Bali High


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When South Pacific opened on Broadway in 1949 one of my childhood pals called Bloody Mary’s song BELLY HIGH the song of pregnant women:

Getting high in Bali on Li'l Abner's Kickapoo Joy Juice is prohibited:


It did not take long for government hustlers to latch onto coronavirus. So how long will it take for government parasites in Bali to legislate a permanent fine on elbow benders?

Never let a tax go to waste. Do-gooder hustlers in Indonesia jumped on the coronavirus fraud to turn a buck and promote Christianity.

The government of Bali, Indonesia, announced on Tuesday that “celebrations, fireworks, as well as getting drunk for the upcoming Christmas and New Year holiday will be prohibited” on the island to accommodate an expected domestic tourism boom in the coming weeks, Coconuts Jakarta reported.

It appears that Fauci the Fraud is splitting his end of mask money with Bali officials.

Bali government officials issued an official notice on Tuesday explaining that “any activity throughout Christmas and the New Year must adhere to [coronavirus] health protocols, comprising compulsory mask use, social distancing and limits on public and crowded places, among others,” the local news outlet revealed.

According to the government notice, individuals, businesses, and event organizers on Bali are “strictly prohibited” from “Organizing New Year celebrations and the likes –– both indoors and outdoors … Lighting fireworks, firecrackers, and the likes; and … getting drunk on liquor and alcoholic drinks.”

People caught violating the new health mandates “will be subject to a number of sanctions previously laid out on an earlier circular, such as a fine of IDR100,000 (US$7) for individuals without masks and a fine of IDR1 million (US$71) for businesses failing to provide health protocol facilities,” according to the report.

Tuesday’s government notice also includes new coronavirus-related restrictions for travelers to Bali. The mandates will come into effect on December 18 and last until January 4, 2021.

Indonesia was the first Southeast Asian nation to receive a delivery of coronavirus vaccine candidates from China’s state-run Sinotech Biotech on December 6. The country currently has 1.2 million doses and expects an additional shipment of raw materials to produce 15 million extra doses from the same Chinese state pharmaceutical company later this month.

Indonesian health authorities are preparing to roll out the nation’s coronavirus vaccination program in the coming weeks and will reportedly target “its young working-age population against the coronavirus before the elderly, in contrast to much of the world that’s planning on putting its vulnerable older people first in line,” Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

“[Indonesia] will focus on inoculating those between 18 and 59 years of age, starting with those working on the front lines of the pandemic such as health workers, the police, and the military,” according to the news agency.

“Our aim is herd immunity,” Amin Soebandrio, director of Jakarta’s Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, told Bloomberg.

“With the most active and exposed group of population – those 18 to 59 – vaccinated, then they form a fortress to protect the other groups. It’s less effective when we use our limited number of vaccines on the elderly when they’re less exposed,” he explained.

“Health workers on the islands of Java and Bali, which account for more than 60 percent of confirmed cases, will receive the 1.2 million doses of China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd vaccine that arrived on December 6. That will be followed by front line workers in the rest of the country,” according to the report.

Indonesia recorded more than 90,000 new coronavirus cases in the first half of December, the Jakarta Globe reported on Tuesday. New coronavirus infections have been spiking at an unprecedented rate in major hotspots across Indonesia, according to the newspaper. The nation’s daily coronavirus death toll reached three-digit figures on December 15 for the third consecutive week. “A further 6,120 cases were reported on Tuesday, bringing the total number of confirmed infections to 629,429. Of the total, 14.9 percent or 93,662 are active cases,” according to the report.

Indonesia Bans Bali Locals from ‘Getting Drunk’ on Christmas, New Year
Gabrielle Reyes
15 Dec 2020

Finally, Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic. Every American knows what he and his pals in the Congress will do for the Parasite Class, the United Nations, globalists, and illegal aliens. Biden’s constituents with a vested interest are the only people who have any use for him.

Sad to say that very few Americans realize what the most despicable man in the country will do for the Roman Catholic Church should he become president.



President Ronald Reagan who began formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican City in 1983, but U.S. relations with the city-state have stirred concerns among the Protestant majority in the United States and more generally among individuals who fear that recognition of the city-state could violate the doctrine of separation of church and state. In this June 7, 1982 file photo, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and his wife, First Lady, Nancy Reagan, meet Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. (AP Photo, used with permission from the Associated Press)

p.s. Read this article if you are interested in a little background about the First Amendment and the Roman Catholic Church. Bear in mind that President Reagan went to the R.C.Ch. to help him defeat the Union Soviet. I suspect that RR would have been brushed off by the current pope:
Canada’ Free Press’ Rick Hayes covers everything except what:

. . . the most despicable man in the country will do for the Roman Catholic Church should he become president.

f Joe Biden takes the oath of office as the 46th President of The United States, based on his 110-page signed agreement with Vermont senator Bernie Sanders the Constitutional Republic will be transformed into something other than how it was founded.

And if the election was stolen, as many Republican and some Democrat voters feel it was, the radical transformations that will take place are without the consent of the people and thus increase the risk for potential civil unrest.

