Ban list


Shouldn't have to type all the asssholes names that you want banned every time.

How about a list like your ignore list. For example, I totally forgot to ban Tom the oil shill from my last thread so now I will have to see all his versions of female genitalia that only a perverted misogynist would even utter, never mind commit to the internet every day.

Hey Legion, why don't you post that movie you made about the Slimy Limey. That was some funny shit.

Don't give me this bullshit about "ignoring" him either. My readers can't ignore him.
Shouldn't have to type all the asssholes names that you want banned every time.

How about a list like your ignore list. For example, I totally forgot to ban Tom the oil shill from my last thread so now I will have to see all his versions of female genitalia that only a perverted misogynist would even utter, never mind commit to the internet every day.

Hey Legion, why don't you post that movie you made about the Slimy Limey. That was some funny shit.

Don't give me this bullshit about "ignoring" him either. My readers can't ignore him.

I'm willing to bet your computer has some sort of sticky-note program. Just copy and paste it.
I'm not against your idea but I'm not sure there is a way to implement it. The thing is though any one person only makes so many threads per day. As it is, it's not THAT hard to just type it out once. Plus it sort of ensures people ban the worst if the worst and not have some mindless copypasta. But I guess it is something we could look into
Isn't it disappointing that Legion abandoned you and reinvented himself as a rightie?

Hardly. Anyone with a semblance of perceptive skills is readily aware that he is still trolling conservatives and laughing at your dumbasses, though you personally are liberal enough to be a decent guy, it is just your personality that he hates I guess.

Nice loss to Darla by the way. You handled it like a true gentleman. It must have been very difficult to keep your composure during such trying times.