Bad faith of the agnostic


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A man and woman sit in a cafe and the man reaches over and places his hand on the woman's hand. She neither embraces his hand nor pulls away. Sartre calls this bad faith because she refuses to make a decision.

The agnostic has bad faith in same sense by refusing to decide if god is there or not.
A man and woman sit in a cafe and the man reaches over and places his hand on the woman's hand. She neither embraces his hand nor pulls away. Sartre calls this bad faith because she refuses to make a decision.

The agnostic has bad faith in same sense by refusing to decide if god is there or not.

Oh look, the Atheists are proselytizing again.
Deciding something with an absense of data, whether to believe a god exists or a god does not exist, is a decision based on 'faith' and not 'data'.

Being agnostic and taking a position of 'I do not have data either way to decide and remain open to data that could change my view' is the only data based science view one can take.

It is the same for whether or not you believe there aliens out there that are as advanced or moreso than humans. Being agnostic is the only science based position. Taking a position either way is a 'guess' or 'faith'.

And i am not saying people are wrong to live their lives by 'guesses' or 'faith', as long as they do not act as if they are correct or they have any more foundation for their position.
Deciding something with an absense of data, whether to believe a god exists or a god does not exist, is a decision based on 'faith' and not 'data'.

Being agnostic and taking a position of 'I do not have data either way to decide and remain open to data that could change my view' is the only data based science view one can take.
But you, the agnostic, sets those standards.
Science can only explain physical objects.
No one thinks of god as a physical object.
Thus wrong method.
But you, the agnostic, sets those standards.
Science can only explain physical objects.
No one thinks of god as a physical object.
Thus wrong method.

You are asking a question of 'is god there or not'.

No one has any facts in either direction to prove or disprove that. You can ONLY apply faith or belief in either direction.

If you and i go to meet Fred at Mall and we arrive and i say 'i believe Fred is here already' and you say 'i believe he is not', and neither of us has any data (we did not see or here him nor did he tell us he had arrived) then an agnostic view is the only logical one to hold. Being open to him being here or not yet arrived which you decide when you get further data.

In your example God is not different than an Alien. Simply believing they do or do not exist, in such a way you would say to someone 'Alien/God exists' or 'Alien/God does not exist' is nothing but a guess or belief.

If you want to live your life asserting baseless beliefs you cannot substantiate (in either direction) as if fact, go ahead. But understand the agnostic view is the only logical one.

You are asking a question of 'is god there or not'.

No one has any facts in either direction to prove or disprove that. You can ONLY apply faith or belief in either direction.

If you and i go to meet Fred at Mall and we arrive and i say 'i believe Fred is here already' and you say 'i believe he is not', and neither of us has any data (we did not see or here him nor did he tell us he had arrived) then an agnostic view is the only logical one to hold. Being open to him being here or not yet arrived which you decide when you get further data.

In your example God is not different than an Alien. Simply believing they do or do not exist, in such a way you would say to someone 'Alien/God exists' or 'Alien/God does not exist' is nothing but a guess or belief.

If you want to live your life asserting baseless beliefs you cannot substantiate (in either direction) as if fact, go ahead. But understand the agnostic view is the only logical one.
No, the question is not does god exist or not. That is a construction by agnostics.

You are asking a question of 'is god there or not'.

No one has any facts in either direction to prove or disprove that. You can ONLY apply faith or belief in either direction.

If you and i go to meet Fred at Mall and we arrive and i say 'i believe Fred is here already' and you say 'i believe he is not', and neither of us has any data (we did not see or here him nor did he tell us he had arrived) then an agnostic view is the only logical one to hold. Being open to him being here or not yet arrived which you decide when you get further data.

In your example God is not different than an Alien. Simply believing they do or do not exist, in such a way you would say to someone 'Alien/God exists' or 'Alien/God does not exist' is nothing but a guess or belief.

If you want to live your life asserting baseless beliefs you cannot substantiate (in either direction) as if fact, go ahead. But understand the agnostic view is the only logical one.

So then explains what this means in your OP "... by refusing to decide if god is there or not...."
God is a social construct. Its meaning is what people give to it.
A man and woman sit in a cafe and the man reaches over and places his hand on the woman's hand. She neither embraces his hand nor pulls away. Sartre calls this bad faith because she refuses to make a decision.

The agnostic has bad faith in same sense by refusing to decide if god is there or not.
Actually you mean for refusing to make a blind guess if there are any gods or not.

I'm an agnostic...but I am willing to make a blind guess.
Actually you mean for refusing to make a blind guess if there are any gods or not.

I'm an agnostic...but I am willing to make a blind guess.
I mean, we learn about god from our childhood church experience, the christian god. So it is specific.
I mean, we learn about god from our childhood church experience, the christian god. So it is specific.

Horse shit.

I stand by what I said.

When you wrote
The agnostic has bad faith in same sense by refusing to decide if god is there or not.
You actually meant "for refusing to make a blind guess if there are any gods or not."
God is a social construct. Its meaning is what people give to it.

I can actually get into that philosophical lane of 'god being a social construct and what it means is what people give it.

But then does that not mean if an agnostic views god a 'physical object', then how are they wrong to do so? If that is the meaning they give to it??

I can actually get into that philosophical lane of 'god being a social construct and what it means is what people give it.

But then does that not mean if an agnostic views god a 'physical object', then how are they wrong to do so? If that is the meaning they give to it??
So, god has to be a physical object.
So, god has to be a physical object.
Wow you are very obtuse.

This next post is YOUR POSITION.

God is a social construct. Its meaning is what people give to it.

what you are saying there is each person can make of god what they want him to be.

I replied then that ATHEISTS are then free to see god as a physical object even if you disagree as you both can CONSTRUCT your own SOCIAL view of him.

Again following YOUR argument. What i never said is that he HAS to be a physical object.

But following YOUR position then an agnostic who sees any god being as a physical object (maybe they see him as simply as an advanced alien, as i would be inclined to believe any god (should one exist) would simply be) would then be free to be agnostic as to his existence or not.
what you are saying there is each person can make of god what they want him to be.
No, I mean we make sense of that social construct.
Myself, I don't find the Christian god interesting. Nothing forces me to determine whether god exists or not. Only Christians think it is a valid question.
Does god exist? What are the properties of that god? That has to be stated.
God the creator? No, I do not think god caused the universe.
No, I mean we make sense of that social construct.
Myself, I don't find the Christian god interesting. Nothing forces me to determine whether god exists or not. Only Christians think it is a valid question.
do you accept that persons who are not you, are allowed to hold differing views of what a god is or might be?

For instance they could see a god being as physical... or not?
do you accept that persons who are not you, are allowed to hold differing views of what a god is or might be?

For instance they could see a god being as physical... or not?
If you see god as physical then so you do.