Bad Idea


Yeah, we all know that GWB's foreign policy is more about "shooting from the hip" than careful consideration. This new development is probably predictable. It does, however, kind of back us into a corner. Starting the mouth before engaging the brain can do that.
"We are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea," Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill told the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University Wednesday. "We are not going to accept it."

Okay, tough guy, whatcha gonna do about it? Start a war to prevent war? Right on the Chinese border, no less? Yeah, right. Suuuurrre you are, Dubya. Now go wash up for dinner, okay? You can play with your army men tomorrow.

Seriously, this empty rhetoric isn't likely to lead to any real attack against North Korea, in my view. That's part of the problem, you see. He's gone and made us look stupid, yet again.
Before some wiseass says it, yes, I'm aware that Dubya himself didn't make these remarks. You honestly think that a mere Assistant Secretary of State is going to say something like that without consultation though? Get real.
That hard line absolutist rhetoric is very dangerous and scary. Groegie is determined to mess up the whole world.
Yes kinda silly, they are already a nuke country. They did that under Clinton. But it seems the test they scheduled this week are not looked on well by Japan, South Korea, China, Russia, etc. Guess Bush should just shut up.
I think that the worst anyone could come up with in my why is NK an axis of evil thread is that NK treats their people bad.
I think that the worst anyone could come up with in my why is NK an axis of evil thread is that NK treats their people bad.
Indeed they do -- or he does, really, since it truly does have an effectively monarchical government. There are lots of bad governments in the world, however.

Is Kim Jong Il a threat to us? You betcha. A much more real threat than Saddam Hussein ever was. Is invading North Korea to "deal with" that threat a smart thing to do? Nope. Not even Dubya goes that far. So why threaten to do something everyone knows we're not going to do?

We were warned to listen for NK attacks, even when we weren't Korean Translators... That nation tends to be very aggressive toward any US action in that area. Flying outside the International agreement of territory to, often, shoot at our (admittedly military) airplanes. No other government acts quite like this one does. They are truly unpredictable in their aggression.
I dunno perhaps the stance is to show he is not weak on defense ? Play the fear card for the polls ? i just dunno, GWB lives in a different realilty than I do, so it is hard to figure him out. And I am not sure I would want to be able to, it might mean I was more like him than I ever want to be.
Yeah, we all know that GWB's foreign policy is more about "shooting from the hip" than careful consideration. This new development is probably predictable. It does, however, kind of back us into a corner. Starting the mouth before engaging the brain can do that.

Okay, tough guy, whatcha gonna do about it? Start a war to prevent war? Right on the Chinese border, no less? Yeah, right. Suuuurrre you are, Dubya. Now go wash up for dinner, okay? You can play with your army men tomorrow.

Seriously, this empty rhetoric isn't likely to lead to any real attack against North Korea, in my view. That's part of the problem, you see. He's gone and made us look stupid, yet again.

Statements like these are stupid. Like a male gorilla beating its chest. Impressive looking, but generally harmless.

Unfortunately, the hapless Chimp has little credibility, or diplomatic skill on the world stage to lead an effective multi-lateral approach to this problem.
A country that oppresses it people and straves them, a county that has a huge army and weapons development program, a country with nuke weapons, a country with a history of confrontation, a country that hates the USA ..........and you ask why they would be considered in an axis of evil?
Now Japan wants nukes, and South Korea needs them, and well everybody else will need them to. This is a good Idea?
Yeah, we all know that GWB's foreign policy is more about "shooting from the hip" than careful consideration. This new development is probably predictable. It does, however, kind of back us into a corner. Starting the mouth before engaging the brain can do that.

"We are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea," Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill told the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University Wednesday. "We are not going to accept it."

Okay, tough guy, whatcha gonna do about it? Start a war to prevent war? Right on the Chinese border, no less? Yeah, right. Suuuurrre you are, Dubya. Now go wash up for dinner, okay? You can play with your army men tomorrow.

Seriously, this empty rhetoric isn't likely to lead to any real attack against North Korea, in my view. That's part of the problem, you see. He's gone and made us look stupid, yet again.

The only obvious answer one can have to this insanity is that proposed by Country Joe and The Fish when faced with the same eventuality in the 60s "Whooppee, we're all gonna die."
You press on, and try and use you influence in the world to prevent the nukes getting into the wrong hands. Bush is right. Do what you can to prevent the evil powers in the world of having the ability to kill you. What is wrong with that? I am an American and I support the ability of my countres continuing existence.
You press on, and try and use you influence in the world to prevent the nukes getting into the wrong hands. Bush is right. Do what you can to prevent the evil powers in the world of having the ability to kill you. What is wrong with that? I am an American and I support the ability of my countres continuing existence.

tody, you sound like you have your face pressed against a rose colored window. You do recall that it was Bush who basically opened his brilliant foray into International Relations with the dismemberment and destruction of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty don't you. When Bush said the United States would no longer be adhering to the terms of that treaty he basically gave the green light for all the problems that have arisen since regarding the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Oh Yeah, he doing a heck of a job...And of course, people like my main man, tody here, just want to forget that little international faux pas!!!!