‘Bad Journalism’ Is A Coverup Phrase For Getting Caught


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Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.



FOX went far beyond the Fairness Doctrine on the Notra-Dame fire. On the plus side you gotta love it when FOX phonies get caught covering up the obvious.

On the negative side the Alphabet Networks will not ——cannot —— slam FOX since they are all on the same page:

It was Shepard Smith who talked over and shut down French media analyst Philippe Karsenty when he pointed out that the “politically correct” conclusion likely would be that it was an accident.

When Catholic League President Bill Donohue explained to Neil Cavuto there had been hundreds of attacks on French churches in the months before the Notre Dame fire, the Fox News anchor interrupted.

“We don’t know that,” he said, before hanging up on Donohue.


“I never mentioned the word Muslim or Islam or any religion or any secular group,” Donohue told BizPacReview. “I didn’t mention anything. I simply stated the obvious. I’m a sociologist, so I tend to put things in social context. And I described what happened, just last month … to a 17th century church and smashing statues and what not. And then I get cut off. And then Neil tries to go on to some inane kind of topic about how much money it’s going to cost to rebuild. How do I know? So I went right back to my point.”


“Is it because Fox feels that they’ve been marginalized?” Donohue asked, BPR reported. “Because a Democrat says, ‘You’re not going to anchor a debate.’ Are they trying to make sure that they’re in good stead with the mainstream media so we’re going to make a few genuflections that way? I think it goes beyond that, quite frankly. Whatever it is, they need to rethink their policy on having guests on. You have a guest on so you allow him to speak his mind. Now if I said something bigoted, racially, religious, or whatever, that might be different. … I’m just explaining the social context, and I’m not allowed to do that? That’s insane.”

Fox News hammered for 'bad journalism' on Notre Dame fire
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 04/24/2019 @ 6:21 pm

Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.



FOX went far beyond the Fairness Doctrine on the Notra-Dame fire. On the plus side you gotta love it when FOX phonies get caught covering up the obvious.

On the negative side the Alphabet Networks will not ——cannot —— slam FOX since they are all on the same page:

It was Shepard Smith who talked over and shut down French media analyst Philippe Karsenty when he pointed out that the “politically correct” conclusion likely would be that it was an accident.

When Catholic League President Bill Donohue explained to Neil Cavuto there had been hundreds of attacks on French churches in the months before the Notre Dame fire, the Fox News anchor interrupted.

“We don’t know that,” he said, before hanging up on Donohue.


“I never mentioned the word Muslim or Islam or any religion or any secular group,” Donohue told BizPacReview. “I didn’t mention anything. I simply stated the obvious. I’m a sociologist, so I tend to put things in social context. And I described what happened, just last month … to a 17th century church and smashing statues and what not. And then I get cut off. And then Neil tries to go on to some inane kind of topic about how much money it’s going to cost to rebuild. How do I know? So I went right back to my point.”


“Is it because Fox feels that they’ve been marginalized?” Donohue asked, BPR reported. “Because a Democrat says, ‘You’re not going to anchor a debate.’ Are they trying to make sure that they’re in good stead with the mainstream media so we’re going to make a few genuflections that way? I think it goes beyond that, quite frankly. Whatever it is, they need to rethink their policy on having guests on. You have a guest on so you allow him to speak his mind. Now if I said something bigoted, racially, religious, or whatever, that might be different. … I’m just explaining the social context, and I’m not allowed to do that? That’s insane.”

Fox News hammered for 'bad journalism' on Notre Dame fire
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 04/24/2019 @ 6:21 pm


Starting a new conspiracy theory ahead of any investigation should be left up to the Twitter King.