Barrage of hate from far-right Trumpists to Sikh prayer at Republican convention Toxic response to prayer from pro-Trump Harmeet Dhillon, leading fig


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

A toxic, racist, far-right response to Harmeet Dhillon’s Monday-night Sikh prayer at the Republican national convention is just one sign of the difficulties Donald Trump and Republicans have in selling a more diverse version of Trumpism to the party’s base.

Social media posts following Dhillon’s prayer indicated that some far-right Trumpists had been polarized by the sight of a non-Christian form of religious devotion on the convention stage in Milwaukee.

The barrage of hate she received from a segment of fellow Trump supporters may have been especially galling to Dhillon, whose earliest public prominence was as a civil rights lawyer defending turban-wearing Sikh men from post-9/11 racial profiling.

At the same time, Dhillon’s benediction showed how far the California lawyer and Republican national committeewoman has ascended in the Trump movement, where she is now a serious player.

Let's see...

On the far Right: OMG! The RNC held a prayer, and it wasn't Christian!

On the far Left: OMG! The DNC held a prayer!

Can you tell which group are the religious bigots?
Let's see...

On the far Right: OMG! The RNC held a prayer, and it wasn't Christian!

On the far Left: OMG! The DNC held a prayer!

Can you tell which group are the religious bigots?
The ones that insist that only type of prayer that should happen is Christian. So bigoted magats.