Barr vs. Baldwin


God Bless America
I am having a difficult time choosing between these two candidates.

Baldwin is more principled, and more closely represents what I believe, as compared to Bob Barr. On the other hand, Barr will reach a wider audience.

I might hold my nose and vote for McCain. I don't know.

Ultimately, I'm thinking my decision will be postponed to the voting booth.
Baldwin's a douche, Barr's a douche, and McCain's a douche.

None of them are going to be able to ruin America further whether or not you vote for them, so I don't really care.
I think you should say heads Barr tails Baldwin and leave it at that. By the by, my right wing evangelical always voted Republican senior partner is voting Barr. I am going to encourage as many right wingers as I can to do the same