Barf Time


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Do not read this essay if you are an American with a weak stomach:

There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote
July 28, 2021
By Atossa Araxia Abrahamian


Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

is too young to remember that the doublespeak garbage she preaches from the NY Times pulpit was kicked around —— and rejected —— before she was born.

Parenthetically, Sixty-five or so years ago U.N.-loving traitors tried to sell the idea that everyone in the world should vote in our presidential elections. (I do not recall anyone saying that Americans should vote in foreign elections.) That was probably the first idiotic U.N. public relations campaign to erase national borders.

Inevitably, everybody in the world could run for President of the United States regardless of the Eligibility Clause in the U.S. Constitution. In short: No need to abolish the Electoral College. No American would ever become president because a foreigner would always win the popular vote.

Also, illegal campaign contributions from wealthy foreigners achieved the very thing the U.N. called for decades ago. Each wealthy donor actually gets a lot more than one vote in our elections when you count the influence they get for their money.

It is no surprise that the United Nations crowd fight like hell to give foreigners huge numbers in order to dilute votes cast by American. The Administration asking the question has Democrats sweating bullets over this one:

Bottom line: Karl Marx (1818 - 1883) said:

Third World Communists began saying:

Workers of the world —— vote in America’s elections.

on the day they demanded Make The World Safe For Democracy.
If that essay made you ought really to ask Mommy for a big hug. Then you will feel better. No adult should be that shaken from what was written there. Easy enough to just disagree...even strongly with the notion.

But barf?

Gimme a fucking break, Child.