Bad for America = good for Dems

The long-held article of faith among 'Crats that we were destined to fail in Iraq all along is the key to Obamas' popularity with the powerful, well-funded appeasement lobby.

Despite blacklisting any journalist who dares to contradict the liberal "war is lost" mantra, Obamaites will be forced to face facts now that his remaining opponent holds the opposite view.

He was the only candidate who opposed the war from the beginning, but what helped Obama in the primaries may prove his undoing in the election, where he must make the case for surrender to all Americans, not just his uncritical true believers.

Circumstances have changed.

Just when Obamas' devotion to self-inflicted American defeat has clinched the "peace-at-any-price" partys' nomination, American success in Iraq may become widespread knowledge if the media accompanies the leftist Savior to Iraq.

The McCain campaign understands the advantage their candidate holds; hence their challenge to the 'Crat retreat-meister to tour Iraq.

The problem for Obama is that it is hard to see how he can go to Iraq, trailing his usual fawning media retinue, without revealing that the surge has largely succeeded.

If he goes to Iraq, he has to meet the soldiers he pretends to "care about", and they may tell him what they think of his intention to betray them - on camera.

For the time being, Obama can dodge the issue by staying away from Iraq and mouthing his normal leftist platitudes to adoring audiences of hard-core Democrats and their media lapdogs.

But Obamas' cut n' run policy is increasingly at odds with realities on the ground, and more and more voters are becoming aware of that.

But if Obama can't stay away from Iraq until November...

For now, Democrats are just hoping for things to get worse.
It does seem like the Dems want to initiate their "Cut and Run" Policy where American troops and the Allies are removed from Iraq thereby allowing al-Qaeda or whatever Radical Islamic Terrorist group backed by whatever Radical Islamic Western Hating Government to re-group, re-organize, re-arm, and re-deploy around the world.