a clinical trial for her brain cancer, instead forced to go through chemo and radiation first, which killed her. The autopsy revealed no cancer in the child’s body, only the toxic effects of chemo that killed her. Here we are over 20 years later and nothing has changed.

But one thing has changed. We know that cancer can be killed. We know that the United States only tests drugs and no natural products or modalities. And if your argument is that thousands of anecdotal testimonies regarding natural cancer treatment success doesn’t count, then create a system of testing to prove that it doesn’t work. Until then, America’s practice of forcing children into 2–4 years of chemotherapy is beyond barbaric. It’s a signal that “business privilege” is way out of control. It’s OK to make money in medicine, but when it uses force to kill and harm children, the system has to change. Many doctors are frustrated and want change. Let’s band together. Say it with me: NO TESTING, NO MANDATE. If you don’t test proven cancer killers other than chemo, it is illegal and immoral to harm a child with mandated long term toxic chemotherapy.

Forcing Children Into Chemotherapy: When Doctors Become Bullies
Jeff Witzeman
Jan 31, 2018

No judge, no law, will ever put the individual’s Rights above the Right of parasites to make money. Without well-funded socialized medicine the butchers are out of business.

Do not kid yourself. Forced treatment of any kind is about big money not cure. So long as the medical industry is getting rich on tax dollars compassionate treatment is not the prime mover in the Left’s Culture of Death. If no one was paying the freight doctors would not be so quick to recommend unnecessary surgeries and experimental cures. Take it from me, the older you get the more the medical industry wants to cash in on your ailing body parts before you check out.
Flanders, I bet no one reads more than a paragraph

Americans support ACA not oppose it.

National health care will happen within a decade.
Socialists/Communists found a way to fund socialized medicine. Legislation like Obamacare is no longer required. From now on every time Socialists want more money for socialized medicine media parasites will run another wall-to-wall scare tactic like coronavirus. That is why Democrat presidential candidates never say where the money is coming from to give free healthcare to everybody. They dare not say that coronavirus scare tactics will pay for socialized medicine now and forever after. Whether or not President Trump realizes it, but the 8.5 billion dollars he signed for coronavirus was only the down payment.

Every country closing their borders is the best unintended consequence I have seen in a long time. The best part is that neither coronavirus scam artists, nor socialized medicine parasites saw it coming:

Do socialized medicine’s parasites want every national border closed as a result of the coronavirus scam, or do the parasites want the U.N.’s filthy hands retaining control of worldwide immigration policies? They cannot have both.
It is time for America to get out from under the 18th century mentality of American conservatism and finally catch up to the rest of the world regarding healthcare. (American conservatives have been wrong on damn near every important issue this country has ever faced...right from the days of the founding of the country.)

I would prefer that we fund all medical school expenses...and even pay students who qualify to attend medical schools for doctors and nurses...and require a healthy obligation of public service in the field after graduation. But whatever eventually happens...this third-world bullshit we have now because of the troglodyte mentality of American conservatism has got to be eliminated and replaced.

If the Democrats do come to power...THAT should be their number one priority.
It is time for America to get out from under the 18th century mentality of American conservatism and finally catch up to the rest of the world regarding healthcare. (American conservatives have been wrong on damn near every important issue this country has ever faced...right from the days of the founding of the country.)

I would prefer that we fund all medical school expenses...and even pay students who qualify to attend medical schools for doctors and nurses...and require a healthy obligation of public service in the field after graduation. But whatever eventually happens...this third-world bullshit we have now because of the troglodyte mentality of American conservatism has got to be eliminated and replaced.

If the Democrats do come to power...THAT should be their number one priority.

We? Interesting how those of you that want something funded always come up with ways for someone else to foot the bill. Talk about a troglodyte mentality.
National health care modeled on VA, Medicare, and Medicaid is the way to go.

Any doctor who will not accept these patients will not be allowed to practice.
National health care modeled on VA, Medicare, and Medicaid is the way to go.

Any doctor who will not accept these patients will not be allowed to practice.

Whatever can be passed and signed.

I just want America to break free from the bondage American Conservatives have us in...and I want us to finally catch up with the rest of the civilized world...

Whatever can be passed and signed.

I just want America to break free from the bondage American Conservatives have us in...and I want us to finally catch up with the rest of the civilized world...


The level to which you want the government to control your daily life is a self imposed bondage you want the rest of us to have. No thanks, old man.