Barack Obama's early political pal Tony Rezko convicted


Will This Be The First Pardon For Obama If Elected?

A federal jury in Chicago today convicted developer Antoin "Tony" Rezko of corruption charges for trading on his clout as a top adviser and fundraiser to Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich.Tony Rezko longtime Chicago political insider and early ally and helper of Barack Obama was convicted on federal corruption charges in Chicago today

Rezko's guilty verdict on 16 of 24 corruption counts could have broad repercussions for Blagojevich, who made Rezko a central player in his kitchen cabinet. It could also prove a political liability for U.S. Sen. Barack Obama.

He once counted Rezko as a close friend and early successful fundraiser, which could haunt him as the likely Democratic presidential nominee has now defeated Sen. Hillary Clinton and heads into the general election campaign against Republican Sen. John McCain.

The 10-woman, two-man jury deliberated for parts of 13 days before convicting Rezko of scheming with Stuart Levine to extort millions of dollars from firms seeking state business or regulatory approval.

Rezko befriended many Illinois politicians and was a major fundraiser for some, most prominently Blagojevich and Obama. The criminal charges against Rezko had nothing to do with his connection to Obama.

But that link still proved a nagging headache for Obama during his Democratic presidential run, especially in the wake of Chicago Tribune revelations that tied Rezko to a 2005 real estate deal involving Obama's South Side home.
Yeah and will McCain's still close wife who confessed to stealing proscriptions drugs and being a drug addict affect his political possibilities. Christ McCain is MARRIED to a self confessed pill popping thief.
Yeah and will McCain's still close wife who confessed to stealing proscriptions drugs and being a drug addict affect his political possibilities. Christ McCain is MARRIED to a self confessed pill popping thief.

Yeah, keep playing that old song. I am sure it will go over well with women who are already pissed at the Obama camp.
Keep in mind though, Obama is not running on experience, he is running on his good judgement.

His good judgement has led him to be surrounded by people like Rezko.
Yeah, keep playing that old song. I am sure it will go over well with women who are already pissed at the Obama camp.

Soc, SF is right to sound this note of caution. Democrats have to be careful here. The right for rich women to steal pills from their employers is a big feminist issue.
Keep in mind though, Obama is not running on experience, he is running on his good judgement.

His good judgement has led him to be surrounded by people like Rezko.


By one guy?

This is meaningless .. and if it had legs the Clinton machine would have exploited it for all it's worth.

Nothing in Rezko's trial implicated Obama in anything .. and if perfect judgement was a qualification to be president, no one would qualify.