Banish Parasites Forever


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Brit Hume nailed John Dean pretty good.


I only wish Hume would have mentioned that Nixon became a well-respected elder statesmen in his final years. I cannot think of one Democrat who will be remembered kindly. A long time ago I said that when Bill Clinton dies the alphabet networks and Democrats will have to chip in and pay a rent-a-mob to make it look like millions of saddened mourners turned out for the funeral.

Media liars still refer to Watergate as a constitutional crisis. So if a third rate burglary triggered a constitutional crisis exactly how does media define covering up Hillary Clinton’s treason?

Obviously, John Dean was trotted out to strengthen the argument for impeaching President Trump. In fact, Dean is a two-edged sword. Democrats would like nothing better than distance themselves from Robert Mueller & Company in order to clean up Joe Biden. The other edge of the sword makes it harder to clean up Biden even though he is the only Democrat that can be whitewashed and sold as the country’s savior. Never mind that Biden is a disaster on the same level as the other Democrat clowns —— two-time loser Biden is available and he is willing.

Finally, a lot of people in Washington, in Hollywood, and on television have a life-saving motive to see the Devil himself become president rather than see Trump get a second term. The Devil’s greatest fear is President Trump achieving the impossible with a super majority in both houses —— BANISH THE PARASITE CLASS TO THE NETHERWORLD NEVER TO RETURN.

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Brit Hume nailed John Dean pretty good.


I only wish Hume would have mentioned that Nixon became a well-respected elder statesmen in his final years. I cannot think of one Democrat who will be remembered kindly. A long time ago I said that when Bill Clinton dies the alphabet networks and Democrats will have to chip in and pay a rent-a-mob to make it look like millions of saddened mourners turned out for the funeral.

Media liars still refer to Watergate as a constitutional crisis. So if a third rate burglary triggered a constitutional crisis exactly how does media define covering up Hillary Clinton’s treason?

Obviously, John Dean was trotted out to strengthen the argument for impeaching President Trump. In fact, Dean is a two-edged sword. Democrats would like nothing better than distance themselves from Robert Mueller & Company in order to clean up Joe Biden. The other edge of the sword makes it harder to clean up Biden even though he is the only Democrat that can be whitewashed and sold as the country’s savior. Never mind that Biden is a disaster on the same level as the other Democrat clowns —— two-time loser Biden is available and he is willing.

Finally, a lot of people in Washington, in Hollywood, and on television have a life-saving motive to see the Devil himself become president rather than see Trump get a second term. The Devil’s greatest fear is President Trump achieving the impossible with a super majority in both houses —— BANISH THE PARASITE CLASS TO THE NETHERWORLD NEVER TO RETURN.

He had both house & senate & couldn't get it done, now you want a super majority & THEN HE WILL get all this magic done.. :rofl2:

He was lucky to have gotten elected, he was lucky to have his party running the show, many don't have it so good..

The man had his charity taken from him, lost over a billion dollars & real ppl didn't get paid, he pays no taxes~you really otta not use to term parasite in a conversation about him, just sayin!!! :mad:
He had both house & senate & couldn't get it done, now you want a super majority & THEN HE WILL get all this magic done.

To Bill: Hold off on the victory lap. Covering up for Hillary Clinton is fraying around the edges without Congress’ cloak of protection:

Media liars still refer to Watergate as a constitutional crisis. So if a third rate burglary triggered a constitutional crisis exactly how does media define covering up Hillary Clinton’s treason?

Parenthetically, Sean touched on the Arthur Andersen case.

Over the years Michael Chertoff’s name never surfaced in connection to Enron. In fact, Chertoff was rewarded with the top spot at Homeland Security for torpedoing Arthur Andersen in the Enron fiasco. Chertoff offered A.A. a plea bargain. When A.A. refused the offer Chertoff did a hatchet job on the accounting firm.

Chertoff also led the prosecution's case against accounting firm Arthur Andersen for destroying documents relating to the Enron collapse.

The Supreme Court got one right when it later cleared A.A. of any wrongdoing. The High Court’s decision did nothing to damage Chertoff’s reputation. Enron was the villain —— not Arthur Anderson; so how come Chertoff, WRAY AND MUELLER were not shown the door after the Supreme Court overturned A.A.’s conviction 9 to zip?

Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey, Assistant Attorney General Christopher A. Wray of the Criminal Division, FBI Director Robert Mueller,

Arthur Andersen went down the tubes while Chertoff went on to better things. Wray moved on up to become FBI Director, while Robert Mueller brought a new meaning to the term ‘Crooked Cop.’

NOTE: Ted Kennedy was Michael Chertoff’s guardian angel. No surprise there. Chertoff once said that illegal aliens should be given amnesty.

Finally, I remember the Vatican banking scandal story. Back in those days Arthur Andersen enjoyed the well-deserved reputation of being the gold standard among accounting firms. It was Arthur Andersen that was hired to do an independent audit to look into the Vatican’s creative bookkeeping practices. The same friend that told me about Michael Chertoff was high up in A.A. also told me that the Vatican never released the results of that audit when Arthur Andersen refused to alter the final report. I do not know which changes the Vatican requested, but to this day the Catholic laity never learned what the A.A. audit discovered.
Finally, I remember the Vatican banking scandal story. Back in those days Arthur Andersen enjoyed the well-deserved reputation of being the gold standard among accounting firms. It was Arthur Andersen that was hired to do an independent audit to look into the Vatican’s creative bookkeeping practices. The same friend that told me about Michael Chertoff was high up in A.A. also told me that the Vatican never released the results of that audit when Arthur Andersen refused to alter the final report. I do not know which changes the Vatican requested, but to this day the Catholic laity never learned what the A.A. audit discovered.

I wonder if burying that audit was an extension of this:

Meet the mobster who claims he helped whack Pope John Paul I over stock fraud
By Brad Hamilton
October 19, 2019 | 12:08pm
I don’t know what you’re smokin, but Nixon never became a respected statesmen once he left office in disgrace.

Jimmy Carter has become greatly respected as a statesmen but Nixon became a permanent stain on the GOP.

You’re comedy gold.