Baron Von Esslingen

Baron Von Esslingen

Liberal Agitator
I'm a veteran of forums all over the interwebs everywhere from to American Forum to Patriot Debate. I'm more Liberal than you can possibly imagine. What's up?
A lighthearted question boys, sorry to get you guys all logical. Some days it is like a scene from Big Bang Theory
the name rings a bell. most of us on here trace our lineage back to circa 2003-2005

I believe that was the second incarnation. I remember it before that. The owner sold it and the new owner closed it without warning and I had all my email accounts lodged there which were lost forever as a result. When the original owner reclaimed it he contacted me but I did not want to invest myself in the place. I joined the forum but did not do much there. I was active at American Forum and Whistlestopper around that time you mention.
I was fortunate enough to log back into the site in April of 2005, right before P.Com shut down, and see an invite to a new site called FullPolitics. FP lasted from 2005-2008, and JPP was created as FP was imploding during the summer of 2006.

Howey, where's that satiricly funny gun-marriage pic you posted? I actually liked that one enough to share it.