Balancing the Budget

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
It looks like the majority of Americans (+60%)are in agreement with me about the steps needed to balance the budget.

The first step would be to increase the top marginal tax rates
The second step would be to cut military spending.

I don't think either will happen anytime soon as the political will and courage by elected officials isn't there. It will take some sort of crises to occurr before these common sense solutions are implemented.
A better way would be to make the income tax flat and get rid of all federal programs not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.
A better way would be to make the income tax flat and get rid of all federal programs not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

Oh yea! That would work. Why not just give the country back to England? It would be more practical and at least that would work. LOL
I still can't believe people with educations beyond the third grade would be dumb enough to fall for a flat tax unless they were mega millionares. I bet Menken would howl in glee at the flat taxers! The only group dumber than birthers! LOL
I still can't believe people with educations beyond the third grade would be dumb enough to fall for a flat tax unless they were mega millionares. I bet Menken would howl in glee at the flat taxers! The only group dumber than birthers! LOL

Why not a flat tax.
If I had more of my earned money, instead of the Government taking it, I would be able to spend it on things that I need and thereby paying a tax on what I bought.
60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll

Looks like they hit the DNC mailing list again....

Everyone's answer is to tax the rich, here is a thought, stop spending money you don't have.
It looks like the majority of Americans (+60%)are in agreement with me about the steps needed to balance the budget.

The first step would be to increase the top marginal tax rates
The second step would be to cut military spending.

I don't think either will happen anytime soon as the political will and courage by elected officials isn't there. It will take some sort of crises to occurr before these common sense solutions are implemented.

The validity of the poll is questionable at best. But even if the results are accurate, it can be attributed to the fact that few Americans fully grasp the extent of our debt crisis. Even if we were to slash the entire defense budget (suicide, politically and literally), we'd be left with a $600 billion shortfall. Raising the top marginal rates to pre-Bush tax cut levels would chip off approximately $100 billion, leaving us with a $500 billion shortfall.

When will both sides wake up to the reality that in order to pull ourselves out of this mess, shared sacrifice will be necessary? Yes, we'll have to raise taxes - but not on whomever liberals deem to be "wealthy," which are actually middle-class earners and small-business owners.

No, let's begin by streamlining the tax code. Narrow it down to two brackets - something in the ballpark of 15% on > $45,000 and 35% on > $5 million. Period. Abolish ALL deductions, credits, loopholes, etc. Secondly, enact a hiring freeze for every Federal department; and for every two workers who leave their jobs, hire one replacement. Thirdly, cut the Federal budget by 10% annually, across the board, for three years in a row, the end result being a 27% overall reduction in Federal spending. Fourthly, hire managers from Toyota to streamline and consolidate Federal departments using lean principles. I'm fucking serious. Corporations have made efforts to reduce waste as much as possible in order to maximize profits; why should the government operate any differently?
Oh yea! That would work. Why not just give the country back to England? It would be more practical and at least that would work. LOL

The more time passes, the harder it becomes for the average American to understand why we faught the revolution.

Salutary Neglect = Anarchy (bad) + No Taxes (bad)
Sugar Act/Stamp Act = Reasonable measures to support the general welfare
Opposition to Declaratory Act = opposition to federal power (bad)
French & Indian War = Wealthy gentry using military industrial complex to steal land and resources (Iraq, Vietnam, etc.)
Declaration = Treason
Bunker Hill = crazy militias fighting the government (bad)
Tea Act = necessary measure to help the economy and save jobs