Barak Obama Says He's Considering a Run for Prez in '08

What makes him a centrist?

He probably has the most unfortunate name in politics. I think it would keep him from winning.
He's to smart, he'd be embarrassed and wouldn't get as many votes as Jesse. Hillary is the nominee.
What Obama does have in his favor is that he would be new blood. If you look at the polling reports, except for Gulliani and Warner.. all the major candidates poll with higher negatives than positives. Which simply means people are tired of them and want a new direction. The problem with Gullianni is once he begins a campaign you dont know what skeletons will be uncovered .. (he had a strange marriege)...and he is very liberal for a Republican..he might not get through the primary. On the Dem side.. Warner has had a problem getting his name out on a National Level..., so for the Dems that leaves Obama as the anti Hillary..and who is becoming a media magnet ..... Free Pub goes a long ways... and they have been portraying him as a black Bobby Kennedy .... so look out.
Given his name.. it would be a strange twist if he did wind up as the President of the USA. lol
I hope he runs, He seems a bit young for the job but I am willing to consider him.

It sure would do a lot to silence black America about racism.
He's older than Kennedy or Clinton were when they first ran. That's not my main problem with him though. I just don't feel like he is anything more than another euphemisim spouting semi-conservative "pragmatic" Democrat*.

* This indicates that I consider his domestic policies slightly to the right of those of Richard Nixon.
Its not his actuall age, its his youthfull appearance that I think would turn off some voters.

I dont know enough about his politics to know if I would vote for him yet. Depending on how bad the Republican canidate is, I will likely vote third party next presidental election. If the Republican is another social conservative however, I will vote Democratic to try and save AMERICA.
Id vote Democrat as the best way to try and prevent another social conservative from taking office.