At the time of the agreement, Sanders released a statement that the goals (of the task force) were to move Biden into “as progressive a direction as possible.”

The Democrat propaganda networks have successfully suppressed Biden’s intentions for the future of the country

The Democrat propaganda networks have successfully suppressed Biden’s intentions for the future of the country. But withholding information from the public only works until the programs are implemented and thus felt by the populace.

Both Americans who voted for Biden and those who voted for Trump are mostly unaware of the short and long-term changes they will experience once a Biden administration is up and running.

The below forecasts are not a result of hyperbolic hysteria but rather a history-based performance of past liberal / Democrat economic policies combined with the new promises made within the context of “The Green New Deal.”

Many middle-class Americans will fall into significant debt due to higher property taxes and higher cost of living expenses. These increased expenses will primarily result from higher energy costs and products directly impacted by those increased costs, such as food and home goods. But significant increases in taxes will also come from the proposed student loan cancelations and bailouts of businesses and other entities harmed by the Covid lockdown policies enforced mainly in cities and states controlled by Democrats.

Unemployment numbers for lower wage-earning Americans will sharply rise due to an increase in competition of approximately 11 to 20 million illegal alien workers. All the record gains in increased Black and Latino employment numbers realized under the Trump administration’s four years will vanish almost overnight.

The increased unemployment numbers will increase crime and significant dependence on government subsidies translating into higher taxes needed to fund such programs.

Learning from the successfully stolen 2020 election, future elections will consist of mostly mail-in ballots, not requiring signature verification or proof of residence

The Biden administration will add approximately 7 million Americans back to the food stamp recipient list, and 2 million Americans will fall back into poverty.

Within the first two years of his administration, Biden, with Democrat-controlled senate support, will increase the number of Supreme Court justices to fifteen from the current nine.

The new judges will all hold a radical left view of the law. This move will eliminate any future appointees to the court having originalist/conservative ideals. From this point on, the court will take a permanent hard left turn.

To secure a perpetual leftist Democrat-controlled government, steps will be taken to ensure that all future elections follow the same flawed policies that allowed such widespread fraud in 2020.

Learning from the successfully stolen 2020 election, future elections will consist of mostly mail-in ballots, not requiring signature verification or proof of residence. Any software used in the election process will only be audited by senate committee members appointed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Conservative Americans will no longer have a platform to discuss their ideas and will no longer be aware of government dealings

This move will forever eliminate the conservative vote. The discrepancies in the 2020 Presidential election focused mainly on the Presidential race. But new refinements in the election software will impact all down-ballot races to ensure that only the most trusted candidates are seated in those positions.

The right to self-defense will only be available to the wealthy. Although the term “gun confiscation” will not be used, the new policies will have the same results. Ammunition and registered weapons will be taxed at rates, making it impossible to own such items.

“Voluntary gun buybacks” will be the terminology used to take away self-defense weapons from Americans. The Second Amendment will exist but only on paper. With a new, more defenseless population, more stringent radical policies can be considered.

Information for and communication between conservative Americans will cease to exist. The Biden administration and Congress will side with big tech to eliminate all conservative news items and information.

Conservative Americans will no longer have a platform to discuss their ideas and will no longer be aware of government dealings.

Although this fact of censorship is becoming more evident by the day, what a Biden administration will accomplish is a complete black-out of news and information. Americans will be given what to think and told what can be discussed.

Anyone considering that the above prognostications are ridiculous on their face should consider the following.

Conspiracy theorists and leftist radicals continue to uphold the Senate’s handling of the Bret Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. However, without a speck of evidence, the left and their propaganda, “media” was able to destroy Kavanaugh’s’ reputation without any fear of reprisal. Kavanaugh represents what can happen to any American not obeying the radical left.

Mountain of evidence that the country experienced a highly coordinated multi-department coup attempt against the office of the Presidency

Conspiracy theorists and leftist radicals continue to ignore the mountain of evidence that the country experienced a highly coordinated multi-department coup attempt against the office of the Presidency.

Americans might not feel comfortable about this subject, but if honestly looked at, it happened, and the guilty parties just walked away.

These same conspiracy radicals disregard the treasonist activity where the IRS was able to target and damage the lives of ordinary citizens based on their political affiliations without any detriment to any political leader or the IRS leadership.

The propaganda networks have no problem that Twitter could successfully censor the oldest newspaper in the country. It happened in this country.

Youtube was able to announce publicly and then successfully censor its entire platform. All by itself, it suspended the First Amendment rights of Americans and removed all content it did not agree with. Unbelievably scary, but it happened in this country.

To ignore this dangerous trend is to skip past the history of governments that fell due to fear and complacency.

In the same way, Black Americans will no longer have high murder rates not because it does not occur, but because it will not be reported, America will become a country without corruption, not because it doesn’t exist but because it will never be known.

Whatever the country evolves into, most certainly will not resemble what the forefathers envisioned. The United States Constitution will be relegated to a historic document only. Unmoored from the Constitution, the country will be unable to turn to an established set of laws.

A Glimpse into Joe Biden's Nightmare America
By Rick Hayes
December 16, 2020